.bk A20 .fl S802lC.j .fd view log .ed S802 .ei lC .rd S724 .ri sE v 31 N gk3 gf42 The view shows the tannur f42 collapsed inside, before to be excavated. .rd S728 .ri eE 32 N gk12 gf24,52 The view shows the brick melt f51 in k12 and its sharp edge. The view also shows the ashy layer f24 in the western half of the locus abutting the brick melt f51. 32a N gk12 gf51 View showing the brick melt f51 in northern section of k 12 with the possible presence of mud bricks. 33 S gk3,13 gf30,31,35,36,42,43,50 The view shows the pebble pavement f43 associated with the tannur f42 in k3 and its continuation in k13 as f50. 34 E gk3 gf42 The view shows the tannur f42 collapsed inside, after to be excavated. The tannur is going deep about 10 cms. 35 E gk3 gf68,36 The view shows the brick pile f68 with some mud bricks lying vertical in the southern half of k3. 36 S gk15 gf38,40,46,55,57 The view shows the two mud brick walls forming a corner and probably a room in the eastern part of k15.Inside the room there is the possible floor f55 and outside the stone pavement f57 is in part visible. The shot also shows in the western half of the locus the mud brick structure f40 still to be excavated. 37 S gk14 gf34,48,56,58 The view shows the stone installation f34 that overlays the pavement type c f48. The shot also shows the mud brick pile f56 in the south-eastern corner of the locus and the very compact layer f58 in the western half of the locus. 37a S gk14 gf34,48,56 The view shows the possible brick pile f56 in the south-eastern corner of k14 and still to be uncovered completely, and the stone installation f34 that overlays the pebble and sherd pavement f48.