.bk A15 .fl ZH615jW.j .fd input data for unused loci .rd ZH615 .ri jW .ed ZH615 .ei jw k 21 nv Far northeast square surveyed at the beginning of excavations. Not used and ultimiately incorporated into escavation unit A17. k 22 nv Square immidiately to the south of k21 surveyed at the beginning of excavations. Not used and ultimiately incorporated into escavation unit A17. k 23 nv Square immidiately to the south of k22 surveyed at the beginning of excavations. Not used and ultimiately incorporated into escavation unit A17. k 24 nv Square immidiately to the south of k23 surveyed at the beginning of excavations. Not used and ultimiately incorporated into escavation unit A17. k 25 nv Far southeast square surveyed at the beginning of excavations. Not used and ultimiately incorporated into escavation unit A17. k 95 nv Far southwest square surveyed at the beginning of excavations. Not used because it had been excavated in prior seasons.