.bk A20 .fl S909lC2.j .fd View log .ed S909 .ei lC .rd S828 .ri lC v 135 W gk101,15,14 gf108 ga1,4,5,6 View showing part of the old excavation of A19 with the new excavation of MZ21, including just a small part of the old A19, but mostly new in A20. The view shows the difference in level between the Khabur level in the deepest part of A19 and the Mitanni levels. The view also shows the different levels of Mitanni occupation in this western part of the tell with the lowest level re-excavated this year shown by room a5 with floor f134 and f135. We then have the level of the pavement f108 and in the upper part the level of a1, a6 and a4 with its stone pavements, just before the last two levels of scattered occupation. 136 NW gk14,15,101 gf46,57,84,85,108,110,115,116,125,126,133,133,135,136,138,142,148,151 ga1,4,5,6 View showing the different levels of the Mitanni pavement. In the foreground we can see the a5 constituted of the mud brick walls f116, f133 and f115, and of the floors f134,135. The floor f142, still preserved in the south-eastern corner of a5, could be linked with a reuse of the structure after the floor was raised. To the west of a5 there is the big stone pavement f108. We are not yet sure if this pavement is contemporary to the upper level of pavements shown by the pavements of a1, a6 and a4, toward north. It is possible that the pavements of these three different levels are contemporary, or belonging to the same stratum, but only further excavation will clarify this still open question. 137 N gk14,15,101 gf38,46,57,63,84,85,92,106,108,109,110,115,116,125,126,127,132,133,135,142,145,148,150,151,152 ga1,5,6 View showing the different levels of Mitanni occupation. The lowest level is shown by the a5 with the two high preserved mud brick walls f116 and f133 and with the floor f134 and the later floor f142, probably related to a reuse of the structure. To the west we have the big stone pavement f108, probably related to the walls f125, f85 and f126, that represent the second level. In the northern area of A20, in k14 and k15 are visible the pavements f57 and f132 related to the a1 and a6. These two aggregates are constituted of small rooms with beautiful stone pavements. It seems that these three different levels belong to the same stratum that means they are contemporary. Anyway there are still some open questions that only further excavations will clarify. 138 OH N gk101 gf85,108,109,110,115,116,133,134,135,136,138,142 ga5 View showing a5 after the removing of the accumulation f147 below the floor f142 in the north-eastern corner. Now are well visible the stone installation f148 and some mud bricks forming probably a wall f151 running east to west. Next to the stone installation f148 there are two floors, f134 and 135. Probably the original floors connected with the big walls f133 and f116. To the west we can see a small part of the floor f142 with the brick installation f138 and the wall f115, probably linked with the a5 itself. More to the west appears a small portion of the stone pavement f108. 138a N gk15,101 gf38,46,57,63,86,152,132,150,84,85,108,110,116,151,148,115,135 ga1,5,6 Sub view showing the relationship and the different elevation between the a5 floor f135 with the high wall f116 and the stone pavement f57 of a1. We assume that this pavement f57 is earlier than the two mud brick walls f38 and f46 on top of it, for some structural differences. This pavement is also too well built for the small walls associated to it and probably it has been reused in a later period. To the west are in part visible the stone pavement f108 and the stone pavement f132 at a higher level. 139 E gk14,15,101 gf38,46,57,84,85,86,108,109,110,115,116,125,126,127,133,134,135,136,138,152 ga1,5,6 View showing the different elevations of Mitanni structures. The view shows the a1, constituted of the stone pavement f57 and the walls f38 and f46, and separated with a narrow sidewalk by the a6 toward west. The a6 is constituted of the walls f152 and f127 associated with the pavement f132 and the clay layer f150. To the south we have the big stone pavement f 108 at a lower level and in the background is visible the a5 with its high walls and the floors f135 and f134. 139a NE gk14,15,101 gf38,46,57,84,85,86,63,152,150,132,125,126,127,145,108,139,110,109,115,116,138,142,133,135 ga1,5,6 View showing the different levels of the Mitanni structures looking north. In the foreground we can see the big stone pavement f108, probably associated with the mud brick walls f109, f125 and f126. There is a little more than a meter between the level of the pavement f108 and the pavement f132 , but also f57. Assuming that these pavements are contemporary, the walls f84 and the wall f126 should have had the function of divide these different levels, but this question has still to be demonstrated. Toward east is also visible the a5, formed by the mud brick walls f116, f113 and probably f115. 140 E gk13,14,15 gf38,41,46,63,77,83,84,86,92,93,96,97,106,127,132,141,152 ga1,4,6 View showing the big mud brick wall f63 and f41 running east to west next to the northern section of A20. South to this wall are visible the small rooms a4 and a6. Only the mud brick walls f38 and f46 of a1 are visible in the background. Toward west we have then the a6 with the stone pavement f132, separated from the a4 by the narrow wall f92. It is also possible that the two pavements f132 and f92 are linked together, even if it seems that they are built in a different technique. In the foreground is visible the eastern portion of the drain f83, belonging to the a3 and the wall f105 probable continuation of the wall f106 toward west. Moreover we can see a small portion of the stone installation f141 south to the wall f105. 141 NW gk2,3,12,13 gf22,98,52,24,68,36,100,112,42,31,128,129,41 ga3 View showing the installations and the structures in the western loci of A20. These four loci are the closest to A18 and show a similar use of this open space. To the west is visible the big ashy layer f22 and f24, in part removed, that was abutting the brick mass f98 in k2 and f52 in k12. In k3 we can see the brick pile f68, next to the ashy layer f36 just in part removed, but in part still present in a sort of channel in the middle of k3. Right to the west of this sort of channel there is the pavement f112. In the background, between k3 and k13 is visible the pebble pavement f80 related to the drain f83, forming a3 and part of the big mud brick wall f41 running east to west. 142 N View showing the relationship between A18 and A20 from the A18 area. The view shows the elevation of the building in A18 very well preserved just few cm below the topsoil. To the north the open space links this building with the other installations found in A20, probably related to a scattered occupation in late Mitanni period. 143 S gk2,3,4,12,13 gf22,24,45,98,103,82,118,52,113,114,96,68,128,112,107,99,71,73 ga3 View showing the relationship between the western part of A20 and the areas A18 and A17 in the background. In the western portion of k2 and k12 we can see the thick ashy layer abutting the brickmass f52 and f82 in k12 and f98 in k2. Above the brick mass f98 seems to be another layer of ash f103, different from the ash f22. To the east the drain and the related pebble pavement f80 forming a3, are clearly visible, just to the north of the pavement f112 and the clay layer f128 sloping toward south, below the brick pile f68. The pavement f112 is abutting the mud brick wall f99, running north to south and bounded with the wall f107 running east to west, next to the small bin f71, just in part uncovered. 144 SE gk2,3,12,13,4,14,15 gf52,68,98 ga1,3,4,6 View showing all the excavated area of A20 linked with the old excavations of A18 and A19. The view also links A20 with all the Plaza Area (JP) and the southern slopes of the tell. In the foreground are visible the a6, a4 and a3 and the brick masses f52 and f98 144a SE gk2,3,4,12,13,14,15,101 gf45,52,82,113,114,41,105,141,83,80,128,68,112,99,107,73,71,77 ga1,3,4,6 Sub view showing a closest view from the same angle. This picture allows us to understand better all the structures and the installation of the western portion of A20, in relationship with the Plaza, not far in the background. The picture shows the drain and the pebble pavement f80 forming a3, to the north of the pavement f112 and of the clay layer f128 sloping down toward south, below the ashy layer f36 and the brick pile f68. To the east are visible the wall f99 bounded with the wall f107 in k4, together with the bin f71 to the south and the pavement f73 to the north. Toward east the view shows the a4 with its small pebble pavement f93, the a6 and only the west wall f46 of a1. 145 S gk3,4,13 gf36,42,68,128,112,122,99,71,107,73,31,129,96,59,41,140,141 ga3 View showing the installations of k3 and k13, and in the background the structures of A18. To the north there is the big wall f41 running east to west and south of it some hard compact clay layers, perhaps floors, sloping toward south, under the unexcavated step of a3. Next to the a3 are visible the pavement f112 and the pavement f122 underneath, showing an intense use of this area. On the right is also visible the clay layer f128 that in some points has small embedded pebbles and sherds and could has been used as floor. On top of this layer sloping toward south there is the ashy layer f36 and the brick pile f68. In k4 we have the bounded walls f99 and 107, the bin f71 and the pavement f73. 146 SW gk14,15,101 gf63,150,152,132,106,92,93,97,127,125,108,109,110,111 ga4,6 View showing the different levels of the stone pavement f132, f93 and f108 in the background. The view shows the pavement f132 surrounded by the clay layer f150, and the walls f127, f92 and f152 forming a6. Next to it there is a4, another small room with a pebble and stone pavement f93, closed by the walls f92, f97 and f106. In k101 is just in part visible in its southern portion the big stone pavement f108. 147 S gk14,15,101 gf92,97,63,86,150,132,152,84,85,110,111,116,115,108,109,138,125,127 ga6 View showing the relationship between the pavement f132 of a6 and the pavement f108 much lower than the first one. The a6 is constituted of the stone pavement, the clay layer f150 and it is closed by the walls f92, f127 and f152. This view shows one of the question still open, if the two pavement f132 and f108 are contemporary, assuming so a stepped organization of the structures. The view also shows the walls f84 and f85 that could be part of the lower level of the structures but also of the upper one. 148 N gk15 gf21,26,44,38,63,86,46,57,150,152 ga1 View showing the north section of k15 without the string. The section shows the topsoil f21 above the accumulation f26 that is on top of the accumulation f44 outside the structure of a1 visible to the right and formed by the two bounded walls f38 and f46 and the stone pavement f57. Toward east are visible the wall f86 and part of the wall f63, probably contemporary, and the eastern edge of the clay layer f150, running inside this probable doorway, next to the wall f152. 148a NW gk15 gf21,26,44,38,46,86,63,57 ga1 View showing the north section of k15 with the string. The view is taken obliquely to show the bottom of the section that otherwise was covered by the wall f38. The picture shows the section and the structures next to it, like a1 and the mud brick walls f86 and f63. v 128 ph The photo was retaken the next day because the light was not very good. v 128a ph The photo was retaken the next day because the light was not very good.