Walls faces
Each wall face is assigend a number, sequentially from the northeastern corner of a room. The full number of the wall face includes the room number, separated by a hyphen from the wall face number, hence (in the example to the right) C5-2.
These are in effect specific labels, so the full label would be AP^wC5-2.
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Wall tops
The top of a wall is designated by the wall face followed by the suffix t. C5-2t may refer to the entire top of the wall, or only to the portion adjacent to the western face of the wall.
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The face of a doorjamb does not receive a separate number. Rather, it has the same number of either wall to which it serves as the terminal point, followed by the letter n, s, e and w for the northern, southern, eastern and western end of the wall respectively. The orientation is intended from the point of view of the doorway, in other words, "east" refers to the cardinal point one looks at standing in the doorway and looking at the wall.