.bk J02 .fl P808jK.j .fd Objects descriptions .ei jK .ed P810 .rd P807 .ri sc q 393.2 df kw ds amorphous fragment of kiln waste wm cl ht 2.7 lg 3.6 th 1.8 co greenish cn fragment P2 ZSB 16-70 q 394.1 df gr ds fragment of grinding stone with two horizontal surfaces and one rounded edge preserved; it seems to have a "donut" shape. ht 6 lg 3.5 th 3.5 wm li cn broken P2 ZSB 16-70 q 395.1 ct caf df sg ds fragment of sealing with one flat and one rounded surface; two rounded sides preserved ht 2.8 lg 2.5 th 0.8 wm cl cn broken O99 This q-item was not photographed q 396.1 df fg ds fragment of animal figurine (perhaps a horse); head and legs are missing ht 5 lg 6.1 th 4.1 wm cl co very pale brown c# 10 YR 8/9 cn broken P99 to be drawn q 400.1 df bl ds fragment of blade broken at both extremities: the preserved original edges presents signs of retouch wm silex ht 4.6 lg 1.7 th 0.5 cn broken P99 to be drawn q 400.4 df gr ds fragment of basalt grinding stone; one original edge preserved. wm li ht 6 lg 5 th 4.6 cn broken P2 ZSB 16-70 q 400.5 ;ct laf ad eclat ds fragment of "eclat" with traces of retouch. wm ob ht 2.3 lg 1.5 th 0.35 cn broken co black P2 ZSB 16-70 q 375.2 ct sm df sherd ds wall of pottery sherd that, on its inner surface present a piece of charcoal (for this reason it has been kept as a sample). wm clay and charcoal c# 10 YR 7/4 co very pale brown cn broken P2 ZSB 29-28 q 375.3 ct sm ad organic ds some fragments of unknown organic burnt material. vS suggest they can be residual of cooked organic materials wm organic ht 1.6 lg 5 th 5.5 cn fragments P2 ZSB 29-28 q 400.6 df gr ds fragment of basalt grinding stone with two flat surfaces (upper and lower) and one rounded edge preserved. wm li ht 6 lg 8.7 th 6.5 cn broken P2 ZSB 16-70 q 400.8 df bd ds complete stone bead. The stone is characterized by two colors (brownish-black) therefore on one side the bead presents a brownish coloration while on the other one it has a black color. It is circular in shape. w2 0.9 th 0.15 wm li cn complete P99 to be drawn q 400.9 df gr ds fragment of grinding stone. Only one rounded surface is preserved. wm li ht 7.5 lg 6 th 2.5 co black cn fragment P2 ZSB 16-70 .rd P807 .ri aL q 393.1 ct laf df uk ds flattened pebble of irregular shape which has on the surface three linear incisions of unknown meaning wm li ht 11.5 lg 9.7 th 1.3 co greenish cn complete P2 ZSB 16-70