.bk A20 .fl U918.j .fd Daily .ed U918 .ei lC .rd U918 .ri lC -sg The team is getting smaller because many of us are encharged of many other jobs. Moreover mS1 is leaving tomorrow evening and bS will join jW in J3 as main assistent, so we have to plan carefully next days of excavation in order to try to reach the goals established at the beginning of the excavation. In k34 we just removed the topsoil so probably tomorrow we will move the workmen to that locus. Today we draw the pavement f164 and the walls f171 and f168 so tomorrow we will be able to remove them, re-establish the two locus and start to excavate the deeper soft material f173 that looks like f163 in k24 and f177 in k25 and seems cover the edge of the underneath structures, which are we looking for. -dy Today we started taking pictures of the installation of k23 and k24, then we removed the pavement f165 uncovering the floor f179. Today we also finished to draw the structures f164, f171 and f168, so tomorrow we will be able to remove them. we continue to excavate in k25 where the ash ash and sandy accumulation f177 was removed uncovering some mudbrick structures not yet well understood. In k34 we continued to remove the topsoil f176. Here we are going slowlier but from tomorrow we ra eplanning to concentrate our efforts in k34 and in 23-k24 to reach the level of the deeper expected building. k 23 dy Today we just removed part of the filling f178 of the installation f174 in order to understand its not yet clear function. Then we sraw the wall f168 and we started to remove the pavement f165, mostly extended in the east baulk of k23 and in k24 toward east. k 24 dy Today we removed the pavement f164 uncovering the slooping floor f179 and we saw that the pavement is going underneath the wall f171. The pavement f164 and the wall f171 were drawn so tomorrow we will be able to remove them. k 25 dy Finished to remove the natural ashy accumulation f177 we uncovered some mudbricks. We are not yet sure if they belong to clear structures, but seem possible that they can be part of at least three different walls running in different directions and constituted of vertical or flat mudbricks. Then we assigned a new number to the ashy accumulation f180 because we are already deeper then the crests of possible walls, so it could be a filling inside a room or a structure. k 34 dy Today we continued to remove the topsoil f176. We are proceeding slowly because the main efforts are concentrated in the other loci. Right at the end of the day in the north-east corner of the square some middle-sized stones were uncovered. f 162 ar This pavement, at the beginning thought to be a simple outdoor surface, is a really thick and compact pavement with many pebbles and sherds, layed on a sort of substructure made of hard clay with pottery inclusion. It overlays another beautiful sherds and pebbles pavement f165, and it shows how this open area has been used for a long period, or at least with a strong frequency. f 171 ar This possible wall is built above the pavement f165, and even if stratigraphically it is later in the construction, I think they belong to the same use of this possibly open area, including the wall f168, the sligtly later pavement f162 and possibly the bin f174. -sm The first week of excavation let us to uncover some installations like stone pavement f164, stone walls f168 and f171, floors f169 and f179 and pebble and sherd pavement as f162 and f165, showing a very late (probably still Mitanni, more than Middle Assyrian) occupation in the site of tell Mozan. We expected this kind of installation because they have been found already in 2008, but these seem showing an intense frequentation rather than an emepheral occupation. They seem set out on top of a very soft ashy material, probably windborne and naturally formed, found in k23 (f173), k24 (f163) and k25 (f177). This material seems covering the upper part of the lower mudbrick structures belonging to the building we are looking for.