.bk A20 .fl U924bH3.j .fd q log .ei bH .ed U924 q .rd U920 .ri yM 312 p 181 34 m6350 200S 400E m6351 96 152 5 removing ad under TS 313 p 163 24 m6306 400S 100E m6306 96 152 10 removing f163 in the w part of the loci 314 pb 180 25 m3733 300N 150E m4735 33 152 20 removing ad in the sw part of K25 next to vertical brick 315 p 184 25 m4736 250W 150S m4735 33 152 15 removing bf N of vertical bricks 316 p 185 34 m6348 300N 300W m6348 112 152 15 removing pavement in the SE corner of K34 .ri lC 317 p 180 25 m3733 300N 150E m4735 13 152 15 filling of pit .ri yM 318 pb 186 24 m6302 400W 300S m6303 56 152 5 removing layer under f113 .rd U921 .ri yM 319 pi 181 34 m6350 400E 200S m6351 96 152 10 removing f181 in the N part of K34 .ri lC 320 pbi 180 25 m3733 300N 150E m4735 13 164 15 lower part of fill 321 p 184 25 m4736 250W 150S m4735 18 152 10 brickfill on top of pavement 322 p 186 24 m6302 400W 300S m6303 50 152 5 cleaning new feature .ri yM 323 pb 193 24 r540 100N 50E m6303 53 164 40 removing fill of pit 194 .rd U922 .ri yM 324 p 181 34 m6349 100W 300S m6351 96 152 10 removing f181 in E part 325 p 193 24 r540 100N 50E m6303 14 154 5 removing still the pit fill 326 p 199 24 m6301 400E 100S m6301 145 154 30 removing norhtern loan of K14 .rd U922 .ri yM 327 pi 200 24 m6348 100S 400W m6348 142 154 50 removing northern baulk of K24 .rd U923 .ri lC 328 p 199 14 m6301 400E 100S m6304 94 158 10 .ri bS 329 p 201 24 m6302 100E 400S m6302 151 159 30 removing eastern baulk of K24 330 p 203 15 m3733 100S 400E m3733 152 159 30 north baulk K15 331 pbi 180 25 r539 240N 50W m3733 71 145 20 removing pit filling .rd U924 332 p 203 15 m4737 100S 250W m4737 129 158 20 continuation of removing north baulk 415 .rd U925 .ri bS 333 p 192 24 m6303 300S 400E m6303 42 149 10 removing f192 in K24 .ri lC 334 pi 196 25 m4737 200N 50W m4737 54 149 10 .ri aMH 335 p 197 34 m6349 350S 300W m6349 26 149 15 removing feature 197 to expose pavement below 336 p 199 24 m3733 100S 100W m3733 146 148 15 .rd U926 .ri yM 337 pbi 197 34 m6350 150E 400S m6350 30 165 15 removing f197 exposing pavement f204 338 p 191 25 r547 150W 50N m4737 86 165 20 removing southern part of f191 where there are vertical bricks .ri lC 339 pb 172 24 m6304 300S 400E m6348 54 150 15 .ri yM 340 p 205 24 m6304 100S 400E m6304 92 165 10 removing f205 to see the bricks of the wall .rd U924 .ri bS 341 pbi 180 25 r539 240N 50W m3733 71 145 40 Removing remaining part of pit filling