.bk J02 .fl Wx08cJC .fd Notes from 2012 Study season .ri cJC .rd Wx08 q 604-p69 ds p69 contains 3 sherds from q604 and 1 from q596 q 360 pb During the 2012 study season it was realized that the q360 sherds had been mislabeled so that there are several repeats of -p numbers. Since we are not in Mozan and can not check the original numbers on the sherds we have left the duplicate numbers in place. In the future we should be able to check these sherd numbers against the originals. Since the sherds were analyzed and could be used for the statistical analysis we chose to leave them as is rather than removing the record. q 604-p1 nl The drawing of this sherd is a combination of q604-p1 and q604-p2. q 604-p2 nl This sherd was combined with sherd q604-p1. .rd Wx13 .ri cJC f 393 df cut ds This feature is only seen in section. It is a cut through several sloping layers that alternate brown and ashy. The cut can be clearly seen in v161, v130 and v114. It seems this cut was intentional and associated with the building of the curtain wall f288/f334. ar This feature was probably an intentional cut to create a space for the construction of the curtain wall f288/f334. This removed several EDIII layers and created a sloping area south of the revetment wall. The sharp angles of the cut suggest that it was not caused by erosion as that would have smoothed the edges of the cut. tc cu f219 lc k14 el 8928 @top el 8827 @bottom .rd Wx20 .ri cJC q 282 pb q282-p1-9 were removed from TP files since duplicate entries were found. If the excel file could be checked against the original sherds we could resolve this problem. Until then we have left them out of the record. q 890 ha In 2012 during the study season I realized that q840 had two sets of records for sherds, notes, etc. It became clear that one of the sets was actually q890 based on its feature number. The data has been renamed and moved to q890.