.bk A20 .fl S915lC.j .fd View log .ed S915 .ei lc v .rd S906 .ri lC 150 OH S gk2,3,12,13 gf22,24,98,103,82,52,64,113,68,36,112,99,128,96,41,105,141 ga3 View taken from the high ladder showing the western half of A20. In the background are visible the structures of A18, A17 and A15, that show a similar level of the structures. The view also shows in A20 the thick ashy layer f22 and f24 abutting the bricky layer f52 and toward south f82 and f98. This big accumulation probably comes from all the activities taken place in this area, possibly interpreted as a wide outdoor area comprehending also the north-western part of A18. These activities are shown by the tannurs f42 and f100, the pavements f112 and the probable floor f112, from a3 constituted of the pebble pavement f80 and the drain system f83. 151 OH SE gk3,4,13,14,15,101 ga1,3,4,5,6 gf108 View taken from the high ladder showing the eastern part of A20 linked with the old excavation of A19. The view shows all the stone pavements of the Mittani occupation and the two big walls ^w1 and ^w2 running east to west. The big wall ^w1 probably belongs to a big structure to the north not yet excavated, while the ^w1 seems to be linked with the small room to the south of it, a4 and to something else to the west. The view shows a4, a small room with a pebble pavement; a6 and a1, two rooms with a stone pavement, but also the lower big stone pavement f108. To the south, in the old A19 excavation is visible a5, another room closed by two high mud brick walls with a pebble pavement and a clay floor type b.