.bk A20 .fl S901lC2.j .fd View log .ed S901 .ei lC v .rd S820 .ri sE 104 N gk101 gf84,120,126,127 View showing the wall f84 with a stone basement or substructure, still to finish to be uncovered. The view also shows the accumulation f120 abutting the wall f84 and the mud brick wall f126, underneath the a2. .rd S821 105 OH W gk15,101 gf40,56,125,126,127,131,132,150 ga2 View showing the a2 after the removing of part of the second row of vertical bricks, uncovering a small portion of the stones of the pavement f132. Next to the stones is visible the clay layer f150 and part of the wall f127. The shot also shows a small portion of the mud brick walls f126 and f125. 106 N gk14,101 gf40,56,125,126,127,131,132,150 ga2 View showing the stones of the pavement f132 uncovered in a small portion under the vertical bricks belonging to a2. The view shows clearly the relationship between the stones f132, the clay layer f150 and the wall f127. To the left is visible one stone on top of the wall f125. 106a OH gk14,101 gf40,56,120,125,126,127,131,132,150 ga2 View showing the a2 after the removal of some vertical bricks. The view also shows the stone pavement f132 surrounded toward south by the clay later f150 that links the stones with the wall f127. To the south is visible a small portion of the mud brick wall f126 and the accumulation f120 abutting it. 106b OH gk14 gf40,56,127,132,150 ga2 Close up of the a2 after the removal of some vertical bricks. The view shows the stones of the pavement f132, the clay layer f150 going underneath, that links the stones with the shallow mud brick wall f127, running east to west. .rd S823 .ri lC 107 OH N gk14,15,101 gf38,40,46,56,57,63,84,85,86,106,108,109,110,115,116,119,120,125,126,127,132,133,134,135,137,138,139,142 ga1,2,5 View showing the structure of k14,15 and k101. In the background it is visible the a1, constituted of the pavement f57 and two mud brick walls f38 and f46, and its relationship with the structures toward west, i.e. the mud brick wall f86 running south to north, the big mud brick wall f63 and the a2. The view shows the position of the a2, south of the big wall f63, between the two rooms a1 and a4, and on top of the stone pavement f132. Toward south, in k101 there are the two mud brick walls f125 and f126 forming a corner, with the accumulation f120 abutting them. Below, the second level of the Mitanni floor is shown by the big pavement f108. To the right there is the a5, a room formed by the walls f116, f133 and probable f115, with the floors f135, f134 and the floor f142, much higher in level and probably belonging to a reuse of the room a5. 108 NE gk15,101 gf38,46,57,84,85,108,109,110,111,115,116,119,120,126,133,137,138,142 ga1,5 View showing The big stone pavement f108, linked to the east with the mud brick wall f109. The view also shows the accumulation f120 on top of the northern part of the pavement f108, abutting the walls f126, f84 and f85. To the east the a5, a room formed by the well preserved walls f116 and 133. The view shows only the floor f142, belonging probably to a reuse of the structure, on top of which some brick installations, constituted of vertical and oblique bricks, are visible toward south together with the accumulation f119. To the left the view also shows the a1, a room with the stone pavement f57, closed by the mud brick walls f38, f46 and f84. 109 OH E gk101 gf108,109,110,111,115,119,120,126,137,139,142 View showing the big stone pavement f108 in k101. To the east the mud brick wall f109, next to the wall with vertical bricks f115, surrounds the pavement. To the north Is visible the accumulation f120 on top of the pavement and abutting the mud brick wall f126 running east to west, probably the north wall linked with the pavement. To the east are only in part visible the accumulation f119 and the brick installation f137 on top of the floor f142. 110 E gk14,15,101 gf 38,40,46,56,57,63,84,85,86,108,109,110,115,116,120,126,127,132,133,134,135,142,150,152 ga1,2,5 View showing the a2 between k14 and k15 and its relationship with all the structures to the south and east of it. The view shows the a2 after the removal of some rows of vertical bricks, uncovering a narrow part of the pavement f132. The shot also shows the difference of level between the a2 and the pavement f132, and the stone pavement f108, on top of which is visible the accumulation f120 abutting the wall f126, underneath the level of a2. To the east are visible the a1, constituted of the stone pavement f57, and the mud brick walls f38, f46 and 84; and part of the a5, a room at a lower level, closed by two high walls f116 and f133, with the floors f134, f135 and the floor f142 higher in level, probably belonging to a reuse of the structure. 110a OH E gk14,101 gf40,56,108,110,120,125,126,127,132,150 ga2 Sub view showing the difference of level between the stone pavement f132, just in part uncovered below the vertical bricks of a2, and the big stone pavement f108 in k101. Between the two pavements there is the accumulation f120, on top of the pavement f108, abutting the mud brick wall f126 running east to west, probably the north wall of the pavement f108. The wall f126 seems to make a corner with the wall f125, running north-east to south-west, that could be the western wall linked to the pavement f108. 111 OH N gk101 gf85,108,109,110,115,116,119,120,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,142,148 ga5 View showing the room a5. The room is constituted of the two mud brick walls f116 and 133 preserved in a good height, and the floor type b f135 and the pebble and sherd pavement f134. Inside the room we can see the stone installation f136, perhaps part of the pavement and the stone installation f148, constituted of big stones, just n part uncovered below the floor f142. The floor f142 is a plastered floor probably pertinent to a reuse of the structure. On top of it, in the southern part of k101, there is the accumulation f119 with the brick installation f137 and f138. To the west are only in part visible the stone pavement f108 and the mud brick walls f109 and f115. 112 W gk15,101 gf40,56,84,85,108,115,116,119,120,125,127,133,136,137,138 ga2,5 View showing the a5 from the south east that allows to appreciate the height of the walls f116 and f133 and the different level between the pavement of a5, the stone pavement f108 and the pavements in k14 and k15. The view also shows the accumulations f119 inside the room a5 and f120 on top of the pavement f108. In the background is visible the a2. 113 NW gk15,101 gf46,57,84,85,108,110,115,116,119,120,133,134,136,137,138,148 ga1,5 View showing the a5, room constituted of the two big mud brick walls f116 and f133 and the pebble and sherd pavement f134. Inside the room are also visible the stone installations f136 and f148. Toward west we can see the accumulation f119 inside the western portion of the room on top of which there are the brick installation f137 with vertical bricks and f138 with oblique bricks. In the background is visible the stone pavement f108 and the walls f84 and f85 related to other structures to the north. 114 W gk101 gf108,109,110,111,115,125,137,139 View showing the west section of k101 after its cleaning. In the foreground are visible the stone pavement f108, the mud brick walls f115 and f109. .rd S825 115 OH N gk101 gf108,109,110,115,119,137,138,142 View showing the accumulation f119 in the south western portion of a5. This accumulation was abutting the wall f115 and covering the floor f142, just in part uncovered to the north. On top of the accumulation f119, there are the bricks installations like f137, constituted of big vertical mud bricks and f138 constituted of smaller oblique mud bricks. The view also shows the relationship between the mud brick wall f115 and the mud brick wall f109 closing the pavement toward east. 116 E gk101 gf115,119,137,138 The view shows the accumulation f119 with some broken bricks and small animal bones. On top of it are visible the brick installation f137 constituted of big vertical bricks and the stone installation f138 constituted of smaller vertical bricks slightly oblique. In the foreground there is the vertical mud brick wall f115 running north east to south west. 116a E gk101 gf119,138 Close up showing the accumulation f119 with some vertical broken bricks and the skull and other bones of a small animal. 117 E gk101 gf115,119,137,138 View showing the relationship between the wall with vertical bricks f115, the accumulation f119 and the brick installation f137. The brick installation f137 is constituted of just one corse of vertical bricks, in part on top of the accumulation f119, in part above other small vertical bricks belonging to the f138. 118 OH E gk101 gf115,119,142 ga5 View showing the floor type a uncovered just partially below the accumulation f119 still present toward south. In the foreground is visible the wall f115 built of big vertical bricks slightly inclined toward north. 119 W gk101 gf115,119,142,147 View showing the plastered floor f142 and its relationship with the other features. Toward south the floor is still covered by the accumulation f119, instead it is not clear if toward west the vertical bricks of the wall f115 are on top of the pavement or if there is an accumulation in between. Underneath the floor f142 there is an accumulation f147. 119a OH W gk101 gf142 Over head of the floor f142 showing its plastered or lined surface with some burnt traces and white patches, probably due to organic material. .ri yM 120 W gk2 gf8,10,14,16,22 View showing the west section of k2 with the string. The section shows the topsoil, the accumulations f10, f14 and f16, and the thick layer of ash f22. The f22 is constituted of a series of numerous layers of ash, different in color and sometime also in texture. 120a W gk2 gf8,10,14,16,22 View showing the west section of k2 without the string. The section shows the topsoil, the accumulations f10, f14 and f16, and the thick layer of ash f22. The f22 is constituted of a series of numerous layers of ash, different in color and sometime also in texture. 121 W gk12 gf3,5,18,24 View showing the west section of k12 with the string. The section shows the topsoil f3, the accumulation f5, a thin layer of brickmelt, like a sort of crust on top of the thick layer of ash f24. The section shows also that the feature f24 is a multi layer of different kinds of ash. 121a W gk12 gf3,5,18,24 View showing the west section of k12 without the string. The section shows the topsoil f3, the accumulation f5, a thin layer of brickmelt, like a sort of crust on top of the thick layer of ash f24. The section shows also that the feature f24 is a multi layer of different kinds of ash.