.bk A15 .fl ZI822rL .fl A15 ceramic review and list of changes .fd Log of qp files removed or changed during A15 ceramic review ZG-ZH .fn For removed shape sherd sequences, see separate error files .ri rL .rd ZHy13 .ed ZI822 .ei rL .rd ZH914 q 5 nl The shape sherds for q5 were originally labelled as belonging to f1; these have been corrected to f2, assuming an error in previous recording. .rd ZH914 q 6 nl The shape and body sherds sherds for q6 were originally labelled as belonging to f6; these have been corrected to f3, assuming an error in previous recording. .rd ZH918 q 13 nl Shape sherd sequence removed due to mismatch between q and f; these likely belong to q13 f5 or q130 f2 .rd ZH921 q 14 nl A duplicate sequence of body sherds of q14 were marked f66 and therefore removed; it is possible that they belong in q142 f66. .rd ZH918 q 19 nl Shape and body sherd sequences removed due to mismatch between q and f; not able to solve .rd ZH918 q 22 nl Shape sherd sequence removed due to mismatch between q and f; not able to solve .rd ZH921 q 36 nl A duplicate set of body sherds marked q36 f12 have been moved to q369 f12. .rd ZH318 q 57 nl The q57 pottery was labelled f28 in the original excel sheets. As f28 does not have any listed q-lots, this is almost certainly a typo/misreading of the correct f23, and the f has been changed accordingly. .rd ZH921 q 68 nl The shape sherds for this locus were marked with a range of feature numbers in a sequence (from 32-47); assuming a mistake, these have been corrected to f33. .rd ZH918 q 74 nl The shape sherds for this q-lot were originally marked f341 in the cumulative; assuming a typo/reading error, these have been corrected to f34 .rd ZH918 q 85 nl The shape sherds for this q-lot were originally marked f49 in the cumulative; assuming a typo/reading error, these have been corrected to f46 .rd ZH921 q 110 nl There was a duplicate set of body sherds for q110, analysed on two subsequent days by cC and rE. Given a certain overlap, they are probably the same sherds analysed twice, although it is possible they were two different batches given the same p numbers. To be safe, the smallest set has been removed. .rd ZH918 q 112 nl The shape sherds for q112 were originally marked f55 in the cumulative; assuming a typo/reading error, these have been corrected to f35. Note, however, that is is possible that these sherds belong to q122 f55, for which no other shape sherds are recorded. .rd ZH918 q 122 nl The shape sherds for q112 were originally marked f55 in the cumulative; assuming a typo/reading error, these have been corrected to f35. Note, however, that is is possible that these sherds belong to q122 f55, for which no other shape sherds are recorded. .rd ZH921 q 125 nl The shape sherds for q125 were originally marked f64 in the cumulative; assuming a typo/reading error, these have been corrected to f61. .rd ZH918 q 129 nl The shape sherds for q129 were marked f66 in the original cumulative (q129 sits in f54); as this error could not be resolved, the sherds were removed. .rd ZH918 q 130 nl The shape sherds for q1301 were originally in the cumulative file as q130, but with incorrect f and thus believed instead to be q1301 and correspondingly moved nl The shape sherds for q130 could be those labelled q13, but can't be confirmed, so all removed. .rd ZH921 q 142 nl A duplicate sequence of body sherds of q14 were marked f66 and therefore removed; it is possible that they belong in q142 f66. .rd ZH922 q 156 nl The body sherds for q156 were originally marked q176 f66 in the cumulative; given the incorrect f, it was assumed that they actually belong in q156 and were changed accordingly. .rd ZH922 q 159 nl The body sherds for q159 were originally marked f159 in the cumulative; assuming a typo/reading error, these have been changed to f16. .rd ZH918 q 170 nl The shape sherds for q170 were originally marked f121 in the cumulative; assuming a typo/reading error, these have been corrected to f21 .rd ZH922 q 172 nl The body sherds for q172 were originally marked f121 in the cumulative; assuming a typo/reading error, these have been changed to f21. .rd ZH922 q 176 nl The body sherds in q176 were originally marked f66 in the cumulative; assuming an error in the q-lot recording, these have been moved to q156 f66. .rd ZH922 q 191 nl A duplicate sequence of body sherds marked q191 f166 were removed. .rd ZH918 q 214 nl Shape sherds q214-p17 to p21 were originally marked f69 in the cumulative; assuming a typo, these have been corrected to f96 .rd ZH317 q 221 nl Sequence of shape sherds were removed by mkb July-August 2022. They are two sets of non-identical entries for q221 (f41), analysed the same day by hH. Without the original pencil records, it has not been possible to determine where the error happened, so the records have been removed for now. .rd ZH922 q 223 nl The body sherds for q223 were originally marked f64 in the cumulative; assuming an error in the q-lot recording, these have been corrected to f69. .rd ZH918 q 227 nl The shape sherds for q227 were originally marked f70 in the cumulative and have therefore been removed. nl A duplicate sequence of body sherds were marked q227 f70 in the cumulative; these have been removed. .rd ZH918 q 228 nl The shape sherds for q228 were originally marked f41 in the cumulative, and therefore removed. .rd ZH918 q 229 nl The shape sherds for q229 were originally marked f41 in the cumulative, and therefore removed. .rd ZH918 q 230 nl The shape sherds for q230 were originally marked f41 in the cumulative, and therefore removed. .rd ZH922 q 272 nl The body sherds for q272 were originally marked f208 in the cumulative, and were therefore removed. .rd ZH914 q 279 nl The shape sherds for q279 were originally labelled f279, f707 and f207 in the excel sheet; these have been corrected to f107, assuming an error in previous recording. nl The body sherds for q279 were originally labelled f207 in the cumulative; these could be q279 f208 or q579 f207, and have therefore been removed. .rd ZH918 q 283 nl The shape sherds for q283 were originally marked f411 in the cumulative; assuming a typo/reading error, these have been corrected to f100 (also based on an older file that seems to assign them to f100; original of this file not known) .rd H922 q 297 nl A duplicate set of body sherds from q297 were removed; it seems the same sherds were analysed twice (by hQ, on two different days). .rd ZH922 q 301 nl A duplicate set of body sherds for q301 were originally marked f154 in the cumulative; these have been removed. .rd ZH317 q 302 nl Removed sequence due to mismatch in q and f; this is very likely the ceramics from q320 (f129), but cannot be confirmed since they do not match the current drawings from there .rd ZH921 q 310 nl The shape and body sherds for q310 were marked f31 in the cumulative files; assuming a typo/reading error, this has been corrected to f131. .rd ZH921 q 325 nl The shape sherds for q345 were marked f137 and have therefore been removed. It is possible that it is the shape sherds for q325, which are otherwise missing. .rd ZH921 q 334 nl The shape sherds for q334 were marked f334 in the cumulative file; assuming a typo/reading error, this has been corrected to f137. .rd ZH922 q 355 nl The body sherds for q355 were marked f131 in the cumulative; assuming an error in the q-lot recording, these have been moved to q335 f131. .rd ZH921 q 345 nl The shape sherds for q345 were marked f137 and have therefore been removed. It is possible that it is the shape sherds for q325, which are otherwise missing. .rd ZH922 q 355 nl The body sherds for q355 were marked f131 in the cumulative; assuming an error in the q-lot recording, these have been moved to q335 f131. .rd ZH317 q 365 nl Shape sherd sequence removed by mkb July-August 2022. They are two sets of non-identical entries for q365 (f128), analysed the same day by hH. Without the original pencil records, it has not been possible to determine where the error happened, so the records have been removed for now. .rd ZH921 q 369 nl The body sherds for q369 were originally marked q36 f12, but were changed to q369 due to the incorrect f and an already existing sequence for q36. .rd ZH922 q 376 nl A duplicate body sherd sequence for q376 was removed; it seems the sherds were analysed twice by different people. .rd ZH921 q 395 nl The shape sherds for q395 were marked f128 and have therefore been removed. It was not possible to determine whether the q-lot or f was marked incorrectly. .rd ZH921 q 402 nl Shape sherds p11-p15 were marked f156 in the cumulative and have therefore been removed. It is possible that they belong in q482 f156. .rd ZH922 q 406 nl A duplicate body sherd sequence for q376 was removed; it seems the sherds were analysed twice by eN. .rd ZH922 q 415 nl The body sherds of q415 were orginally marked q445 f164 in the cumulative; given the incorrect f, these were moved to q415. .rd ZH922 q 416 nl The body sherds for q416 were marked f148 in the cumulative; assuming a typo/reading error, this has been changed to f140. .rd ZH921 q 418 nl The shape sherds for q418 were originally marked q618 f160 in the cumulative; given the incorrect f and an already existing sequence for q618, it is assumed that these sherds instead belong to q418. .rd ZH318 q 422 nl The set of shape sherds for q492-p7,p8,p9 was originally entered as q422-p7,p8,p9 f166 in the excel sheet. As we already have a set of ceramics for that q-lot with the correct f, and the set for q492 was missing, we assume a typo/misreading and the set was therefore moved to its current place. .rd ZH921 q 424 nl Shape and body sherds for q424 were marked f147 in the cumulatives and have therefore been removed. No other match was found. .rd ZH921 q 437 nl Shape and body sherds for q437 were marked f158 in the cumulatives and have therefore been removed. No other match was found. .rd ZH915 q 441 nl The shape sherds of q441 were removed due to incorrect f and wrong drawings. .rd ZH921 q 443 nl The shape sherds for q443 were originally marked q445 f105 in the cumulative; given the wrong f and an already existing sequence for q445, it was assumed that these instead belong to q443 and were corrected as such. .rd ZH921 q 445 nl A duplicate sequence of shape sherds of q445 marked with the wrong f105 have been moved to q443. nl A duplicate sequence of body sherds of q445 with the wrong f164 have been moved to q415. .rd ZH922 q 449 nl The body sherds of q449 were marked with the wrong f42 in the cumulative; assuming a typo/reading error, these have been moved to q1149 f42. .rd ZH921 q 456 nl Shape sherds q456-p6 to p14 were marked f160 in the cumulative; assuming a typo/reading error, these have been corrected to f166. nl The body sherds for q456 were marked f199 in the cumulative; assuming a typo/reading error, these have been corrected to f166. .rd ZH318 q 458 nl Shape sherds removed due to the wrong f (and correct set for q458 already existing); not possible to determine which q-lots these really are. The set labelled f156 could possibly be q457 since the shape sherds for this are missing. nl A duplicate set of body sherds for q458 marked with the wrong f147 has been removed (no other match found). .rd ZHy07 q 461 nl The shape sherds of this q-lot appear to have been analysed twice on the same day (by cC and hH); the set with the most sherds by cC has been retained, and the set by hH removed. .rd ZH922 q 462 nl A duplicate set of body sherds for q462 marked with the wrong f156 has been removed (no other match found). .rd ZH922 q 464 nl A duplicate set of body sherds for q464 marked with the wrong f147 has been removed (no other match found). .rd ZH921 q 477 nl Shape sherds for q477 were marked f159 in the cumulative and have therefore been removed. No other match was found. .rd ZH324 q 484 nl A set of shape sherds removed due to duplication and wrong f (and f182 does not have any associated q-lots). nl The body sherds for q484 were marked with the wrong f182 and therefore removed (no other match found). .rd ZH318 q 492 nl The set of shape sherds for q492-p7,p8,p9 was originally entered as q422-p7,p8,p9 f166 in the excel sheet. As we already have a set of ceramics for that q-lot with the correct f, and the set for q492 was missing, we assume a typo/misreading and the set was therefore moved to its current place. .rd ZHy07 q 501 nl There are two sets of non-identical entries for the shape sherds of q501 (f173), analysed on two different days by hH. As it's not possible to determine if the same sherds were analysed twice or the same p# accidentally assigned twice, the larger set from R811 has been retained, while the smaller R807 set has been removed. .rd ZH922 q 505 nl The body sherds for q505 were marked with the wrong f160 in the cumulative; assuming a typo/reading error, this has been corrected to f166. .rd ZH922 q 510 nl The body sherds for q510 were marked with the wrong f197 in the cumulative; assuming a typo/reading error, this has been corrected to f179. .rd ZHy07 q 508 nl There are two sets of non-identical entries for q508 (f173), analysed on two different days by hH. As it's not possible to determine if the same sherds were analysed twice or the same p# accidentally assigned twice, the larger set from R808 has been retained, while the smaller R801 set has been removed. .rd ZH921 q 511 nl The shape sherds for q511 were marked f159; assuming a typo/reading error, these have been corrected to f156. .rd ZH921 q 512 nl The shape sherds for q512 were marked f172; assuming an error, these have been corrected to f173. .rd ZH318 q 515 nl The set of shape sherds for q515 was originally entered as q815 f155 in the excel sheet. As we already have a set of ceramics for that q-lot with the correct f, and the set for q515 was missing, we assume a typo/misreading and the set was therefore moved to its current place. .rd ZH922 q 521 nl A duplicate set of body sherds with the wrong f156 was removed (no other match found). .rd ZH922 q 523 nl A duplicate set of body sherds with the wrong f523 was removed (no other match found). .rd ZHx25 q 527 nl Shape sherds q527-p9 to p14 were marked f153 in the cumulative; assuming a typo/reading error, these have been corrected to f193. nl A duplicate set of body sherds with the wrong f7 was removed (no other match found). .rd ZHx25 q 530 nl A duplicate set of body sherds was removed (apparently analysed twice by two different people on two different days). .rd ZHy07 q 545 nl There are two sets of non-identical entries for q545 (f114), analysed on two different days by hH. As it's not possible to determine if the same sherds were analysed twice or the same p# accidentally assigned twice, the larger set from R726 has been retained, while the smaller R725 set has been removed. .rd ZH921 q 548 nl The sherd q548-p2 was removed from the record due to incorrect f415 and no other match found. .rd ZH921 q 574 nl The shape sherds for q574 were marked f204 in the cumulative; assuming a typo/reading error, these have been corrected to f209. .rd ZHx25 q 578 nl The body sherds were marked with the incorrect f211 and therefore removed (it is possible that they are the sherds of q576). .rd ZH922 q 579 nl The shape sherds for q279 were originally labelled f279, f707 and f207 in the excel sheet; these have been corrected to f107, assuming an error in previous recording. nl The body sherds for q279 were originally labelled f207 in the cumulative; these could be q279 f208 or q579 f207, and have therefore been removed. .rd ZH921 q 583 nl The shape sherds for q583 were marked f583 in the cumulative; assuming a typo/reading error, these have been corrected to f141. .rd ZHx25 q 609 nl The body sherds for q609 were originally labelled q1009 f305; assuming a typo/reading error (and given a set already existing for q1009 with the correct f), these were moved to q609. .rd ZH921 q 612 nl The shape sherds for q612 were marked q616 f306 in the cumulative; given the wrong f and an already existing sequence for q618, it is assumed they instead belong to q612. .rd ZH921 q 616 nl The shape sherds for q612 were marked q616 f306 in the cumulative; given the wrong f and an already existing sequence for q618, it is assumed they instead belong to q612. .rd ZH921 q 618 nl A duplicate shape sherd sequence marked q618 f160 have been moved to q418, assuming that they instead belong there. .rd ZH918 q 622 nl The shape sherds for q622 were originally marked f309 in the cumulative; assuming a typo/reading error, these have been corrected to f304 .rd ZH918 q 625 nl The shape sherds for q625 were originally marked f301 in the cumulative; assuming a typo/reading error, these have been corrected to f310 .rd ZHx25 q 644 nl A duplicate body sherd sequence originally labelled q644 f325 has been moved to q664. .rd ZH918 q 649 nl The shape sherds for q649 were originally in the cumulative as q6649 f304; assuming a typo, these have been changed to q649 .rd ZH918 q 654 nl The shape sherds for q654 were originally marked f65 in the cumulative; assuming a typo/reading error, these have been corrected to f56 .rd ZH918 q 655 nl The shape sherds for q655 were originally marked f166 in the cumulative; assuming a typo/reading error, these have been corrected to f304 (also based on an older file that seems to assign them to f100; original of this file not known) .rd ZHx25 q 664 nl The body sherds for this q-lot were originally labelled q644 f325. .rd ZHx25 q 669 nl A duplicate body sherd sequence labelled with the incorrect f (f306) has been removed; they may belong to q612, which has no body sherds. .rd ZHx25 q 691 nl A duplicate body sherd sequence labelled with the incorrect F (f326) has been removed; no other match found. .rd ZH915 q 729 nl For q729, the shape and body sherds are labelled as belonging to f373; this label has been maintained due to its proximity to f372 (where q729 is recorded as belonging). .rd ZHx25 q 732 nl For q732, the sherds are labelled as belonging to f373; this label has been maintained due to its proximity to f372 (where q732 is recorded as belonging). .rd ZHx25 q 734 nl For q734, the sherds are labelled as belonging to f373; this label has been maintained due to its proximity to f372 (where q734 is recorded as belonging). .rd ZHx25 q 746 nl Some body sherds were removed due to possible duplication (unclear due to the use of decimal numbers). .rd ZHx25 q 768 nl Many body sherds from q768 have duplicate entries. It has not been possible to determine whether this is due to double analysis of the same sherds or the use of the same numbers for different sherds. Duplicates (mainly analysed R814) have therefore been removed. .rd ZHx25 q 778 nl Many body sherds from q778 have duplicate entries. As they were almost all analysed on the same day by the same person (R815 lC), it was not possible to consistently retain one sequence, and all duplicate and triple entries have therefore been removed. .rd ZHx25 q 791 nl Some body sherds from q791 have duplicate entries. Where possible, the set analysed by lC on R815 has been retained; where there are duplicates both from this day by lC, both have been removed as not possible to consistently choose one set. .rd ZHx25 q 801 nl Some body sherds from q801 have duplicate entries. As they were all analysed on the same day by the same person (R814 lC), it was not possible to consistently retain one sequence, and all duplicate entries have therefore been removed. .rd ZHx25 q 803 nl Some body sherds from q803 have duplicate entries. As they were all analysed on the same day by the same person (R815 lH), it was not possible to consistently retain one sequence, and all duplicate entries have therefore been removed. .rd ZHx25 q 810 nl Some body sherds from q810 have duplicate entries. As they were all analysed on the same day by the same person (R815 hQ), it was not possible to consistently retain one sequence, and all duplicate entries have therefore been removed. .rd ZH318 q 815 nl The set of shape sherds for q515 was originally entered as q815 f155 in the excel sheet. As we already have a set of ceramics for that q-lot with the correct f, and the set for q515 was missing, we assume a typo/misreading and the set was therefore moved to its current place. .rd ZH322 q 822 nl The shape sherds for q822 (f415) appear to have gotten mixed up with the pottery from q823 (f419). It has not been possible to separate them, and they have therefore all been removed. It is also possible that the sequence labelled q828 f415 is in fact q822 - these sherds have also been removed. .rd ZH322 q 823 nl The shape sherds for q823 (f419) appear to have gotten mixed up with the pottery from q822 (f415). It has not been possible to separate them, and they have therefore all been removed. .rd ZH322 q 828 nl Wrong feature number for shape sherd sequence, and not possible to determine where the error lies (there is already another set of shape sherds for q828 with the correct f). nl Some duplicate body sherd entries; where possible, the sequence R815 lH has been retained; where these also have duplicates, both entries have been removed. .rd ZHy07 q 836 nl There are two sets of non-identical entries for q836 (f397), analysed the same day by hH. As it's not possible to determine if the same sherds were analysed twice or the same p# accidentally assigned twice, the larger set from R828 has been retained, while the smaller R827 set has been removed. .rd ZH318 q 842 nl Some shape sherds removed by mkb July-August 2022. They are two sets of non-identical entries for q842 (f420), analysed the same day by hH. Without the original pencil records, it has not been possible to determine where the error happened, so the records have been removed for now. .rd ZH318 q 895 nl Shape sherds removed due to wrong f (and q895 already has a shape set); this set may belong to q935 f466, which is missing its shape sherds .rd ZH318 q 935 nl Shape sherds of q895 removed due to wrong f (and q895 already has a shape set); this set may belong to q935 f466, which is missing its shape sherds .rd ZHx25 q 1005 nl The body sherd sequence for q1005 was originally labelled q1006, but moved to q1005 due to the incorrect f and an already correct existing sequence for q1006. .rd ZHx25 q 1006 nl There were originally three body sherd sequences for q1006, labelled f166, f172 and f177. The sequence with the correct f172 has been retained. The sequence labelled f177 has been moved to q1005. The sequence labelled f166 has been removed, as no match could be found. .rd ZHx25 q 1009 nl A duplicate set of body sherds for q1009 was incorrectly labelled f305; these have been moved to q609, assuming that they instead belong there. .rd ZH921 q 1019 nl Shape sherds for q1019 were marked f194 in the cumulative; assuming a typo/reading error, these have been corrected to f198. .rd ZH921 q 1020 nl Shape sherds for q1020 p1-p12 were marked f178 in the cumulative; assuming a typo/reading error, these have been corrected to f198. .rd ZH318 q 1141 nl Shape sherd sequence removed by mkb July-August 2022. They are two sets of non-identical entries for q1141 (f501), analysed the same day by hH. Without the original pencil records, it has not been possible to determine where the error happened, so the records have been removed for now. .rd ZH922 q 1149 nl The body sherds of q449 were marked with the wrong f42 in the cumulative; assuming a typo/reading error, these have been moved to q1149 f42. .rd ZHy07 q 1156 nl There are two sets of non-identical entries for q1141 (f501), analysed on two different days by hH and jT. The larger set (hH) has been retained, and the smaller set (jT) removed. .rd ZH318 q 1166 nl The set of shape sherds for q1266 was originally entered as q1166 f506 in the excel sheet. As we already have a set of ceramics for that q-lot with the correct f, and the set for q1266 was missing, we assume a typo/misreading and the set was therefore moved to its current place. .rd ZH318 q 1171 nl The set of shape sherds for q1177 was originally entered as q1171 f519 in the excel sheet (and on at least some of the sherds themselves). As we already have a set of ceramics for that q-lot with the correct f, and the set for q1177 was missing, we assume a typo/misreading and the set was therefore moved to its current place. .rd ZH318 q 1177 nl The set of shape sherds for q1177 was originally entered as q1171 f519 in the excel sheet (and on at least some of the sherds themselves). As we already have a set of ceramics for that q-lot with the correct f, and the set for q1177 was missing, we assume a typo/misreading and the set was therefore moved to its current place. .rd ZH324 q 1244 nl Removed sequence of shape sherds due to duplicate sequence and wrong f; not possible to determine which q-lot this actually belongs to. .rd ZHx25 q 1246 nl A duplicate sequence of body sherds was labelled with the incorrect f560; these have been moved to q1296. .rd ZH318 q 1247 nl The set of shape sherds for q1297 was originally entered as q1247 f560 in the excel sheet. As we already have a set of ceramics for that q-lot with the correct f, and the set for q1297 was missing, we assume a typo/misreading and the set was therefore moved to its current place. .rd ZH318 q 1248 nl The set of shape sherds for q1298 was originally entered as q1248 f214 in the excel sheet. As we already have a set of ceramics for that q-lot with the correct f, and the set for q1298 was missing, we assume a typo/misreading and the set was therefore moved to its current place. .rd ZH318 q 1249 nl Some shape sherds removed by mkb July-August 2022. They are two sets of non-identical entries for q1249 (f545), analysed the same day by hH. Without the original pencil records, it has not been possible to determine where the error happened, so the records have been removed for now. .rd ZH318 q 1251 nl The set of shape sherds for q1261 was originally entered as q1251 f551 in the excel sheet. As we already have a set of ceramics for that q-lot with the correct f, and the set for q1261 was missing, we assume a typo/misreading and the set was therefore moved to its current place. .rd ZH318 q 1261 nl The set of shape sherds for q1261 was originally entered as q1251 f551 in the excel sheet. As we already have a set of ceramics for that q-lot with the correct f, and the set for q1261 was missing, we assume a typo/misreading and the set was therefore moved to its current place. .rd ZH318 q 1266 nl The set of shape sherds for q1266 was originally entered as q1166 f506 in the excel sheet. As we already have a set of ceramics for that q-lot with the correct f, and the set for q1266 was missing, we assume a typo/misreading and the set was therefore moved to its current place. .rd ZH318 q 1277 nl Shape sherd sequence removed by mkb July-August 2022. They are two sets of non-identical entries for q1277 (f208), analysed the same day by hH. Without the original pencil records, it has not been possible to determine where the error happened, so the records have been removed for now. .rd ZH322 q 1294 nl The sequence of shape sherds for q1294 was initially labelled f260. It has been corrected to f560, assuming a typing/reading error since f260 is a nonexistent feature number for this unit. .rd ZHx25 q 1296 nl The body sherds for q1296 were originally labelled q1246 f560; due to the incorrect f and a missing sequence for q1296, they were moved here (assuming a typo/reading error). .rd ZH318 q 1297 nl The set of shape sherds for q1297 was originally entered as q1247 f560 in the excel sheet. As we already have a set of ceramics for that q-lot with the correct f, and the set for q1297 was missing, we assume a typo/misreading and the set was therefore moved to its current place. .rd ZH318 q 1298 nl The set of shape sherds for q1298 was originally entered as q1248 f214 in the excel sheet. As we already have a set of ceramics for that q-lot with the correct f, and the set for q1298 was missing, we assume a typo/misreading and the set was therefore moved to its current place. .rd ZHx26 q 1301 nl The shape sherds for q1301 were originally in the cumulative file as q130, but with incorrect f and thus believed instead to be q1301 and correspondingly moved. nl The set of body sherds for q1301 was originally entered as q1310 f507 in the excel sheet. As we already have a set of ceramics for that q-lot with the correct f, and the set for q1301 was missing, we assume a typo/misreading and the set was therefore moved to its current place. .rd ZHx26 q 1310 nl A duplicate set of body sherds for q1310 with the incorrect f507 has been moved to q1301. .rd ZH318 q 1321 nl Some shape sherds removed due to wrong f (and q1321 already has a shape set); f571 is not listed as containing any q-lots