.bk A20 .fl S917lC.j .fd Object descriptions .ed S917 .ei lC .rd S911 .ri sC i 2 df ma ds Circular-sectioned copper-alloy shaft fragment, straight, tapering toward pointed end; other end of the shaft is broken. May have been part of a needle wm copper-alloy lg 2.6 P99 Cons Room i 10 df ma ds Unclassif. fragment of copper-alloy shaft rectangular sectioned, slightly bent; heavy soil incrostation and oxidation make difficult to detect the real thickness of the shaft, which seems to taper toward blunted end; possibly a pointed tool-object. wm copper-alloy lg 5.1 w2 0.4 th 0.2 P99 Cons Room i 18 df to ds Thick and robust lead needle, circular sectioned shaft, slightly bent; eye made by perforation of the shaft, circular in shape (0.1cm diam); complete. The majority of the surface is oxidated and encrusted with soil. wm lead ni Two fragments took for Ch. Analysis S904 (sC) lg 7 w2 0.4 @ max diam shaft w3 0.3 @ min diam shaft P99 Cons Room i 19 df Beer strainer ds Perforated conical strainer, made from rolling one single piece of copper-alloy metal sheet; the two edges of the metal sheet overlap slightly and the seam where they join is clear; the rim is formed by folding a small portion the upper part of the metal sheet (ca. 0.2cm) upwards (reinforced?) which gives the impression of a small rim; complete. The majority of the surface is oxidated and encrusted with soil. wm copper-alloy lg 6.5 w2 1 @ max diam shaft w3 0.9 @ min diam shaft th 0.1 P99 Cons Room i 20 df we ds Fragment of copper-alloy projectile point, with flat blade, very thin (rectangular cross-section) and rectangular-sectioned tang. The tang is almost entirley preserved, and seems to be broken at the height of insertion into a wood shaft. The majority of the surface is encrusted with soil. wm copper-alloy P99 Cons Room i 25 df ma ds fragment of circular-sectioned copper-alloy shaft, straight shaft tapering toward pointed end; possibly a pin wm copper-alloy lg 5 w2 0.2 P99 Cons Room i 27 df to ds Shaft of circular cross-section which is blunt at one terminal and bent at the other into a hook; the shaft is uniform in diameter; the surface is characterized by oxidation and the metal looks to be iron, but a fracture of the shaft seems to reveal some lead. Find below topsoil, therefore could possible it is iron. wm Lead with iron incrustation on whole surface ni One fragment took for Ch. Analysis S904 (sC) lg 5 w2 0.2 P99 Cons Room i 28 df pi ds Plain pin with curled head, probably circular cross-section shaft (the thick layer of oxidation makes difficult to reconstruct the original shape of the shaft), slightly bent, pointed end. The pin is entirely encrusted with soil and is badly corroded; in spite of the corrosion layer, the head, a small portion of the shaft are well preserved wm copper-alloy lg 7.8 w2 0.3 P99 Cons Room nm w2 taken from the best preserved section i 29 df we ds Projectile point (medium size) with elliptic blade, flat, stem with tapering cut and romboidal section tang; point slightly damage on upper end; complete. The majority of the surface is heavily oxidated and encrusted with soil wm copper-alloy lg 7.2 w2 1.2 th 0.5 ni th max wd tang P99 Cons Room i 31 df ma ds Unclassif. fragment of copper-alloy shaft circular sectioned, heavily bent; broken at both ends; heavy soil incrostation and oxidation make difficult to detect the real thickness of the shaft, which seems to taper; possibly a needle wm copper-alloy lg 5.2 w2 0.1 P99 Cons Room q 172.1 df ma ds Short lead shaft fragment, circular cross sectioned, bent, uniform in diameter, broken at both ends; One end is interested by oxidation; opposite end reveals in several small areas the lead metal. Possibly portion of a pin; could be also a lenght of metal lead for mending broken pots or to be used in metal-working related activities. wm lead ni One fragment took for Ch. Analysis S904 (sC) lg 3.1 w2 0.5 P99 Cons Room q 226.1 df pi ds Plain pin with circular section shaft and rolled head (it corresponds to type 4-VAR of the Mz. Typoloy); the shaft is flattened at one end and rolled/curled round to form head; slightly bent shaft, tapering toward pointed end; complete. The surface is characterized by a heavy soil incrostation and oxidation, which makes difficult to detect the original diameter of the shaft wm copper-alloy lg 11 w2 0.5 @head w3 0.3 @ shaft P99 Cons Room