; File processed on 2024-07-27 A20a1 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2008-08-05_S806LR.j !! room A35 2008-07-30_S811LC.j !! v42 B10 2008-08-05_S806LR.j lR room C1 2008-08-05_S806LR.j lR removed the southern baulk of k15 and found the southern wall of a1, f84. C3 2008-08-09_S809LR.j lR The stone pavement f57 is assumed to be an earlier construction based on the following evidence; the walls f38 and f46 are resting on the pavement, and secondly the pavement extends beyond the wall line. This suggests that the pavement was constructed first then the walls set on the pavement. To counter argue this point, wall f84 is deeper founded than the pavement, continuing for three courses deeper than the pavement. This wall f84 is associated with a1, the southern wall. The pavement f57 ends with the edge of the wall. This would argue for the wall, f84, as earlier than the pavement constructed, followed by the walls f46 and f38. If the wall f84 was constructed for a1 then the pavement is contemporary to all the walls however if f84 was a reused wall, then the pavement is later. G11 2008-08-19_S818lR.j lR f38 G11 2008-08-19_S818lR.j lR f39 G11 2008-08-19_S818lR.j lR f46 G11 2008-08-19_S818lR.j lR f55 G11 2008-08-19_S818lR.j lR f57 G12 2008-08-19_S818lR.j !! i16 G12 2008-08-19_S818lR.j !! i23 G13 2008-08-19_S818lR.j !! q66 G13 2008-08-19_S818lR.j !! q90 G13 2008-08-19_S818lR.j !! q98 G13 2008-08-19_S818lR.j !! q105 G13 2008-08-19_S818lR.j !! q122 G13 2008-08-19_S818lR.j !! q153 O11 2008-07-30_S811LC.j lR v42 O11 2008-07-30_S811LC.j lR v42a O11 2008-08-06_S812LC.j yM v58 O11 2008-08-06_S812LC.j yM v58a O11 2008-08-06_S812LC.j yM v58b O11 2008-08-23_S901LC2.j lC v107 O11 2008-08-23_S901LC2.j lC v108 O11 2008-08-23_S901LC2.j lC v110 O11 2008-08-23_S901LC2.j lC v113 O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v135 O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v136 O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v137 O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v138a O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v139 O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v139a O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v140 O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v144 O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v144a O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v148 O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v148a O11 2008-09-06_S915LC.j lC v151 O11 2008-09-06_S916LC.j lC v152 O11 2008-09-06_S916LC.j lC v155 O11 2008-09-06_S916LC.j lC v155a O11 2008-09-15_S917LC4.j lC v161 O11 2008-09-15_S917LC4.j lC v161a O11 2008-09-15_S917LC4.j lC v163 A20a2 A21 2008-08-05_S806LR.j !! bp A35 2008-08-04_S812LC.j !! v52 B10 2008-08-05_S806LR.j lR bp C1 2008-08-19_S818lR.j lR This morning the north section of k101 was drawn. This section is not the true north section of k101, it is actually our cut into k14 but shows nicely the wall f127 which we plan to remove today for the purpose of exposing f40 (a2) which is presumably behind wall f127. After the section was drawn we then photographed the section, including overhead, oblique, and direct north views. The wall was removed in section, beginning in the eastern area working west, leaving a small section to see the horizontal bricks from two sides. We then proceeded to continue removing the bricks to west, then cleaned out the section and photographed it again. What was in view was bricky material sitting on a nice row of horizontal bricks then several centimeters below, a layer of reddish fine clay appearing similar in shape and size to bricks but much softer than brick. Another layer was removed, moving north and this time removing f40 vertical bricks to expose another layer of the horizontal bricks behind. In the west, more stones surfaced to the north, in line with the stones from wall f125. It is unclear if these stones continue north, if so then a2 was built over f125 wall. C1 2008-08-21_S831YM.j yM Yesterday we started removing a2, we began to remove only the bricks that are located in the east side, and we removed the first three rows. Today we are continuing the removal of these bricks. The first row of bricks contained whole bricks (40x36x10cm) . The second row of bricks where half bricks (16x9cm) and they contained animal bones and kiln waste inclusions. Animal holes where found in several of them. In the next course of bricks we found whole bricks, one of them had three finger impressions on the inner face and we could also see the negative impressions of the fingers on the mortar. This brick was not a whole brick (36x20x9cm) . The mortar and the brick were photographed. The following brick to be removed was the one next to it and it contained two sherds, an animal bone, phytoliths , sand , inclusions of kiln waste and very small stones, and the same was for the brick behind it, that had finger impressions and inclusions of bricky red material. After removing these rows of bricks all the way down of a2 a stone pavement (f132) was discovered. The next row of bricks was similar to the previous , it contained phytoliths and kiln waste inclusions, one of the bricks in this row was damaged , very fragile and it flecked off as soon as it was touched. The bottom brick in the west side of the a2 was sitting on top of a stone , so the bottom surface of that brick was concave due to the round convex surface of the rock. A seed (2 halves) was found in the soil of that brick. Between the eastern bricks of that row a bead was found in the mortar. The only brick that was removed in one piece is the western brick of that row, behind that brick there was a heavy presence of plant roots. The pavement (f132) that was found under the bricks is surrounded by hard compact material (f150) that it also overlays. This compact layer curves in the east side around the stones of the pavement and slops up slightly (a6). C1 2008-08-23_S823LC.j lC Today we continued to remove the vertical bricks of the a2. The bricks in this part of the structure are badly preserved, damaged from numerous animal holes. Some bricks seem to be broken already in antiquity and it is a little bit more difficult to find their faces. Removing these vertical bricks, the floor f132 continues to be uncovered. Probably tomorrow we will link the stones of the pavement with the stones found just to the north east of the a2 and that we assume are part of the same pavement. C1 2008-08-24_S824LC3.j lC We started to clean the square from the dirt arrived during the night because of the sand storm. lR and lC also started to remove other vertical bricks of the a2 but after one hour of work we stopped due to the storm and we went to work in the house. C1 2008-08-25_S825LC.j lC We finished removing the vertical bricks of a2 towards the north, uncovering more than 2/3 of the stone pavement f132. Tomorrow after we take photographs of the arbitrary north-south section showing the structure of a2 then will finish removing completely a2. C1 2008-08-26_S826LC.j lC Today we finished to remove the vertical bricks of a2 uncovering almost completely the stone pavement f132, that appears to be surrounded by a narrow band of hard clay that also could be a layer under the stone pavement. Tomorrow we will define better its northern edge, still not really clear and the western edge, where today we left about 20 cm of f131 to excavate, so tomorrow we can have a clear understanding of the link between the two features and to define the east face of the wall f92, not easily recognizable. C2 2008-08-05_S805LC.j lC About the structure a2 between k14 and k15 we decided to cut two sections, one N-S in the eastern side and one E-W in the northern side to have a better understanding of it. If there are still doubts about a2 we will start to excavate it beginning from the top, in the middle, so if it is a tomb we should be able to go inside it without destroying the structure itself. G11 2008-08-19_S818lR.j lR f40 G11 2008-08-19_S818lR.j lR f56 G11 2008-08-19_S818lR.j lR f92 G13 2008-08-19_S818lR.j !! q143 G13 2008-08-19_S818lR.j !! q158 G13 2008-08-19_S818lR.j !! q171 G13 2008-08-19_S818lR.j !! q223 G13 2008-08-19_S818lR.j !! q225 G13 2008-08-19_S818lR.j !! q231 G13 2008-08-19_S818lR.j !! q237 G13 2008-08-19_S818lR.j !! q240 G13 2008-08-19_S818lR.j !! q244 G13 2008-08-19_S818lR.j !! q253 O11 2008-08-04_S812LC.j sE v52 O11 2008-08-06_S812LC.j yM v58 O11 2008-08-06_S812LC.j yM v59a O11 2008-08-06_S812LC.j yM v62 O11 2008-08-07_S812LC.j sE v68 O11 2008-08-07_S812LC.j sE v69 O11 2008-08-07_S812LC.j sE v70 O11 2008-08-07_S812LC.j sE v70a O11 2008-08-08_S812LC.j lC v72 O11 2008-08-08_S812LC.j lC v72a O11 2008-08-08_S812LC.j lC v72b O11 2008-08-14_S820LC.j lC v78 O11 2008-08-14_S820LC.j lC v79 O11 2008-08-14_S820LC.j lC v80 O11 2008-08-19_S828LC.j sE v96 O11 2008-08-19_S828LC.j sE v97 O11 2008-08-19_S828LC.j sE v97a O11 2008-08-19_S828LC.j sE v102 O11 2008-08-19_S828LC.j sE v102a O11 2008-08-19_S828LC.j sE v103 O11 2008-08-21_S901LC2.j sE v105 O11 2008-08-21_S901LC2.j sE v106 O11 2008-08-21_S901LC2.j sE v106a O11 2008-08-21_S901LC2.j sE v106b O11 2008-08-23_S901LC2.j lC v107 O11 2008-08-23_S901LC2.j lC v110 O11 2008-08-23_S901LC2.j lC v110a O11 2008-08-23_S901LC2.j lC v112 O11 2008-08-26_S903YM.j lC v122 O11 2008-08-26_S903YM.j lC v122a O11 2008-08-26_S903YM.j lC v122c A20a3 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2008-08-05_S806LR.j !! installation A35 2008-08-14_S820LC.j !! v81 B10 2008-08-05_S806LR.j lR installation B11 2008-08-10_S810LR2.j lR A drainage system comprised of a cobblestone pavement f80 to the west with larger stones placed to form a channel to the east. In the north, a smoothed clay outlet is present f83. G11 2008-08-10_S810LR2.j lR f80 G11 2008-08-10_S810LR2.j lR f81 G11 2008-08-10_S810LR2.j lR f83 G11 2008-08-19_S818lR.j lR f96 G11 2008-08-19_S818lR.j lR f128 G12 2008-08-10_S810LR2.j !! i24 G13 2008-08-10_S810LR2.j !! q162 G13 2008-08-10_S810LR2.j !! q169 G13 2008-08-10_S810LR2.j !! q198 G13 2008-08-10_S810LR2.j !! q206 G13 2008-08-10_S810LR2.j !! q214 O11 2008-08-14_S820LC.j lC v81 O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v141 O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v143 O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v144 O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v144a O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v145 O11 2008-09-06_S915LC.j lC v150 O11 2008-09-06_S915LC.j lC v151 O11 2008-09-06_S916LC.j lC v152 O11 2008-09-06_S916LC.j lC v154 O11 2008-09-15_S917LC4.j lC v161 O11 2008-09-15_S917LC4.j lC v161a O11 2008-09-15_S917LC4.j lC v163 A20a4 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2008-08-10_S810LR2.j !! room A35 2008-08-14_S820LC.j !! v79 B10 2008-08-10_S810LR2.j lR room B11 2008-08-10_S810LR2.j lR A small room with a cobblestone pavement bounded by f106 wall in the north, f92 wall in the east, and f97 wall to the south. At the moment only these three walls define the room. G11 2008-08-10_S810LR2.j lR f87 G11 2008-08-10_S810LR2.j lR f91 G11 2008-08-10_S810LR2.j lR f92 G11 2008-08-10_S810LR2.j lR f93 G11 2008-08-10_S810LR2.j lR f97 G11 2008-08-10_S810LR2.j lR f106 G13 2008-08-10_S810LR2.j !! q175 G13 2008-08-10_S810LR2.j !! q182 G13 2008-08-10_S810LR2.j !! q185 O11 2008-08-14_S820LC.j lC v79 O11 2008-08-14_S820LC.j lC v79a O11 2008-08-14_S820LC.j lC v80 O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v135 O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v136 O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v140 O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v144 O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v144a O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v146 O11 2008-09-06_S915LC.j lC v151 O11 2008-09-06_S916LC.j lC v152 O11 2008-09-06_S916LC.j lC v154 O11 2008-09-15_S917LC4.j lC v161 O11 2008-09-15_S917LC4.j lC v161a O11 2008-09-15_S917LC4.j lC v163 A20a5 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2008-09-13_S916LC3.j !! room A35 2008-08-23_S901LC2.j !! v107 B10 2008-09-13_S916LC3.j lC room B11 2008-09-13_S916LC3.j lC Room constituted of two bounded walls f116 and 133 and of other probably walls f109 and f115, closing the room to the west. The pavement is constructed in the northern part of a floor type b f135, in the middle of a pebble pavement f134 and to the south with a stone installation f136. Toward west there is another stone installation built with big and medium sized stones. The southern wall has not been identified but numerous courses of horizontal mud bricks are visible in the southern section. C1 2008-08-19_S818lR.j lR created this label today to define the one room structure exposed by unit A19 five years ago. The reason for doing this is due to A20's involvement in the north; with f85 linking up with f109 or f115 wall as well as removing the eastern baulk to further defines the walls. We have relabeled the loci from their original locus numbers of A19k98 and A19k99 (originally J1 west), to form k101 for both these squares. At the moment, a5 is formed by f116 wall running east to west, wall f115 running north to south, f109 wall running north to south, as well as a southern wall that has no feature number yet. Today we proceeded to clean up inside a5. I assumed that the backfill would be shallow but after working inside, the soil is deeper coming down on plastic around 20 cm deep. Tomorrow we will continue to remove the backfill and expose the floor surface. C3 2008-09-13_S916LC3.j lC The room a5 seems to be constructed of two bounded mud brick walls f116 and 133. The plan of the room is constituted of a floor type b f135 to the north, a pebble pavement f134 in the middle of the room and a stone installation f136 to the south. Inside the room has been also identified another floor f142, belonging possibly to a reuse of the room, because of its higher elevation of about 40 cm. The problem concerns the western wall, closing the room. We have the wall f115, constructed of vertical bricks that seems to small to be the enclosure wall for a big room. Moreover it seems that the wall f115 is not going deep until the level of the original floor and could be linked with the reuse and the floor f142. Instead the enclosure wall could be the wall f109 excavated during MZ16 and removed until the level of the pavement f108. Only further excavation will clarify this question. G11 2008-08-19_S818lR.j lR f109 G11 2008-08-19_S818lR.j lR f115 G11 2008-08-19_S818lR.j lR f116 G11 2008-09-13_S916LC3.j lC f133 G11 2008-09-13_S916LC3.j lC f134 G11 2008-09-13_S916LC3.j lC f135 G11 2008-09-13_S916LC3.j lC f136 G11 2008-09-13_S916LC3.j lC f148 O11 2008-08-23_S901LC2.j lC v107 O11 2008-08-23_S901LC2.j lC v108 O11 2008-08-23_S901LC2.j lC v110 O11 2008-08-23_S901LC2.j lC v111 O11 2008-08-23_S901LC2.j lC v112 O11 2008-08-23_S901LC2.j lC v113 O11 2008-08-25_S901LC2.j lC v118 O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v135 O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v136 O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v137 O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v138 O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v138a O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v139 O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v139a O11 2008-09-06_S915LC.j lC v151 O11 2008-09-06_S916LC.j lC v152 O11 2008-09-15_S917LC4.j lC v161 O11 2008-09-15_S917LC4.j lC v161a O11 2008-09-15_S917LC4.j lC v163 A20a6 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2008-09-03_S903LC3.j !! room A35 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j !! v135 B10 2008-09-03_S903LC3.j lC room B11 2008-09-03_S903LC3.j lC A room formed by the stone pavement f132, with the clay layer f150, and by the mud brick walls f127 to the south, f152 to the east, f92 to the west (the same wall used also in a4) and a row of vertical bricks to the north f154. The room is small and similar to the room a4 for dimensions, but the stone pavement f132 is more similar to the stone pavement f57, forming the a1 with the walls f38 and f46, but which we assume to be earlier than the walls. The particularity of this aggregate is the pavement associated with this clay layer, maybe sign of a rebuilding, that we don't find in the other rooms uncovered in A20. G11 2008-09-03_S903LC3.j lC f92 G11 2008-09-03_S903LC3.j lC f127 G11 2008-09-03_S903LC3.j lC f132 G11 2008-09-03_S903LC3.j lC f150 G11 2008-09-03_S903LC3.j lC f152 G11 2008-09-03_S903LC3.j lC f154 G13 2008-09-03_S903LC3.j !! q222 O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v135 O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v136 O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v137 O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v138a O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v139 O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v139a O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v140 O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v144 O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v144a O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v146 O11 2008-08-28_S909LC2.j lC v147 O11 2008-09-06_S915LC.j lC v151 O11 2008-09-06_S916LC.j lC v152 O11 2008-09-15_S917LC4.j lC v161 O11 2008-09-15_S917LC4.j lC v161a O11 2008-09-15_S917LC4.j lC v163