.bk A20 .fl S913lC.j .fd Drawing log .ed S913 .ei lC .rd S913 .ri lC w 18 N gk3 gf17,29,31,43 Drawing of the section of the north baulk of k3. The drawing shows the ancient tell surface at abandonment or brick melt f17 above the brick fall f29, both disturbed by numerous rodent holes. The brick fall covers the cobblestone pavement f43, just in part shown by the section because it was not yet removed at the moment of the drawing. The section also shows in its lower east portion the interface of the ash f31. We drew this section in preparation of its removal, to link the pebbles of the stone pavement f43 with the pebbles of the pavement f50 in k13. 19 O gk3,13 gf80,81,83,128 Drawing showing the pebble pavement f80 linked with the drain f83 and with another possible drain to the south. The drawing also shows a patch of f81 the accumulation on top of the pavement f80, constituted of red bricky material and small pebbles. To the south of the pavement f80 the drawing shows the layer f128 with small sherds and pebbles embedded. 20 O gk14,15,gf38,40,46,56,57,63,84,86,106,97,92,93,153 ga1,4,6 Drawing of the all area of k14 and k15 showing the general situation before the removal of a2. Next to the east baulk of k15 the drawing shows the stone pavement f57 with the mud brick walls f38 and f46 forming a1. To the west there is the wall f86 in some way probably linked with the big wall running east to west f63. To the south are visible all the vertical bricks f40 and f56 of a2 before their removal. To the west the drawing shows the a4, a small room constituted of the pebble pavement f93 and the mud brick walls f97, f92 and f106. So the drawing shows almost the final plan for these two loci, except for the vertical bricks of a2 that have been later removed. 21 E gk4 gf66,67,69,70 Drawing of the section of the east baulk of k4. We drew this section in preparation of its removal. The drawing shows the top soil f66 covering the accumulation f67 with some patches of brick melt. Below the f67 there are f69, an hard layer found in the northern and southern part of k4 with a softer gray material in the center f70, running east to west in a sort of channel or uadi. 22 N gk101 gf84,125,126,127,153 Drawing of the arbitrary north section of k101. In fact the northern original baulk of k101 doesn't exist any more and this section was drawn because it is showing the relationship between the different features. The drawing shows the wall f127, preserved for just three courses of mud bricks on top of the accumulation f153 with some thin layer of baqaia and orange soft material. To the east is visible the wall f84 with its substructure of stones, to the west the wall f125 running north to south and the upper part of the wall f126. 23 E gk13 gf41,77,60,89,105 Drawing of the section of the east baulk of k13. Section showing numerous mud bricks. It is difficult to establish to which wall they belong, because underneath there are the walls f41 and f105 running both east to west. Moreover in the baulk was identified also a probable mud brick wall f77 running north to south. To the south the section shows the accumulation f60 on top of the accumulation f89. The section is very irregular because the features above have been already removed. 24 W gk2, gf8,10,14,16,22 Drawing of the section of the north baulk of k2. The section shows the topsoil f8 and the accumulations f10 and f14 on top of the thin f16 the ancient tell surface at abandonment. Below there is the thick ashy layer f22, more than a meter deep. The drawing shows all the different layers of ash inside f22, sloping toward south. 25 O gk2 gf98,103,45,16,22 Drawing of the final situation of k2. The drawing shows the ash layer f22 abutting the brick mass f98 that is the continuation of f82 in k12. On top of the brick mass f98 the drawing shows the limits of the ashy layer f103. In the north-east corner there is the stone installation f45 sitting on the brick mass. 26 O gk12,gf24,64,88,52,82,113,114,117,124 Drawing of k12 showing almost the final situation at the end of the excavation. The drawing shows the wall f64 running north to south and its soft fill f88 in the its north western portion. To the south we can see f52, a compact bricky layer distinguished by the softer f82, but that possibly are constituted of the same material. Removing part of f82 we uncovered the bin f113, which edges are still uncertain and its fill f114. To the west are visible two small portions of the floors f117 and f124, uncovered in the deep western edge of f82, and the ash layer f22. 27 O gk4 gf71,73,99,79,107,129 Plan of k4 showing the final situation of the 2008 excavation. To the north we can see the wall f129, for which is not still clear if it is running north south or east west, and the pavement f73 abutting it. The drawing also shows the wall f107 running east to west, bounded with the wall f99, running south to north. In the corner between the two walls has been built the small bin f71. 28 O gk13 gf41,59,105,141 Plan of k13 showing the final situation at the end of the excavation. To the north is visible part of the wall f41, running east to west, with the other big wall f105 abutting f41, but uncovered for a small portion and linked probably with the wall f106 in k14. Next to the western section is visible a small portion of the earth f59. To the south in the lower point the drawing shows the stone installation f141. 29 O gk12 gf68 Plan showing the brick pile, constituted of some vertical bricks and other broken and irregular bricks, f68. 30 O gk14 gf132,150 Drawing of the pavement f132, uncovered below the vertical bricks of a2. The stone pavement is constructed of medium and big stones with a layer of clay f150 all around. The pavement is also linked with some walls forming a6. 31 W gk12 gf3,5,18,24 Drawing of the section of the west baulk of k12. The drawing shows the top soil f3 covering the accumulation f5. Below we can see a thin layer f18 interpreted as ancient tell surface at abandonment or brick melt, a little bit more than a crust. The drawing also shows the thick ashy layer f24 with all the small ashy layers sloping toward south. 32 N gk12 gf3,6,8,24,52,18 Drawing of the section of the north baulk of k12. The section shows the topsoil f3 covering the accumulations f8 and f6. Below f8 we can see a thin layer forming a sort of crust, labeled as brick melt. Below it we can see the deep multi-layer ash abutting the brick mass f52 and the wall f64 still to be excavated. 33 N gk15 gf21,26,44 Drawing of the section of the north baulk of k15. The section shows the top soil f21 covering the accumulation f26 and the accumulation f44 on top of the pavement f57 and the wall f86. These two last structures are not visible in section because not removed during this season. 34 N gk4 gf66,69,74,129 Drawing of the section of the north baulk of k4. The drawing shows the top soil f66 covering the thin accumulation f67 on top of the accumulation f69. This accumulation was covering in part the wall f 129 and another accumulation f74 on top of the pavement f73. 35 E gk15 gf21,26,39,44,38,55,84 Drawing of the section of the east baulk of k15.. The drawing shows the top soil f21 and the accumulation f26. Uncovered the top of the wall f38 we distinguished the accumulation inside the structure f39 from the accumulation outside, f44. Above the stone pavement f57 we can see the accumulation f55, created to collect the pottery right on top of the pavement f57. The south edge of the section shows the mud brick wall f84 very badly preserved because next to the north baulk of A19. 36 O gk2,3,4,12,13,14,15,101,25,26 gi1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30 Drawing composite of all the A20 area showing the different features. This composite drawing shows the location of all the items found during the excavation of this year MZ21. 37 O gk2,3,4,12,13,14,15,101 Drawing of the Mitanni structures found in A20 during the excavation of MZ21 in relationship with the structures of Mitanni levels of A19, A18 and A17. The drawing created joining the plan of the different areas wants to show all the structure together to have a general idea of the area with the different use of open spaces and areas highly built. 38 O gk2,3,4,12,13,14,15,101 gf52,64,24,104,82,113,114,22,98,103,41,105,96,141,142,68,36,77,95,93,97,106,92,129,73,107,99,71,79,86,132,127,126,120,38,57,46,84,108,111,109,115,116 ga1,2,3,4,5 Drawing showing almost the final situation of A20. All the drawings of all the squares are put together forming a general plan of A20. The plan shows the features number and their definition. Moreover for the most important also the elevation is shown. Where many features were presents small windows show the sequence of the accumulations. This drawing is very useful in order to remember the most important features, like a working tool. ;39 O gk101 gf108,109,110,111,115,116,133,135,134,136,148 Composite of A19 showing the features excavated during MZ21, some of wich with the new feature numbers of A20.