.bk J02 .fl O707ap2.j .fd daily journal, descriptions of f 33-46. .ed O710 .ei aP .rd O707 .ri aP f 33 ds topsoil in the south-eastern part of k92. k92 was cut in two parts (from east to west) by the German trench. The consistence of the soil is quite soft and dry without much green and roots. f 34 ds topsoil in the eastern part of k93. The soil is quite dry and soft, not much green and roots. pr k93 was cut in two parts (from north to south) by the German trench. The excavation of k93 (and k83) should show the edge of the monumental staircase and the eastern "apron". f 35 df l ad ld ds lens constituted by the eastern baulk of k14. ha It's properly an accumulation but since the absence of walls we preferred to define it a lens. pr For the moment we'll not remove completely the baulk but we'll make a ramp so it could be use to move the wheelbarrow. f 36 df ts ds topsoil in the north-eastern part of k92. k92 was cut in two parts (from east to west) by the German trench. The consistence of the soil is the same of f33, quite soft and dry without much green and roots. f 37 df ab ds lens in k93 constituted by the typical reddish material of the temple terrace. It's a natural accumulation with bricky consistence which is also typical of the brickfall associated with the palace. f 38 ;df ts ds topsoil in the southern part of k82. k82 was cut in two parts (from east to west) by the German trench (the northern part is so small that it was eroded by the atmospheric agents). The soil is quite dry and soft, not much green and roots. f 39 ;df ly ds layer constituted by the northern baulk of k4. f 40 df tr ds It's the old German trench running from east to west across k82 and k92. We needed to define it since we took some relays in order to plot the area. f 41 df tr ds It's the old German trench running from east to west and from north to south across k72. pr We needed to define it since we took some relays in order to plot the area. .rd O708 .ri aP f 42 df ts ds topsoil in k33. The soil is quite dry and soft, not much green and roots, the same of all the squares in J02 area. f 43 df ly ds It's the pseudo-baulk in k93 that in the first days we left to safeguard the steps of the stair. The soil matrix is the same which characterize f34 and f37 in k93. f 44 ;df ly ds layer constituted by the northern baulk of k5. We started to remove the eastern part to have the space for drawing the east section. f 45 df st ds aggregate of loose stones collapsed from north (from the stair or from the "apron") in k3. This feature sits in f32. The stones are of medium size and are quite flat on the upper part. f 46 df lb ds natural lens in the south-western corner of k33. The soil is quite hard, harder than in the rest of the square. It's composed by stones of small-medium size and by just one pottery shard. In a first time we supposed it could be a kind of floor but it's more probable it's the natural surface of the tell