.bk A15 .fl ZI629mKB.j .fd description of seal impressions .ed ZI629 .ei mKB .rd ZI629 .ri mKB i 28 ;best drawing by Sveta Gennai ;part of unclear figure, seated figure facing left in calf length garment seated on stool with a patterned top, standing figure facing right wearing short skirt which is longer in the back? Right arm of this figure is down and may be holding the leg of an animal as in the animal combat scenes. is part of unclear figure, seated figure facing left in calf length garment seated on stool with three horizontal layers at the top. Standing figure facing right wearing a garment which appears to be longer in the back, the right arm is low and bent as shown in human figures in animal contest scenes. i 36 ;before a table? seated figure facing left? Tall table-like figure divided into three vertical parts, not clear if there are objects on the top, standing figure in short garment but not clear which way the figure is facing; second rolling unclear is two rollings: lower rolling seated figure in long garment facing right the right arm is raised and has the elbow bent, the stool has two rectangular patterns at the top. Table with a semi-rectangular base, on the top are two parallel long lines possibly bread. Seated figure on the same type stool facing left. Tall rectangular shape divided into three sections and oval shaped above and near the base. Standing figure in calf length garment holding a vase in the right hand, left arm raised. The seated figure repeated but this time the table has a duck shape above the two long lines. Upper rolling: unclear pattern, seated figure facing left, unclear tall rectangular object, standing figure holding vase with left arm raised, unclear figures. nt this is the same seal as A15c1.1 ;i 254 ;A15 UGR has no is or ds description i 259 is three figures none of them very clear, small animal perhaps a scorpion, larger animal with possibly long horns, small portion of another figure ds cord impressions on reverse i 261 is unclear figure but possibly a horned animal, large bent oval figure with pattern of parallel lines on most of the length, below this figure is an oval shape with geometric or possibly floral patterns. Unclear large floral type pattern, smaller figure which may be a duck with reversed head. sc iconography shows many small and large crowded figures i 270 is palm tree with a large necked jar placed on top and with the head of the horned bull at the base. Seated woman in long pleated dress facing right, the stool has two rectangular designs at the top; she is stirring, with a long wide implement, something in a rectangular vessel. In front of her face is a crescent moon and next to that over the vessel is a sun. Standing bearded priest facing right. He wares a short belted skirt decorated with a fringe down the front; his head covering is an almost flat hat that appears to be attached under his chin. In his right hand he holds a butchering knift and in his left the tail of the bull. Reversed headless bull held up by a priest wearing the same short fringed skirt and head covering as the first priest. wm probably steatite sc ritual bull slaughter Q3 see video clip https://urkesh.org/mz/a/MZS/TEXTS/c2/video.htm#video and scroll down to VC9, 10 and 11 Q4 see Laerke Recht, "Identifying sacrifice in Bronze Age Near Eastern iconography" in Defining the Sacred, Oxbow Books 2015 pp. 24-37. i 307 ;no is df door sealing ;i 314 ;A15 UGR - has no is or ds description i 315 df door sealing sc animal combat ;A15 UGR - has no is or ds description i 318 ;A15 UGR - has no is or ds description i 320 nt renumbered sealing as A15.320.1 and A15.320.2 ; has some notes by Sophie B.: "show a seated figure facing right holding a cup, the face is well preserved, resemble Uqnitum" I doubt that it is an Uqnitum sealing i 320.1 df piece of jar stopper nt probably the same seal rolled as A15.320.2 is two rollings: top rolling small figure with one hrm raised? seated woman facing right holding a conical cup. raised arm holding five oval stacked objects which may be bread. Lower rolling figure facing right with raised arm, large necked vessel i 320.2 df piece of jar stopper nt probasbly same seal rolled as A15.320.1 is skirt of standing figure facing right, figure facing right with raised arm holding unclear object, large necked jar i 322 ;A15 UGR - has no is or ds description i 323 J2 3.1 J3 3.0 J7 0.9 ;ds flat base with slightly raised lower edge, two cord impressions, smooth slightly rounded surface, leather strap impression parallel to the lower impression but then going off diagonally to the top of the seal impression. The upper part on the right is smooth but not even is inscription identifing that the seal belongs to the nurse of the queen, Zamena, attendant facing right braiding the hair of a seated figure, Uqnitum) facing right holding her small child on her lap, the child is also facing right. The attendant holds a comb or an implement for separating the strands of hair for the braid. wm secondarily fired on most of the sealed surface but not on the reverse. Compact red clay co light reddish brown c# 2.5YR 6/4 i 324 is unclear ; has no drawing or photos i 325 sc banquet scene nt same scene as A15.326 ;A15 UGR - has no is or ds description i 326 sc banquet scene nt same scene as A15.325 ;A15 UGR - has no is or ds description i 326.1 ;A15 UGR - has no is or ds description i 326.2 sc unclear i 327 df door sealing is rampant animal, rest unclear i 328 ;A15 UGR - has no is or ds description i 331 nt joined with A15q1275.1 ;A15 UGR - has no is or ds description i 334 ;A15 UGR - has no is or ds description i 338 ;A15 UGR - has no is or ds description i 339 sc figure sitting on stool facing left ; no other info q 651.1 ;is and ds by mKB q 776.1 ; very little info q 874.1 sc animal combat is two rollings: upper rolling rampant animal facing left, unclear object, rampant caprid? rampant bull? lower rolling very faint rampant animals q 1161.3 nt seal impression on ceramic sherd is two unclear rampant animals facing left but heads facing frontally? unclear object, rampant horned animal with body facing right but head facing left, head and shoulders of human facing left, unclear object q 1200.2 is two rollings, upper rolling feet and lower part of garment of two figures facing right, lower rolling possible inscription, seated figure facing right holding a conical cup, standing figure facinf left with one arm folded at the waist and the other raised in a bent position nt this iconography is similar to seals associated with queen Uqnitum and if so this would be a new type of scene associated with her q 1200.3 is unclear scene but appears to be a group of figures facing right two are rampant and one appears to be walking to the right q 1275.1 nt part of seal impression A15.331 q 1328.6 ;no info q 1330.1 ds reverse has a deep cord impression, obverse many cloth impressions nt appears to be two rollings and many traces of cloth impressions near the rollings i c1 nt A15.36 is also from the same seal