.bk J02 .fl U808yM2.j .fd additional feature information .ri yM .rd U808 .ed U808 .ei yM f 257 ;df st ds its an oblique stone in k14 leaning against the end of wall f127,it seems that it was placed there as an imitation of the obelisk f100 leaning against the end of the wall f129 on the other side of the staircase f131 in J06 f 145 ds its a hard accumulation layer in k4 going against the last step exposed from the staircase f131,this layer has a sandy texture f 147 ds this feature consists of three isolated stones f147.1, f147.2, f147.3, located in k4. f 174 ds its an accumulation layer located in k13. f 177 ds its a hard crumbly lens type d located in k5. f 237 ds its a natural accumulation in k100 f 297 ds It's a very hard clay natural accumulation located in the southwestern part of k15 f 307 ds It's a natural accumulation layer located in k14 between walls f127 and f288 f 308 ds It's a natural accumulation layer in the northeast corner of k14 f 323 sm its a clay natural accumulation layer in the eastern baulk of k23 nc no type of contact was assigned for this feature f 146 nc this feature is the result of a collapsed wall therefore it does not fit in our Harris matrix so no type of contact was assigned. f 153 nc this feature is the result of a collapsed wall therefore it does not fit in our Harris matrix so no type of contact was assigned. f 178 nc no type of contact was assigned with this feature sm its a lens type D against the east side of the eastern baulk in k5, it consist of broken bricks very crumbly and there for soft f 180 nc since its he north part of the east baulk no type of contact was assigned for it sm this feature number was assigned to the north part of the eastern baulk in k5, this feature contained broken bricks f 212 tc cu f130 f 219 tc ab f127 tc ov 307 tc ov 308 f 166 co brown tx crumbly hd medium soft f 172 li the descriptive attributes of this feature such as color, hardness and texture were not recorded f 174 li the descriptive attributes of this feature such as color, hardness and texture were not recorded f 183 tx clay li color and hardness were not recorded f 187 tx dusty and crumbly li color and hardness were not recorded f 192 li the descriptive attributes of this feature such as color, hardness and texture were not recorded f 201 co gray tx crumbly and dusty hd hard f 203 co reddish hd hard tx crumbly and dusty f 204 co dark brown hd soft tx clayish f 237 sm This feature was assigned to the western section scraping in k100 li Since this feature was assigned to the wall cleaning the descriptive attributes were not recorded nc no type of contact was assigned for this feature f 225 nc no type of contact was assigned for this feature f 305 nc Since this feature is a baulk so no type of contact was assigned for it f 314 tc ab 128 f 318 tc ov 188 nc the type of contact assigned for the feature was reconstructed from v91 f 331 nc since it was excavated as a baulk no type of contact was assigned for it f 138 hd hard li color and texture where not recorded f 146 li being a mixed feature no descriptive attributes were recorded f 243 li its a topsoil feature so no descriptive attributes were recorded f 260 co gray li texture and hardness were not recorded f 263 li Since its a natural accumulation layer under a stone no descriptive attributes were recorded f 270 co brown f 271 li Since its a natural accumulation layer under a stone no descriptive attributes were recorded ;f 281 ;li no descriptive attributes such as color texture and hardness were recorded ;f 283 ;li no descriptive attributes such as color texture and hardness were recorded ;f 285 ;li no descriptive attributes such as color texture and hardness where recorded f 286 co brown hd soft tx clayish f 138 p1 P803 f 146 p1 P807 f 188 p1 P814 f 169 p1 P820 f 178 p1 P815 f 180 p1 P815 f 182 p1 P816 f 183 p1 P816 f 193 p1 P831 f 200 p1 P831 f 201 p1 P820 f 203 p1 P825 f 205 p1 P824 f 209 p1 P825 f 210 p1 P906 f 211 p1 P822 f 214 p1 P825 f 215 p1 P828 f 216 p1 P824 f 218 p1 P906 f 219 p1 P823 f 220 p1 P826 f 226 p1 P824 f 237 p1 P827 f 242 p1 P827 f 243 p1 P828 f 246 p1 P828 f 249 p1 P829 f 253 p1 P828 f 256 p1 P829 f 263 p1 P831 f 273 p1 P905 f 277 p1 P907 f 286 p1 P905 f 295 p1 P903 f 305 p1 P904 f 310 p1 P905 f 314 p1 P906 f 316 p1 P906 f 318 p1 P905 f 325 p1 P907 f 324 p1 P906 f 323 p1 P906 f 233 nc this feature was assigned to the natural accumulations in the eastern baulk of k15 and it was excavated volumetrically therefor no type of contact was assigned for it f 296 tc co f296 nc f296 is the same as f150 therefore we assigned the same type of contact of f150 to f296 f 330 nc the type of contact could not be recovered