.bk A20 .fl S819se.j .fd daily .ed S819 .ei sE .rd S810 .ri yM f 91 ds Accumulation above the pavement f 93. The surface of this feature is hard on the top but it becomes softer as it goes down; the thickness is about 10 cm. It has some inclusions of small stones, sherds, kiln waste and pieces of bricks; the feature contained also some ashy spots. The western part of the pavement is still unexcavated due to the presence of dark spots of ash and possibly scattered inclusions of phytoliths, the last part of accumulation must be photographed before the removal. .rd S818 .ri yM f 91 dy Today the western part of f 91 was removed. The accumulation contained ashy spots, some roots, no pottery and very small fragments of charcoal. The accumulation in this part was softer and easier to remove. .rd S810 .ri yM f 93 ds Cobble stone pavement under f 91.The stones are medium in size, except for the ones in the western part which are larger. The stones of the pavement abut only the eastern part of the northern wall f106 and than it continues to be a soft layer that contains fired spots. The stones do not seem to abut the southern wall f 97. In the middle the stones are much smaller in size than the rest of the pavement. .rd S814 .ri yM f 81 ds A patch of small rounded pebbles sitting on an orange compact soil. In the eastern part the soil is softer and gray in color; in the western part it is slightly harder. The difference between the orange color and the gray is clear and well defined. The feature contains some sherds, a lot of them are rounded and worn; the rounded sherds and pebbles possibly indicate the presence of water. In the southern area a lot of animal bones were found, possibly from the same animal because they were all found in the same place.