Unit Book J2


Processed on 2024-07-27

Date Author Record
2004-06-28 mH We broke one small pick and a trowel and got loners for those from Mary's unit A17. [Input: O628MH.j]
2004-06-29 mH We broke a trowel and we also had a problem with the wheel of a wheel barrow. In order to operate two units, k5 and k14, and the elevator in k100 we will need four wheel barrows; one for each unit and two for the elevator. [Input: O629MH3.j]
2004-07-05 mh The elevator worked fine most of the day. The trick seems to be to avoid putting moist soil or too much soil into it. [Input: O705MH4.j]
2005-08-04 mH We installed another elevator and placed it so that it sits in k15. [Input: P806MH.j]
2005-08-06 mH We installed a third elevator into k13. This was the elevator we just last year in k100. Its motor was broken at first but Balian fixed it and we got the elevator running towards the end of the day. The elevator placed in k15 worked very well all day. We removed most of the dirt that had accumulated in k5 during the first days of excavation when we did not have the machine. The elevator placed in k100 also worked well. [Input: P806MH2.j]
2005-08-07 mH The third elevator installed in k13 broke before breakfast. I suspect that the reason for this was the dirt leaning against the outer end of the axel at the bottom. The dirt jammed the axel from the outside and thus it broke. In the future, before Balian brings covers for them, we have to make sure that dirt around the elevators do not prevent the axel from turning freely. [Input: P807MH.j]
2005-08-08 mH The third elevator was running today having been fixed toward the end of yesterday. [Input: P808MH.j]
2005-08-09 mH Elevator no. 2 located in k15 did not work well at the start of the morning, but Anwar repaired it quickly. In contrast, the elevator in k100 broke early and did not work for the rest of the day. [Input: P809MH.j]
2005-08-10 mH Elevator in k100 had bee broken all yesterday, but today it was running again. We also had problems with the elevator located in k15. For some reason the direction of the rotation had changed into the wrong one, which created problems. The electrician came to fix it and afterwards it was running smoothly. [Input: P810MH.j]
2005-08-13 mH We moved the elevator from k13 into k14 at the start of the day, and the elevator from k5 to k15 at the end of the day. [Input: P813MH2.j]
2005-08-14 aL We have had some problems in k101 with the elevator so the work has gone on very slowly. [Input: P815AL.j]
2005-08-15 mH We had serious problems with the elevators located in k14 and k100. Both elevators were used to take out very moist soil, which tended the clog the machine. In k100 the result was that we really could not use the machine but had to pile the dirt next to it hoping that it will dry enough to be removed by elevator tomorrow. With the elevator located in k14 (dirt coming from k101 and k13) the problem was quite not that severe since the angle of the elevator is much better. These problems, however, slowed us down significantly. [Input: P815MH.j]
2005-08-16 mH We had serious problems with the elevators today. Elevator in k100 was broken most of the day, but ran for about an hour, an hour and a half in the afternoon. Elevator in k14 ran periodically, but most of the ddirt generated in k13 and k14 was removed with sambils or small buckets. Elevator in k5 worked best todat but even there we had to rely on sambils and buckets quite often. [Input: P816MH.j]
2005-08-17 mH All elevators worked ok today. [Input: P817MH.j]
2005-08-28 mH We placed a large sifter below the elevator located in k15. We sift the soil coming from various locations. Sifting q-lots will be indicated within daily descriptions of loci. [Input: P828MH.j]
2005-08-29 mH There were occasional stops with the elevators sometimes due to power outages and sometimes to clogs. These however did not significantly impact the work. [Input: P830MH.j]