.bk A15 .fl ZI915jW.j .fd Strata log for MZ14N, MZ14S, MZ16 .fn Final compilation replacing ZI3i3jW.j .ei jW .ed ZI915 .rd ZI915 .ri jW a 56 nr The primary goal of the formal palace building remodel in the time of Queen Tar'am Agade was to construct a shrine and supporting infrastructure for it. This included a food storage room, a39, and several other rooms. These were interconnected by a pathway, f201. The way that this remodel was accomplished was to remove walls f550 and f563 down to the stone foundations and fill the voids on the north, south, and east sides with debris to level the area. The platform was built atop these accumulations. On the south side, the accumulations consisted of soil, stones, sherds, and some small items (including seal impressions) that were compacted and used for intermediate walkways. Two accumulation features in particular were misnamed as pavements due to the surface compaction. These were f490 and f551 However they were excavated as accumulations containing numerous q-lots each. They will be redefined and redescribed. There are two notable thin pavements in the stratigraphic column. Pavement f201 covered accumulation f490, which covered pavement f545, which covered accumulation f551. f 201 tc co f490 f 490 df a ha Because of the compacted nature of this accumulation it was originally defined as a pavement. Information as to the thickness of the accumulation is not available, but several items and 6 q-lots were removed from this feature. nd Component of the foundation of courtyard a56 tc co f545 f 545 A99 this feature was properly defined and yielded a single q-lot. tc co f551 f 551 df a ha Because of the compacted nature of this accumulation it was originally defined as a pavement. Information as to the thickness of the accumulation is not available, but several items and 5 q-lots were removed from this feature. nd Component of the foundation of courtyard a56