Entries authored by vve

Processed on 10-10-2012

--I.eiQ812During MZ17(2004-O) and MZ18(2005-P) at Tell Mozan the revetment wall of the temple terrace had been exposed in three excavation areas: J1, J2 and J3. From the information provided by these excavations it could be deduced that the temple terrace was in continued use from EDIII times to the end of the Mitanni period. Furthermore, through all these centuries of use the terrace must have been well maintained. After the plaza in front of the terrace had started to accumulate deposits during the second millennium BC, there was probably a rebuilding of the monumental staircase to which the second apron was added. During this 2006 campaign we will try to further complement our knowledge of the temple terrace and thus of the Monumental Urban Complex at Urkesh by focusing on three issues. 1) In the sounding through the baqaya-glacis covering the temple mound, Late Chalcolithic sherds were found. We will attempt to clarify the context of these sherds. The working hypothesis is that these deposits were brought in from a nearby settlement to construct the temple terrace and are therefore out of their primary context. 2) The exact shape of the temple terrace remains uncertain despite the information available from the geomagnetic survey performed by the German excavation team from Tuebingen and the information from the recent excavations. Therefore we will expose further the top of the revetment wall. 3) On the basis of the results of last year's excavations it has been hypothesized that the second apron was added to the revetment wall during the Mitanni period, probably at the start of phase 6a. This hypothesis will be tested by further exposing the second apron and investigating its connection to the revetment wall. [Q812VE1.J]
--I.eiQ812Many loci will be excavated in J3 during this campaign with several supervisors who will take care of the administration. If we would record everything in one binder, this could create some unnecessary stress and lines of people who need to record observations. In order to avoid this we will record the administration in a different binder that will still be part of book J3. We will let all of our records start at 500 to avoid overlap. Only the relays will start at 1000, since so many relays are triangulated each season. Our book will be called J3 East, because we will excavate the eastern-most loci. In this area we will try to expose the revetment wall and the second apron and try to establish the stratigraphic and chronological connection between the second apron and the revetment wall. [Q812VE2.J]
-DYQ812Today we started to clean both loci k1 and k2. In k2 only some backfill was removed, while k1 was also excavated and there several feature numbers were assigned. [Q812VE2.J]
-DY.eiQ813In J3 East we continued today to excavate k1 and k2. In k1 we excavated f500 to make the surface more level; all features were relayed by eI and mO and we removed f501. [Q813VE.J]
-DY.eiQ814The deposit f517, on which f501 was laying, was removed today in k1 and the western half of this locus has been excavated. f513 and f516 in k2 were excavated to the level of the German trench B6 in area BA and then closed. Then f518, the top soil of the southern part of k2, was excavated. [Q814VE.J]
-DY.eiQ815In k1 several new large stones (f525-530) were discovered when we excavated f500. A (partial) natural hard surface (f534) was found at the bottom of f500. In k2 we started to excavate the natural accumulation f522 under top soil f518 and then natural accumulation f533 under accumultion f522. [Q815VE.J]
-DY.eiQ816Excavation continued in k2 and a new square was started to the East of k1: k106. The stones of features f503, f504, f505, f506 and f507 in k01, that were planned to be removed in the morning, were left in place because gB changed our strategy. Following gB's suggestion, we will try to create a clear picture of how the temple terrace looked like at the end of phase 6b and the Middle Assyrian period. Several baulks will have to be removed to give a clear view on the scattered stones, the second apron, the revetment wall and the glacis in J3. [Q816VE.J]
-DY.eiQ817The new locus k107 was opened to the north of k106 and to the east of k2. We removed the top soil f539 in the southern part of k107. The northern part of k107 had already been excavated by the German team from Tuebingen as B6. Feature f540 was the natural accumulation under the top soil. At the bottom of this deposit we found the naturally compacted floor f547 with on top of it the half circle of stones f544 and the small area of grey deposit f546. In k2 we excavated the natural deposit f557 (by accident recorded as f535) south of f532. Feature f543 is a large boulder in k2 that must have been dislocated from f532. In k106 we continued to excavate the natural accumulation f537. Feature f537 was closed and replaced by f540. Feature f540 was in turn closed when we noted that the southern half of f540 had become harder (f541) and the northern half softer (f542). [Q817VE.J]
-DY.eiQ820Work continued in k107 and k106. In k107 we started to excavate f550 which we changed into f553. Several more steps of the second apron became visible. The part of the second apron in k106 is stepped, in contrast to its continuation in k2. Therefore we now have assigned feature number f556 to the second apron in k107 while the part in k2 remains f532. In k106 we excavated f542 to make the locus level again. Then we continued excavating the entire locus as f552. The stones in k106 were relayed and assigned feature numbers: f554 and f555. [Q820VE.J]
-DY.eiQ821k2 and k107 were photographed today. The N-section of k106 was drawn by mO and eI. The north baulk of k1 was removed. f523 is the top soil of this baulk and f558 the deposit under the top soil that had already been excavated in previous years when k1 was part of J2. After having removed f558 we came upon f500 once more and this deposit was also excavated. The general outline of the steps of f556 were relayed. All the loci were cleaned because last night a storm had blown dirt everywhere. [Q821VE.J]
-DY.eiQ822A small remainder of f535 (bottom of the trench B6, f545) was excavated. Today we could finally set the East baulk of k107 back to its correct positions because bP has provided the eastern markers to define the locus. dM photographed the West and South sections of k106, the East and South section of k01 and the West, South and East sections of k107. (See photographs v523, v524, v526, v527, v529, v528 and v530 respectively. See also the very informative section of the East side of the East baulk of k107: v531) We started to excavate the North baulk of k106. [Q822VE.J]
-DY.eiQ823We continued excavating the north baulk of k106 and straightened the Northeast corner of k107. [Q823VE.J]
-DY.eiQ824Today the section drawings made by eI, mO, aA and iI were checked and corrected. dM photographed the combined West section of k1 and k2 and the combined West section of k106 and k107. The East section of k107 was removed and the second apron f556 in k107 has now been connected to the second apron that had already been exposed in J2. [Q824VE.J]
-DY.eiQ827In k1 the series of naturally compacted floors f566 was removed. More large boulders appeared underneath it and it is not quite clear yet whether these belong to the second apron f532 or to the top of the revetment wall f569. The underlying layer of compacted floors f534 was then excavated in the Northern half of k1. In k107 the floating large boulders of f561 and f562 were removed and the soil which had supported them (f548) too. Then we started the excavation of the new deposit f568 which covered the lowest steps of the second apron f556. [Q827VE.J]
-DY.eiQ828In k01 the deposits in front of the top of the revetment wall were excavated as f571. bP measured many points of f532. In k107 we opened f570 which is the natural deposit that lies between the second apron and the revetment wall and which underlies the second apron f532. Under f570 appeared baqaya and possibly the edges of two pits that were cut into the baqaya glacis. [Q828VE1.J]
-DY.eiQ829While cleaning for pictures of k106 and k107 the bronze item i501 was found. In k106 we continued to excavate f552 where appeared the top of the revetment wall. In k1 we excavated the natural accumulation f571 which changed into f572. Here, too, we started to see the top of the revetment wall f569. [Q829VE3.J]
-DY.eiQ830We continued to excavate the Northern half of k1 in front of the revetment wall f569. The boulder f575 and the small boulder 579 next to it were uncovered. Under the natural deposit of f572 there appeared a softer black ashy deposit f576. After having removed these ashes we found again a reddish brown deposit f578. We have removed the pebbles of f521 and the large boulder f519. In k107 we excavated the little deposits f570 that remained on top of the baqaya. After we noticed remains of mud bricks at the Eastern edge of the q-lot we decided to extend the feature further to the East and clean the surface there and remove only a thin layer. In k106 we continued to go down in the northern half until we had cleared the face of the revetment wall. Then we started to excavate also the Southern half of k106. [Q830VE1.J]
-DY.riQ819Today we continued to excavate in k2, k106 and k107. In k1, mO and eI made a drawing of the Northern section. In k2 we excavated f557 (by accident recorded as f535) and thus exposed f532. f532 turned out to be missing the steps that define the second apron in J2. At the bottom of f557 we found a somewhat harder surface f566 that covered some of the stones. In k107 we removed the stone circle f544, the associated sherds in the greyish deposit f546 and the compacted surface f547 where these features were lying on top of. Then we excavated the natural accumulation f548 that lies under f547. In the German trench B6 (f545) in the northern half of k107 we compared the current position of the stones of f532 and their position as visible in a picture made by the German team just after the excavation. This comparison showed which stones had fallen out of place f549 and which had remained in situ. In k106 we excavated deposit f541 until we reached its bottom. It turned out that the harder deposit of f542 continues under f541. [Q819VE1.J]
-DY.riQ826Since yesterday morning dM took the overview pictures of J3 so that we could now remove some of the stones in k1 that must have eroded out of place from the second apron or the temple terrace. f503, f504, f505, f506, f507, f508 and f511 were removed. In k1, but extending into k2, the natural accumulation f565 was excavated until the natural floor surface f566 was reached. In k107 the natural deposit f550/f553 was excavated and another step of the second apron f556 was uncovered. [Q826VE.J]
-DY.riQ831Work was continued in the southern half of k106 to reach the same level as had been reached yesterday in the northern half of k106 and to further reveal the boulders that had been exposed there. The boulder f580 was removed and the small column of underlying deposits was excavated. The faces of the top stones of the revetment wall f569 in k106 were cleaned and some of the stones are clearly not in direct contact with the underlying stones of the revetment wall f569. This would then prove the hypothesis that the top of the revetment wall was added in younger times. In k1 excavation in the Northern half of k1 was continued after the stones f575 and f579 had been removed here. More stones appeared however and they seem to lie in line in front of the revetment wall. To make more sense of these new stones we started to excavate the southern half of k1 as well. The large boulder of f530 leaves a 20 cm space between its eastern edge and the East section. When this space was excavated we discovered baqaya and possibly mud bricks lying under the second apron. [Q831VE.J]
-SGQ816A new strategy has been outlined by gB. We will first remove the East baulk of k1, ie. the baulk between k1 and k106 to uncover f519. When k106 has been excavated to the same level, it is very likely that new scattered boulders will have become visible. The North baulk of k1 will be removed to give a clear view on the top of the second apron, f532. The East baulk of k12 will also be removed to give a clear view of the glacis in k12 and k13. [Q816VE.J]
A0500B11Q812Aggregate a500 consists of several large boulders (f502, f503, f504, f505, f506, f507, f508, f509 and f510) and a pebble concentration (f511) that lie scattered in a natural accumulation. I consider it as a collapse coming from the second apron to the north of a500. [Q812VE2.J]
A0500C01Q812The features that make up a500 had already been exposed in a previous campaign when this locus, J3 k1, was a locus of J2. These features were left standing and the deposits around and/or under it were excavated. I decided on the basis of the same depositional history for all these features and their close vicinity that these features constitute one aggregate, a500. [Q812VE2.J]
A0500C03Q812The distribution of the cluster of stones of a500 is somewhat scattered and seems to slightly descend from the North to the South. These two observations seem to argue that they were dislodged from a stone structure that must have been laying to the north. This could only have been the second apron whose remaining top stones are already visible in k2 or, more precisely, in the older German trench in unit B6. However, the stones of a500 do not seem to lay on the same surface (no surface is in fact apparent) and this argues for the interpretation that the stones were deposited over time and not in a single event. [Q812VE2.J]
F0003F02Q815<5si q0515 [Q918EI1.J]
F0500B11Q812Feature f500 is a slightly reddish light gray clay deposit that seems to be a continuation of the last deposits excavated in this locus duuring MZ17. It is a natural accumulation. This means that the stones of f502, f503, f504, f505, f506, f507, f508, f509, f510, f511 are resting on and embedded in this (combined) f500. These features embedded in f500 are aggregate a500. [Q812VE2.J]
F0500C01Q813Feature f500 was excavated today only in the eastern half of k1. It was still the same slighly reddish light gray deposit. f511, f504, f505 and f506 seem to be floating now. Two q-items were found here, q501.1 and q501.2 [Q813VE.J]
F0500C01Q814Only the Western half of f500 was excavated. In some places a slightly harder layer was encountered but very fragmentary and underneath the same deposit continued. [Q814VE.J]
F0500C01Q815Feature f500 was further excavated with the big pick. We closed the feature when we encountered a natural hard surface f534 that had the tops of several large boulders sticking out through it: f525, f526, f527 and f528. [Q815VE.J]
F0500C01Q821Today more of the natural deposit f500 was excavated when we removed the northern baulk of k01. During the excavation of f500 we partially uncovered the large boulders f529 and f530. [Q821VE.J]
F0500F02Q812>0co f0534 [Q812VE2.J]
F0500F02Q821<0co f0558 [Q821VE.J]
F0500I99Q904The stones that are embedded in the deposit of f500 were probably deposited when most of the second apron f532 was (being) covered by deposits: s10. [Q904VVE.J]
F0500O01Q824v0539 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0500O01Q827v0541 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0501B11Q812Feature f501 is a pebble pavement that protrudes from the Southern section of locus k1. The main part of f501 is quite level but as it extends to the East it descends and ends slightly above f502. [Q812VE2.J]
F0501C01Q812This feature had already been exposed in a previous campaign when this locus, J3 k1, was a locus of J2. It was left standing and the deposits around and/or under it were excavated. This feature was assigned to a500. [Q812VE2.J]
F0501C01Q813Feature f501 was removed today. While it was excavated we paid close attention to the structure of this feature. It consisted of both large pebbles and pieces of pottery. Both the pottery and the pebbles were aligned in such a way as to follow the slope of the feature, ie. downwards to the east. However, there was no clear layering of sherds and stones apparent and therefore I do not consider this an installation. The pottery sherds were collected as q505. [Q813VE.J]
F0501C03Q812The distribution of the cluster of stones of a500 is somewhat scattered and seems to slightly descend from the North to the South. These two observations seem to argue that they were dislodged from a stone structure that must have been laying to the north. This could only have been the second apron whose remaining top stones are already visible in k2 or, more precisely, in the older German trench B6. However, the stones of a500 do not seem to lay on the same surface (no surface is in fact apparent) and this argues for the interpretation that the stones were deposited over time and not in a single event. [Q812VE2.J]
F0501F02Q813<5si q0505 [Q918EI5.J]
F0501I99Q904f501 might be a s6 feature because it was found so close under the top soil and resembles f544 in that is also is made up of pebbles. [Q904VVE.J]
F0502B11Q812Feature f502 is a large stone. Until now it is still embedded in f500, and thus the exact measurements remain for now unknown. I assume that it is part of the scatter of boulders that define a500. It was lying just below the point where the downwards sloping extension of f501 ended. [Q812VE2.J]
F0502C01Q812This feature had already been exposed in a previous campaign when this locus, J3 k1, was a locus of J2. It was left standing and the deposits around and/or under it were excavated. This feature was assigned today to a500. [Q812VE2.J]
F0502C03Q812The distribution of the cluster of stones of a500 is somewhat scattered and seems to slightly descend from the North to the South. These two observations seem to argue that they were dislodged from a stone structure that must have been lying to the north. This could only have been the second apron whose remaining top stones are already visible in k2 or, more precisely, in the older German trench B6. However, the stones of a500 do not seem to lie on the same surface (no surface is in fact apparent) and this argues for the interpretation that the stones were deposited over time and not in a single event. [Q812VE2.J]
F0502I99Q904The stones that are embedded in the deposit of f500 were probably deposited when most of the second apron f532 was (being) covered by deposits: s10. [Q904VVE.J]
F0502O01Q824v0537 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0502O01Q827v0545 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0502O01Q827v0545b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0503B11Q812Feature f503 is a very large boulder. Until today it was still embedded in f500. It lies just to the South of f504 and East of f505. [Q812VE2.J]
F0503C01Q812This feature had already been exposed in a previous campaign when this locus, J3 k1, was a locus of J2. It was left standing and the deposits around and/or under it were excavated. This feature was assigned today to a500. [Q812VE2.J]
F0503C01Q826After having written the area designation and the feature number on the boulder with a permanent marker, was this large boulder removed. [Q826VE.J]
F0503C03Q812The distribution of the cluster of stones of a500 is somewhat scattered and seems to slightly descend from the North to the South. These two observations seem to argue that they were dislodged from a stone structure that must have been lying to the north. This could only have been the second apron whose remaining top stones are already visible in k2 or, more precisely, in the older German trench B6. However, the stones of a500 do not seem to lie on the same surface (no surface is in fact apparent) and this argues for the interpretation that the stones were deposited over time and not in a single event. [Q812VE2.J]
F0503I99Q904The stones that are embedded in the deposit of f500 were probably deposited when most of the second apron f532 was (being) covered by deposits: s10. [Q904VVE.J]
F0503O01Q824v0537 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0504B11Q812Feature f504 is a large boulder and surrounds along with f505, f506 and f507 the pebbles of f511. [Q812VE2.J]
F0504C01Q812This feature had already been exposed in a previous campaign when this locus, J3 k1, was a locus of J2. It was left standing and the deposits around and/or under it were excavated. This feature was assigned today to a500. [Q812VE2.J]
F0504C01Q826After having written the area designation and the feature number on the boulder with a permanent marker, was this large boulder removed. [Q826VE.J]
F0504C03Q812The distribution of the cluster of stones of a500 is somewhat scattered and seems to slightly descend from the North to the South. These two observations seem to argue that they were dislodged from a stone structure that must have been lying to the north. This could only have been the second apron whose remaining top stones are already visible in k2 or, more precisely, in the older German trench B6. However, the stones of a500 do not seem to lie on the same surface (no surface is in fact apparent) and this argues for the interpretation that the stones were deposited over time and not in a single event. [Q812VE2.J]
F0504I99Q904The stones that are embedded in the deposit of f500 were probably deposited when most of the second apron f532 was (being) covered by deposits: s10. [Q904VVE.J]
F0504O01Q824v0537 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0505B11Q812Feature f505 is a large boulder and surrounds along with f504, f506 and f507 the pebbles of f511. [Q812VE2.J]
F0505C01Q812This feature had already been exposed in a previous campaign when this locus, J3 k1, was a locus of J2. It was left standing and the deposits around and/or under it were excavated. This feature was assigned today to a500. [Q812VE2.J]
F0505C01Q826After having written the area designation and the feature number on the boulder with a permanent marker, was this large boulder removed. [Q826VE.J]
F0505C03Q812The distribution of the cluster of stones of a500 is somewhat scattered and seems to slightly descend from the North to the South. These two observations seem to argue that they were dislodged from a stone structure that must have been lying to the north. This could only have been the second apron whose remaining top stones are already visible in k2 or, more precisely, in the older German trench B6. However, the stones of a500 do not seem to lie on the same surface (no surface is in fact apparent) and this argues for the interpretation that the stones were deposited over time and not in a single event. [Q812VE2.J]
F0505I99Q904The stones that are embedded in the deposit of f500 were probably deposited when most of the second apron f532 was (being) covered by deposits: s10. [Q904VVE.J]
F0505O01Q824v0537 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0506B11Q812Feature f506 is a very large boulder and surrounds along with f504, f505 and f507 the pebbles of f511. [Q812VE2.J]
F0506C01Q812This feature had already been exposed in a previous campaign when this locus, J3 k1, was a locus of J2. It was left standing and the deposits around and/or under it were excavated. This feature was assigned today to a500. [Q812VE2.J]
F0506C01Q826After having written the area designation and the feature number on the boulder with a permanent marker, was this large boulder removed. [Q826VE.J]
F0506C03Q812The distribution of the cluster of stones of a500 is somewhat scattered and seems to slightly descend from the North to the South. These two observations seem to argue that they were dislodged from a stone structure that must have been lying to the north. This could only have been the second apron whose remaining top stones are already visible in k2 or, more precisely, in the older German trench B6. However, the stones of a500 do not seem to lie on the same surface (no surface is in fact apparent) and this argues for the interpretation that the stones were deposited over time and not in a single event. [Q812VE2.J]
F0506I99Q904The stones that are embedded in the deposit of f500 were probably deposited when most of the second apron f532 was (being) covered by deposits: s10. [Q904VVE.J]
F0506O01Q824v0537 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0507B11Q812Feature f507 is a large boulder and surrounds along with f504, f505 and f506 the pebbles of f511. [Q812VE2.J]
F0507C01Q812This feature had already been exposed in a previous campaign when this locus, J3 k1, was a locus of J2. It was left standing and the deposits around and/or under it were excavated. This feature was assigned today to a500. [Q812VE2.J]
F0507C01Q826After having written the area designation and the feature number on the boulder with a permanent marker, was this large boulder removed. [Q826VE.J]
F0507C03Q812The distribution of the cluster of stones of a500 is somewhat scattered and seems to slightly descend from the North to the South. These two observations seem to argue that they were dislodged from a stone structure that must have been lying to the north. This could only have been the second apron whose remaining top stones are already visible in k2 or, more precisely, in the older German trench B6. However, the stones of a500 do not seem to lie on the same surface (no surface is in fact apparent) and this argues for the interpretation that the stones were deposited over time and not in a single event. [Q812VE2.J]
F0507I99Q904The stones that are embedded in the deposit of f500 were probably deposited when most of the second apron f532 was (being) covered by deposits: s10. [Q904VVE.J]
F0507O01Q824v0537 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0507O01Q824v0539 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0507O01Q824v0540a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0507O01Q827v0541 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0507O01Q827v0541b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0507O01Q827v0542 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0507O01Q827v0542a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0507O01Q827v0545 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0507O01Q827v0545c [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0508B11Q812Feature f508 is a large boulder that lies a little off to the Soutwest of the cluster of boulders and pebbles formed by f504, f505, f506, f507 and f511. [Q812VE2.J]
F0508C01Q812This feature had already been exposed in a previous campaign when this locus, J3 k1, was a locus of J2. It was left standing and the deposits around and/or under it were excavated. This feature was assigned today to a500. [Q812VE2.J]
F0508C01Q826After having written the area designation and the feature number on the boulder with a permanent marker, was this large boulder removed. [Q826VE.J]
F0508C03Q812The distribution of the cluster of stones of a500 is somewhat scattered and seems to slightly descend from the North to the South. These two observations seem to argue that they were dislodged from a stone structure that must have been lying to the north. This could only have been the second apron whose remaining top stones are already visible in k2 or, more precisely, in the older German trench B6. However, the stones of a500 do not seem to lie on the same surface (no surface is in fact apparent) and this argues for the interpretation that the stones were deposited over time and not in a single event. [Q812VE2.J]
F0508I99Q904The stones that are embedded in the deposit of f500 were probably deposited when most of the second apron f532 was (being) covered by deposits: s10. [Q904VVE.J]
F0508O01Q824v0537 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0509B11Q812Feature f509 is a very large boulder that lies just north of f506 and under f510 which overlays it. [Q812VE2.J]
F0509C01Q812This feature had already been exposed in a previous campaign when this locus, k1 in J3, was a locus of J2. It was left standing and the deposits around and/or under it were excavated. This feature was assigned today to a500. [Q812VE2.J]
F0509C03Q812The distribution of the cluster of stones of a500 is somewhat scattered and seems to slightly descend from the North to the South. These two observations seem to argue that they were dislodged from a stone structure that must have been lying to the north. This could only have been the second apron whose remaining top stones are already visible in k2 or, more precisely, in the older German trench B6. However, the stones of a500 do not seem to lie on the same surface (no surface is in fact apparent) and this argues for the interpretation that the stones were deposited over time and not in a single event. [Q812VE2.J]
F0509I99Q904The boulders f509 and f510 lie against the base of f532 and must have rolled over it when they became dislocated, if they were not in fact at one time part of f532 itself. This early occurrence of dislocated stones when the second apron f532 had been covered with very little deposits only, must be assigned to s11a. The deposit in which their base is lying, f557, might be s11a too or slightly younger: s10. Other stones, f543, f551, f564 and f520, were also displaced and remained lying on top of the (thin deposits that cover the) lower part of f532. These could belong to the same deposition of dislocated stones as f509 and f510 and therefore are also assigned to s11a. [Q904VVE.J]
F0509O01Q824v0537 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0509O01Q824v0537b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0509O01Q824v0539 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0509O01Q824v0540a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0509O01Q827v0541 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0509O01Q827v0541b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0509O01Q827v0542 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0509O01Q827v0542a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0509O01Q827v0545 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0509O01Q827v0545d [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0509O01Q831v0550 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0509O01Q831v0550d [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0509O01Q902v0553 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0510B11Q812Feature f510 is a large boulder that extends from the Northern baulk and rests on f509 which it overlays. [Q812VE2.J]
F0510C01Q812This feature had already been exposed in a previous campaign when this locus, J3 k1, was a locus of J2. It was left standing and the deposits around and/or under it were excavated. This feature was assigned today to a500. [Q812VE2.J]
F0510C03Q812The distribution of the cluster of stones of a500 is somewhat scattered and seems to slightly descend from the North to the South. These two observations seem to argue that they were dislodged from a stone structure that must have been lying to the north. This could only have been the second apron whose remaining top stones are already visible in k2 or, more precisely, in the older German trench B6. However, the stones of a500 do not seem to lie on the same surface (no surface is in fact apparent) and this argues for the interpretation that the stones were deposited over time and not in a single event. [Q812VE2.J]
F0510I99Q904The boulders f509 and f510 lie against the base of f532 and must have rolled over it when they became dislocated, if they were not in fact at one time part of f532 itself. This early occurrence of dislocated stones when the second apron f532 had been covered with very little deposits only, must be assigned to s11a. The deposit in which their base is lying, f557, might be s11a too or slightly younger: s10. Other stones, f543, f551, f564 and f520, were also displaced and remained lying on top of the (thin deposits that cover the) lower part of f532. These could belong to the same deposition of dislocated stones as f509 and f510 and therefore are also assigned to s11a. [Q904VVE.J]
F0510O01Q824v0537 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0510O01Q824v0537b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0510O01Q824v0539 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0510O01Q824v0540a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0510O01Q827v0541 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0510O01Q827v0541b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0510O01Q827v0542 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0510O01Q827v0542a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0510O01Q827v0545 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0510O01Q827v0545d [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0510O01Q831v0550 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0510O01Q831v0550d [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0510O01Q902v0553 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0511B11Q812Feature f511 is a concentration of pebbles that lies between f504, f505, f506 and f507 and against their bases. [Q812VE2.J]
F0511C01Q812Part of this feature had already been exposed in a previous campaign when this locus, J3 k1, was a locus of J2. Now the deposits surrounding and covering it were excavated and this feature, a concentration of pebbles, became visible. This feature was assigned today to a500. [Q812VE2.J]
F0511C01Q826The pebbles of f511 were removed today along with sevaral large, dislocated boulders (503, f504, f505, f506, f507 and f508). [Q826VE.J]
F0511C03Q812The distribution of the cluster of stones of a500 is somewhat scattered and seems to slightly descend from the North to the South. These two observations seem to argue that they were dislodged from a stone structure that must have been lying to the north. This could only have been the second apron whose remaining top stones are already visible in k2 or, more precisely, in the older German excavation unit B6. However, the stones of a500 do not seem to lie on the same surface (no surface is in fact apparent) and this argues for the interpretation that the stones were deposited over time and not in a single event. [Q812VE2.J]
F0511I99Q904The stones that are embedded in the deposit of f500 were probably deposited when most of the second apron f532 was (being) covered by deposits: s10. [Q904VVE.J]
F0511O01Q824v0537 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0512A21Q813ad [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0512B11Q813Approximately 5 cm vertical slice of soil constituting the old south baulk of trench B6, excavated by a German team several years ago. It overlays the stones of the second apron, f532. [Q813VE.J]
F0512C01Q813We cleaned the South section of the German trench B6 by cutting it back approximately 5 cm. The deposit that was removed in this proces was defined as f512. Along the entire length of this section, except for the western most part, is a row of large stones that is a continuation of the second apron. After we cleaned this section we could distinguish no separate layers: under the top soil began a natural accumulation that seems everywhere to rest immediately upon the stones of the second apron. While removing the dirt that had come from the section and that had piled up at the foot of the stones q502.1 was found. It came from the dirt on which the largest stone of the top of the second apron rest, as was evident from the exactly fitting impression in that accumulation. [Q813VE.J]
F0512D01Q813k2 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0512D06Q8139227 @bottom [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0512D06Q8139323 @top [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0512F02Q813<5si q0502 [Q918EI5.J]
F0512F02Q813>1ov f0532 [Q813VE.J]
F0512K03Q813cl [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0512K05Q813vary pale brown [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0512K06Q81310YR 7/4 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0512K07Q8133.25 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0512K08Q813little bit crumbly with small pebbels [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0512P02Q813Q813 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0513A21Q813ad [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0513B11Q813Feature f513 is a natural accumulation under the top soil, f514 in the NW corner of k2, and extending vertically down to the stopping point of the German excavations in trench B6. [Q813VE.J]
F0513C01Q813After we cleaned the Northern section of the German trench B6 no different features, layers were visible. For this reason we will excavate this column of deposit until the bottom of the German trench. [Q813VE.J]
F0513D01Q813k2 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0513D06Q8139344 @bottom [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0513D06Q8139362 @top [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0513F02Q813<0co f0514 [Q813VE.J]
F0513F02Q813<5si q0503 [Q918EI5.J]
F0513I99Q904f517 is the same deposit as f558 and must have accumulated here when the second apron had already been covered by many deposits. f513 and f558 are the deposits right under the top soil and slope down from the top of the temple terrace. It also seems to be basically the same layer as f537 and has therefore been assigned to s7, just like f522 and f516. [Q904VVE.J]
F0513K03Q813cl [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0513K05Q813light yellowish brown [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0513K06Q81310YR 6/4 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0513K07Q8133.5 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0513K08Q813crumbly with small pebbels [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0513P02Q813Q814 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0514A21Q813ts [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0514B11Q813Feature f514 is the top soil in the NW corner of k2, north of the German trench BA. This narrow wedge of soil was removed to align the German trench B6 to the standard Mozan grid system. As a result, locus k2 has no standing Northern baulk. No pottery was collected. It covers f513. [Q813VE.J]
F0514D01Q813k2 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0514D06Q8139341 @top [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0514D06Q8139362 @bottom [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0514F02Q813>0co f0513 [Q813VE.J]
F0514I99Q904f523, f518, f515 and f514 have been assigned to s2 because they are top soil. [Q904VVE.J]
F0514K03Q813cl [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0514K05Q813vary pale brown [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0514K06Q81310 YR 7/3 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0514K07Q8134.5 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0514K08Q813crumbly with small pebbels and plants [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0514P02Q813Q913 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0515A21Q813ts [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0515B11Q813Feature f515 is the top soil in a triangular wedge that was excavated to align the west baulk of the German trench B6 to the western edge of k2. [Q813VE.J]
F0515C01Q813We excavated this wedge of soil to the west of the German trench in B6. This trench left a small ridge standing in k2. r1041 was taken to indicate the Southwestern corner of this area. Its Southern border is a continuation of the trench BA instead orientated along our grid. This will be corrected as soon as we haved photographed the Southern section of trench BA. f515 covers f516. No pottery was collected for this locus. [Q813VE.J]
F0515D01Q813k2 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0515D06Q8139305 @bottom [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0515D06Q8139325 @top [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0515F02Q813>0co f0516 [Q813VE.J]
F0515I99Q904f523, f518, f515 and f514 have been assigned to s2 because they are top soil. [Q904VVE.J]
F0515K03Q813cl [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0515K05Q813vary pale brown [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0515K06Q81310 YR 7/3 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0515K07Q8134.5 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0515K08Q813little bit crumbly with small pebbels [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0515P02Q813Q813 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0516A21Q813ad [Q813VE.J]
F0516A21Q813ad [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0516C01Q813Feature f516 is a vertical wedge of naturally deposited soil under the top soil of f515 in locus k2. It extends vertically downward to the stopping point of previous excavations in the German trench B6. [Q813VE.J]
F0516C01Q813When the Western section of the German trench in B6 had been cleaned no distinct features, layers became visible. Therefore we will excavate this column of deposits until it is at the same elevation as the bottom of trench B6. [Q813VE.J]
F0516D01Q813k2 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0516D06Q8139231 @bottom [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0516D06Q8139305 @top [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0516F02Q813<0co f0515 [Q813VE.J]
F0516F02Q813<5si q0504 [Q918EI5.J]
F0516I99Q904f517 is the same deposit as f558 and must have accumulated here when the second apron had already been covered by many deposits. f513 and f558 are the deposits right under the top soil and slope down from the top of the temple terrace. It also seems to be basically the same layer as f537 and has therefore been assigned to s7, just like f522 and f516. [Q904VVE.J]
F0516K03Q813cl [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0516K05Q813light yellowish brown [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0516K06Q81310 YR 7/2 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0516K07Q8132.5 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0516K08Q813little bit crumbly with small pebbels [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0516P02Q813Q814 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0517B11Q814Feature f517 seemed to be the same deposit as the slightly reddish light gray deposit f500. Some sherds and large pebbles were found in this accumulation. [Q814VE.J]
F0517C01Q814Feature f517 was excavated today. It was the column of deposits that had been left standing to preserve f501. [Q814VE.J]
F0517F02Q814<5si q0509 [Q918EI5.J]
F0517I99Q904f517 is the same deposit as f558 and must have accumulated here when the second apron had already been covered by many deposits. f513 and f558 are the deposits right under the top soil and slope down from the top of the temple terrace. It also seems to be basically the same layer as f537 and has therefore been assigned to s7, just like f522 and f516. [Q904VVE.J]
F0517O01Q824v0537 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0518B11Q814Feature f515 is the top soil in a triangular wedge that was excavated to align the south baulk of the German trench B6 to the south edge of k2. [Q814VE.J]
F0518C01Q814Feature f518 is the top soil of the part of k02 that lies South of trench B6. f518 was removed today and no pottery was collected. [Q814VE.J]
F0518I99Q904f523, f518, f515 and f514 have been assigned to s2 because they are top soil. [Q904VVE.J]
F0519B11Q814Feature f519 is a large stone that extends from the Eastern section baulk. [Q814VE.J]
F0519C01Q814Feature f519 had been exposed in the excavations yesterday. Today it was relayed: r1045, r1046, r1047, r1048. [Q814VE.J]
F0519C01Q830f519 had not been removed yet because it protruded from the baulk. It was left standing on a column of soil which had become a nuisance because it blocked the view on the front of the revetment wall and because it prevented a clear view on the Eastern section which has to be drawn. I probed with my trowel how deep the boulder of f519 was embedded in the East baulk. It turned out that only its northern side was embedded and only for approximately 8 cm. We carefully removed the boulder without damaging the section and excavated the column of deposits on which it had rested (q583, f534) [Q830VE1.J]
F0519I99Q904The naturally compacted floor of f534 with the large boulders f525, f526, f527, f528, f519, f567 and f574 abutted the base of f532. f532 is assigned to s12c and because the stones indicate some kind of neglect/decay I will assign these features to s12a which was defined as a possible abandonment stratum. [Q904VVE.J]
F0519O01Q824v0537 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0519O01Q824v0539 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0519O01Q827v0541 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0519O01Q827v0542 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0519O01Q827v0545 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0519O01Q827v0545e [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0520B11Q814Feature f520 is a stone, probably a large boulder, that protrudes a little bit from the Northern section baulk. [Q814VE.J]
F0520C01Q814Feature f520 had been exposed in the excavations yesterday. Today it was relayed: r1049, r1050, r1051, r1052. [Q814VE.J]
F0520I99Q904The boulders f509 and f510 lie against the base of f532 and must have rolled over it when they became dislocated, if they were not in fact at one time part of f532 itself. This early occurrence of dislocated stones when the second apron f532 had been covered with very little deposits only, must be assigned to s11a. The deposit in which their base is lying, f557, might be s11a too or slightly younger: s10. Other stones, f543, f551, f564 and f520, were also displaced and remained lying on top of the (thin deposits that cover the) lower part of f532. These could belong to the same deposition of dislocated stones as f509 and f510 and therefore are also assigned to s11a. [Q904VVE.J]
F0520O01Q824v0537 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0520O01Q824v0537b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0520O01Q824v0539 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0520O01Q824v0539a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0520O01Q824v0540a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0520O01Q827v0541 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0520O01Q827v0541b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0520O01Q827v0542 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0520O01Q827v0542a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0520O01Q827v0545c [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0520O01Q831v0550 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0520O01Q831v0550d [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0521B11Q814Feature f521 is a concentration of pebbles along the southern half of the west baulk of k1. It is possibly a portion of a pebble pavement. [Q814VE.J]
F0521B11Q830f521 consists of a pile of large pebbles and sherds that are randomly placed (both in layering and orientation). It is very hard to intepret such a small feature: it is not man made, it might be a small depression in which these sherds and pebbles accumulated. [Q830VE1.J]
F0521C01Q814Feature f521 had been exposed in the excavations yesterday already. Today it was relayed: r1053, r1054, r1055, r1056. [Q814VE.J]
F0521C01Q830f521 was removed today. The sherds that were present between the large pebbles that make up f521 were collected as q582. [Q830VE1.J]
F0521F02Q830<5si q0582 [Q918EI5.J]
F0521I99Q904The stones that are embedded in the deposit of f500 were probably deposited when most of the second apron f532 was (being) covered by deposits: s10. [Q904VVE.J]
F0521O01Q824v0537 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0521O01Q827v0545 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0522B11Q815f522 is the natural accumulation under top soil f518 in the southern half of k02. After excavating several pick runs in this feature we decided to close feature. There was no clear break with the underlying feature f533 but there seemed more to be a gradual change in the deposits. [Q815VE.J]
F0522C01Q815The natural accumulation f522 was excavated and closed today. [Q815VE.J]
F0522F02Q815>0co f0533 [Q815VE.J]
F0522I99Q904f517 is the same deposit as f558 and must have accumulated here when the second apron had already been covered by many deposits. f513 and f558 are the deposits right under the top soil and slope down from the top of the temple terrace. It also seems to be basically the same layer as f537 and has therefore been assigned to s7, just like f522 and f516. [Q904VVE.J]
F0523A21Q915ts [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0523B11Q813Feature f523 could be called an artificial feature. It was created when during the removal of f501, a piece of a grinding slab had been dislodged from the top of the Southern section where it had been sticking out of the top soil. In order to be able to assign the grinding slab fragment the designation q512.1 the feature f523 had to be created. The top soil had never been excavated by us: it had already been removed two years ago when this locus was part of J2. [Q813VE.J]
F0523B11Q821Top soil, f523, in the Northern baulk of k1 which covers the natural accumulation of f558. [Q821VE.J]
F0523D01Q915k1 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0523D06Q9159302 @bottom [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0523D06Q9159306 @top [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0523F02Q814<5si q0512 [Q918EI5.J]
F0523F02Q821>0co f0558 [Q821VE.J]
F0523I99Q904f523, f518, f515 and f514 have been assigned to s2 because they are top soil. [Q904VVE.J]
F0523K03Q915ts [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0523K05Q915brown [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0523K06Q91510YR 5/3 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0523K07Q9154.2 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0523K08Q915crumbly [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0523P02Q915Q821 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0524B11Q815f524 is a large boulder lying to the north of f532. It is probable that this stone fell down from the top of the second apron f532 already in antiquity because it is visible in v514 which shows the German trench just after they excavated it. [Q815VE.J]
F0524C01Q815The large boulder of f524 had been visible from the start of the season in the German trench BA and was assigned the feature number f524 today. [Q815VE.J]
F0524O01Q824v0539 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0524O01Q827v0542 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0524O01Q827v0545 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0524O01Q831v0550 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0524O01Q902v0553 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0525A21Q815st [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0525B11Q815The top of a large limestone block which protrudes from floor f534 in k1. [Q815VE.J]
F0525C01Q815The top of f525 was found protruding from f534. Only a very small strip is visible at the moment of f525 because most of it is covered by the deposits that were left standing to support the floating f508. [Q815VE.J]
F0525D01Q815k1 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0525D06Q8159157 @top [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0525I99Q904The naturally compacted floor of f534 with the large boulders f525, f526, f527, f528, f519, f567 and f574 abutted the base of f532. f532 is assigned to s12c and because the stones indicate some kind of neglect/decay I will assign these features to s12a which was defined as a possible abandonment stratum. [Q904VVE.J]
F0525K03Q815li [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0525K05Q815pale yellow [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0525K06Q8152.5Y 8/2 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0525O01Q827v0542 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0525O01Q827v0542a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0525O01Q827v0545 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0525O01Q827v0545a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0525O01Q831v0550 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0525O01Q902v0553 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0525O01Q902v0553b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0526A21Q815st [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0526B11Q815f526 is a large boulder that extends from the East section of k1. The top of f526 was found protruding from surface f534. [Q815VE.J]
F0526C01Q815The top of f526 was found protruding from f534 while the rest of it is still hidden by deposits. [Q815VE.J]
F0526D01Q815k1 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0526D06Q8159166 @top [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0526I99Q904The naturally compacted floor of f534 with the large boulders f525, f526, f527, f528, f519, f567 and f574 abutted the base of f532. f532 is assigned to s12c and because the stones indicate some kind of neglect/decay I will assign these features to s12a which was defined as a possible abandonment stratum. [Q904VVE.J]
F0526K03Q815li [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0526K05Q815pale yellow [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0526K06Q8152.5Y 8/2 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0526O01Q824v0537 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0526O01Q827v0542 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0526O01Q827v0542a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0526O01Q827v0545 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0526O01Q831v0550 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0526O01Q902v0553 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0527A21Q815st [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0527B11Q815f527 is a large boulder that is located just to the East of f525. The top of f527 was found just barely protruding from f534. [Q815VE.J]
F0527C01Q815The top of f527 was found protruding from f534. [Q815VE.J]
F0527D01Q815k1 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0527D06Q8159168 @top [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0527I99Q904The naturally compacted floor of f534 with the large boulders f525, f526, f527, f528, f519, f567 and f574 abutted the base of f532. f532 is assigned to s12c and because the stones indicate some kind of neglect/decay I will assign these features to s12a which was defined as a possible abandonment stratum. [Q904VVE.J]
F0527K03Q815li [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0527K05Q815pale yellow [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0527K06Q8152.5Y 8/2 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0527O01Q824v0537 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0527O01Q827v0542 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0527O01Q827v0542a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0527O01Q827v0545 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0527O01Q827v0545a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0527O01Q831v0550 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0527O01Q902v0553 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0527O01Q902v0553b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0528A21Q815st [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0528B11Q815f528 is a large boulder whose southern end is embedded in the southern section baulk. The top of f528 protrudes from f534. [Q815VE.J]
F0528C01Q815The top of f528 was found protruding from f534. [Q815VE.J]
F0528D01Q815k1 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0528D06Q8159153 @top [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0528I99Q904The naturally compacted floor of f534 with the large boulders f525, f526, f527, f528, f519, f567 and f574 abutted the base of f532. f532 is assigned to s12c and because the stones indicate some kind of neglect/decay I will assign these features to s12a which was defined as a possible abandonment stratum. [Q904VVE.J]
F0528K03Q815li [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0528K05Q815pale yellow [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0528K06Q8152.5Y 8/2 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0528O01Q824v0537 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0528O01Q827v0545 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0528O01Q831v0550 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0528O01Q902v0553 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0529A21Q815st [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0529B11Q815f529 is (probably) a large boulder that is still embedded in the northern baulk. f529 lies immediately East of f510 and West of f530. The naturally compacted surface f534 seems to have been lying against f529 and f530. [Q815VE.J]
F0529C01Q815f529 was excavated yesterday (ie. Q814) but only assigned its feature number today. This is because so little of f529 protrudes from the northern section baulk that it was not realized that it is a large boulder. [Q815VE.J]
F0529D01Q815k1 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0529D06Q8159148 @bottom [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0529D06Q8159184 @top [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0529K03Q815li [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0529K05Q815pale yellow [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0529K06Q8152.5Y 8/2 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0529O01Q824v0537 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0529O01Q824v0539 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0529O01Q824v0539a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0529O01Q824v0540a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0529O01Q827v0541 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0529O01Q827v0542 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0529O01Q827v0545 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0529O01Q831v0550 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0529O01Q831v0550d [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0529O01Q902v0553 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0530A21Q815st [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0530B11Q815f530 is (probably) a large boulder that is still embedded in the northern baulk. f530 lies immediately East of f529. The naturally compacted surface f534 seems to have been lying against f530 and f529. [Q815VE.J]
F0530C01Q815f530 was excavated yesterday (ie. Q814) but only assigned its feature number today. This is because so little of f530 protrudes from the northern section baulk that it was not realized that it is a large boulder. [Q815VE.J]
F0530D01Q815k1 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0530D06Q8159146 @bottom [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0530D06Q8159175 @top [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0530K03Q815li [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0530K05Q815pale yellow [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0530K06Q8152.5Y 8/2 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0530O01Q824v0537 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0530O01Q824v0539 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0530O01Q824v0539a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0530O01Q824v0540a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0530O01Q827v0541 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0530O01Q827v0542 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0530O01Q827v0542a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0530O01Q827v0545 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0530O01Q831v0550 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0530O01Q831v0550d [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0530O01Q902v0553 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0531A21Q815st [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0531B11Q815Feature f531 is a large boulder lying to the north of f532. It is probable that this stone fell down from the top of the second apron f532 already in antiquity because it is visible in v514 which shows the German trench just after they excavated it. [Q815VE.J]
F0531C01Q815the large boulder of f524 had been visible from the start of the season in the German trench B6 in area BA and was assigned the feature number f531 today. [Q815VE.J]
F0531D01Q815k2 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0531D06Q8159218 @bottom [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0531D06Q8159237 @top [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0531K03Q815li [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0531K05Q815pale yellow [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0531K06Q8152.5Y 8/2 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0532A21Q815st-is [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0532B11Q815Feature f532 is the continuation to the west in J3 of the second apron excavated in J2. Also, during MZ 18, the westernmost end of this second apron had already been excavated as feature f10 in J3 k12 to establish the connection between the apron and the revetment wall. f532 is a stone installation: it consists of several rows of large boulders that were set on top of each other with each row stepped back from the lower row. [Q815VE.J]
F0532C01Q815The top stones of the second apron had been visible in the German trench BA from the start of the season and were now designated as f532. It could be that since the German team excavated this feature several stones have fallen from their original place. [Q815VE.J]
F0532C01Q819f549 consists of several large boulders that were part of f532 but that have since the time that the Germans excavated them moved from their original positions. The components of f549 are thus really a part of f532, but the designation f549 had to be created in order to relay the dislocated stones. On the basis of the comparison between the views v514 (f532 immediately after excavation) and v504 (f532 at the start of thsi season) I have made template t514. t514 is a tentative reconstruction of from where the stones were dislodged. [Q819VE1.J]
F0532C30Q820The stepped stone structure visible in J2 that we call the Second Apron continues in both k107 and k2. This part of the second apron was assigned the feature number f532. After continuing our excavations however it has become clear that the part of the second apron in k107 is different from the part in k2. In k107 the stone structure still seems to be stepped while in k02 it obviously is not. Therefore I decided to assign a new feature number, f556, to the stepped component of the second apron in k107. It is important to note that in the entries of the previous days when f532 was discussed we might have been also talking about f556. [Q820VE.J]
F0532D01Q815k2 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0532D06Q8159146 @bottom [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0532D06Q8159276 @top [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0532F02Q813<1ov f0512 [Q813VE.J]
F0532I99Q904Strata 12 is defined by the building of the second apron, i.e. f532 and f556. The section of the East side of the East baulk of k107 has shown that the Second Apron was built soon after stones were added to the top of the revetment wall, i.e. f591. Since both these rebuildings show a significant change in the concept of the monumental staircase and the temple terrace, I have decided to assign f591 to Stratum S12d and the second apron to s12c. [Q904VVE.J]
F0532K03Q815li [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0532K05Q815pale yellow [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0532K06Q8152.5Y 8/2 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0532O01Q824v0536 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0532O01Q824v0537 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0532O01Q824v0539 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0532O01Q824v0539a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0532O01Q824v0539b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0532O01Q824v0540a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0532O01Q827v0541 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0532O01Q827v0541b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0532O01Q827v0542 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0532O01Q827v0542a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0532O01Q827v0545 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0532O01Q831v0549 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0532O01Q831v0550 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0532O01Q831v0550d [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0532O01Q902v0553 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0532O01Q902v0553a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0532O01Q902v0553e [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0533B11Q815f533 is a natural accumulation that lies under f522. There was no clear break visible between f522 and f533 but a gradual change. f533 had less roots running through it, it is a little bit less crumbly and softer than f522. [Q815VE.J]
F0533C01Q815Feature f533 was not excavated today, but was assigned after having closed f522. [Q815VE.J]
F0533C01Q816We continued to excavate f533 until we reached the level of the top stones of f532 (the second apron). It should be noted that f532 seems to be on its lowest point here: a little further to the East the top of f532 in the German trench is one row of stones higher. I decided to close this feature to maintain stratigraphic control although there exist no very distinct differences between when it was first uncovered and the bottom of f533 as now defined. Because the second apron, f532, will be dated by the pottery in f533 that is lying directly on top of the steps of f532, such a measure of stratigraphic control seems called for. [Q816VE.J]
F0533F02Q815<0co f0522 [Q815VE.J]
F0533F02Q815<5si q0516 [Q918EI5.J]
F0533I99Q904f565 seems to be the continuation of f500 and covers f566 and therefore is also assigned to s10. [Q904VVE.J]
F0534C01Q815After excavating f500 we found a natural hard surface in k1. It was at its hardest where it came from the Northern baulk. It was lying against f509, f520, f529 and f530 and seemed to sligthly descend southwards. It was only partially preserved because as it extended southwards it became softer and less compact. In the southeastern corner of k1, just northwest of f502, a smooth area of laminations was found: most likely is this the location of a small depression where rain water would have gathered. In some places the compacted surface had also been damaged by the big pick. [Q815VE.J]
F0534C01Q827The continuation of f534 in the North baulk of k1 was found today after removing f566. On top of where the revetment wall should be there appeared a this continuation f534. Immediately north of this there had appeared more large boulders and the deposit underneath f566 there was soft, crumbly, reddish dark brown clay containing many very small pebbles and a little bit of calcite: this seems to be washed down baqaya. [Q827VE.J]
F0534C01Q828f534 had not yet been excavated in the Southern half of k1, but was removed there too today. [Q828VE1.J]
F0534F02Q812<0co f0500 [Q812VE2.J]
F0534F02Q830<5si q0583 [Q918EI5.J]
F0534I99Q904The naturally compacted floor of f534 with the large boulders f525, f526, f527, f528, f519, f567 and f574 abutted the base of f532. f532 is assigned to s12c and because the stones indicate some kind of neglect/decay I will assign these features to s12a which was defined as a possible abandonment stratum. [Q904VVE.J]
F0534O01Q827v0542 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0534O01Q827v0542a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0535B11Q816Feature f535 is very slightly reddish, very light brown deposit. A few pieces of bone were found here; this is remarkable because none seem to have been found so far in the deposits that cover the second apron, f532 or the scattered stones a500. [Q816VE.J]
F0535C01Q816The surface of the northern part, which consists of the bottoms of f513, f516 and the German trench BA, was still rather uneven and high, especially along the edges. Most of these deposits were probably collapse that had occured since the trench had been finished. We were however very close to the bottom, because after excavating this area new deposits were occuring. Pieces of mud bricks were found and a softer ashy area. [Q816VE.J]
F0535C01Q822A small remainder of f535 (bottom of the german trench BA) was excavated. The correct marker points defining the borders of k2 had not been known for a long time and therefore this small area of f535 had remained in the NE corner of k1. [Q822VE.J]
F0536B11Q816Feature f536 is the top soil of the western half of k106. [Q816VE.J]
F0536C01Q822We started to remove the top soil in the northern baulk of k106. Tomorrow we will continue excavating this baulk. [Q822VE.J]
F0536F02Q816>0co f0537 [Q816VE.J]
F0536I99Q904assigned to s2 because it is top soil. [Q904VVE.J]
F0537B11Q816Feature f537 is the natural accumulation under top soil f536. It is a very slightly reddish, very light brown deposit. [Q816VE.J]
F0537F02Q816<0co f0536 [Q816VE.J]
F0537I99Q904f537 seems to be continuation of the layer of f548 and therefore is assigned to s7. [Q904VVE.J]
F0538C01Q817This feature was accidently skipped. [Q817VE.J]
F0538C30Q816This feature number was accidentally skipped, so no new feature has been assigned to it. [Q816VE.J]
F0539B11Q817Feature f539 is the remnant of the top soil of k107 that results from the mis-alignment of the grids for the older German excavation and the current excavations. It is a wedge of soil south of the previously excavated German trench B6 with its wider part on the east. It covers the natural accumulation f540. [Q817VE.J]
F0539F02Q817>0co f0540 [Q817VE.J]
F0539I99Q904assigned to s2 because it is top soil. [Q904VVE.J]
F0540B11Q817Feature f540 is the natural accumulation that lies under the top soil f539 in the southern part of k107. [Q817VE.J]
F0540C01Q824The remains of f540 that still were in the East baulk of k107 were excavated today. [Q824VE.J]
F0540F02Q817<0co f0539 [Q817VE.J]
F0540F02Q817>0co f0544 [Q817VE.J]
F0540F02Q817>0co f0546 [Q817VE.J]
F0540F02Q902<5si q0590 [Q918EI5.J]
F0540I99Q904The natural deposit f540 is assigned to s3 because it lies under the top soil. [Q904VVE.J]
F0541B11Q817Feature f541 lies under the natural accumulation f537 and possibly cuts the harder natural accumulation f542 in k106. It is a very slightly reddish light brown deposit. It is very similar to f542 except that it is much softer. [Q817VE.J]
F0541B11Q819Although it is still unclear whether or not f541 was a shallow pit or not, it is now clear that it overlies part of f542 perhaps even cutting it as a shallow pit. It could also have been a small gully caused by rainwater. In this deposit several large stones were found. [Q819VE1.J]
F0541C01Q817Excavation of f541 was started today after we had removed the overlying deposit of f537. [Q817VE.J]
F0541C01Q819We continued to excavate f541 and after one pick run we could close it because we had reached its bottom. Under f541 we saw the same hard deposit as in f542 and this means that f541 overlies f542 and was perhaps even cut into it. [Q819VE1.J]
F0541C01Q823The remaining deposits of f541 in the Northern baulk of k106 were excavated today, except for the last easternmost meter which will be excavated as part of the eastern baulk of k107. This is done because we need to draw the section of the eastern side of eastern baulk of k107. [Q823VE.J]
F0541F02Q817>2cu f0542 [Q817VE.J]
F0541F02Q819<1ov f0541 [Q819VE1.J]
F0541F02Q819<5si q0533 [Q918EI5.J]
F0541F02Q819>1ov f0541 [Q819VE1.J]
F0541F02Q820>1ov f0552 [Q820VE.J]
F0541I99Q904The underlying deposit f552 can be positively assigned to s11 and therefore these deposits are assigned to s10. They seem to be a continuation of f550. The stones that are embedded in s542 must then also belong to s10. [Q904VVE.J]
F0542B11Q817Feature f542 lies under the natural accumulation f537 and is possibly cut by the harder natural accumulation f541. It is a very slightly reddish light brown deposit. It is very similar to f541 except that it is much softer. [Q817VE.J]
F0542C01Q817Excavation of f542 was started today after we had removed the overlying deposit of f537. [Q817VE.J]
F0542C01Q820We excavated f542 today and closed it. New feature f552, was assigned. It had many of the same characteristics as f 542, but encompassed the entire locus k106. [Q820VE.J]
F0542F02Q817<2cu f0541 [Q817VE.J]
F0542I99Q904The underlying deposit f552 can be positively assigned to s11 and therefore these deposits are assigned to s10. They seem to be a continuation of f550. The stones that are embedded in s542 must then also belong to s10. [Q904VVE.J]
F0543B11Q817Feature f543 is a large boulder that probably had become dislodged from f532. [Q817VE.J]
F0543I99Q904The boulders f509 and f510 lie against the base of f532 and must have rolled over it when they became dislocated, if they were not in fact at one time part of f532 itself. This early occurrence of dislocated stones when the second apron f532 had been covered with very little deposits only, must be assigned to s11a. The deposit in which their base is lying, f557, might be s11a too or slightly younger: s10. Other stones, f543, f551, f564 and f520, were also displaced and remained lying on top of the (thin deposits that cover the) lower part of f532. These could belong to the same deposition of dislocated stones as f509 and f510 and therefore are also assigned to s11a. [Q904VVE.J]
F0543O01Q824v0537 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0543O01Q824v0537b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0543O01Q824v0539 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0543O01Q824v0539a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0543O01Q824v0540a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0543O01Q827v0541 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0543O01Q827v0541b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0543O01Q827v0542 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0543O01Q827v0542a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0543O01Q827v0545 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0543O01Q831v0550 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0543O01Q831v0550d [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0543O01Q902v0553 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0544A21Q819is [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0544B11Q817Feature f544 consists of several large pebbles that form a semi-circle that extends from the southern section. It is possible that the other half of the circle is lying in the baulk. It could be a small, ad hoc, fire-place although no large amounts of ashes (f546) were found nor did the stones show any obvious signs of having been heated. Feature f546 lies to the north of f544. Feature f544 rests on the naturally compacted floor f547. [Q817VE.J]
F0544C01Q817At the bottom of f540 we found some large pebbles that were aligned in a semi-circle that extended from the southern section. These stones define f544 which lies on top of the naturally compacted floor f547. To the north of f544 was lying a small grey (ashy?) deposit f546 that contained a lot of small sherds. [Q817VE.J]
F0544C01Q819f544 and the associated greyish deposit f546 and the associated natural surface f547 were removed today. [Q819VE1.J]
F0544D01Q819k107 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0544D06Q8199292 @bottom [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0544D06Q8199301 @top [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0544F02Q817<0co f0540 [Q817VE.J]
F0544F02Q817>7re f0547 [Q817VE.J]
F0544I99Q904Slightly under the top soil an old naturally compacted surface f547 was found with f546 and f544 resting upon it. These features are assigned to s6 because they show some ephemeral evidence of occupation long after the temple terrace had been covered. [Q904VVE.J]
F0544K03Q819li [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0544K05Q819pale yellow [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0544K06Q8192.5Y 8/2 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0545A21Q819vm [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0545B11Q817Feature f545 is one of the trenches, B6, that was excavated by the German team of archaeologists from the University of Tuebingen who excavated on Tell Mozan for several years. The loci of J3 were not laid out along the same grid as the B6 trenches and therefore this trench runs obliquely through our J3 loci k2 and k107. Feature f545 cut through what should have been the the North baulk of k2 and completely removed the North baulk of k107. View v514 is a photo taken by the Germans after they finished their excavation in this trench. View v501 is the state of the trench at the start of this season and View v504 was taken after the trench had been cleaned a little bit and we had set back its Southern section a little bit in order to make it intelligible. [Q817VE.J]
F0545D01Q819k107 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0545D06Q8199235 @bottom [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0545D06Q8199379 @top [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0545K03Q819cl [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0546C01Q819f546 and the associated stone circle f544 and the associated natural surface f547 were removed today. [Q819VE1.J]
F0546F02Q817<0co f0540 [Q817VE.J]
F0546F02Q819<5si q0528 [Q918EI5.J]
F0546I99Q904Slightly under the top soil an old naturally compacted surface f547 was found with f546 and f544 resting upon it. These features are assigned to s6 because they show some ephemeral evidence of occupation long after the temple terrace had been covered. [Q904VVE.J]
F0547A21Q819fd [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0547C01Q819The naturally compacted floor surface f547 was removed today along with the stone circle f544 and greyish deposit f546 were removed today. [Q819VE1.J]
F0547D01Q819k107 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0547D06Q8199299 @top [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0547D06Q8199331 @bottom [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0547F02Q817<7re f0544 [Q817VE.J]
F0547F02Q819>0co f0548 [Q819VE1.J]
F0547I99Q904Slightly under the top soil an old naturally compacted surface f547 was found with f546 and f544 resting upon it. These features are assigned to s6 because they show some ephemeral evidence of occupation long after the temple terrace had been covered. [Q904VVE.J]
F0547K03Q819cl [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0547K05Q819pale brown [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0547K06Q81910YR 6/3 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0547K07Q8193.75 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0547K08Q819crumbly with small pebbels [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0548B11Q819f548 is a natural accumulation that is covered by compacted surface f547. It is a crumbly pale brown deposit with some pebbles in it. It is very similar to the deposits that lie on top of it, but it is relatively hard. It is also remarkable that a lot more pottery sherds were found in this deposit than in the younger deposits. [Q819VE1.J]
F0548C01Q819After removing the compacted surface f547 we continued to excavate the underlying natural deposit f548. [Q819VE1.J]
F0548C01Q824The remains of f548 that still were in the East baulk of k107 were excavated today. A lot of pottery and two large floating boulders (f561 and f562) were found in this deposit. [Q824VE.J]
F0548F02Q819<0co f0547 [Q819VE1.J]
F0548I99Q904f548 was covered by the naturally compacted surface of f547 and lies on top of the final deposit, f550, that covered the second apron f556. Since we have assigned s10 to f550, f548 has to be s7. Stratum s7 was defined as layers covering the terrace after its sacral function had been lost. This fits very well the description of f537. [Q904VVE.J]
F0548O01Q824v0538 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0549A21Q819st [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0549B11Q819f549 consists of several large boulders that were part of f532 but that have since the time that the Germans excavated them moved from their original positions. The components of f549 are thus really a part of f532, but the designation f549 had to be created in order to relay the dislocated stones. On the basis of the comparison between the views v514 (f532 immediately after excavation) and v504 (f532 at the start of thsi season) I have made template t514. t514 is a tentative reconstruction of from where the stones were dislodged. [Q819VE1.J]
F0549C01Q819Today we compared the current state of the western part of the second apron f532 with the state in which it was found by the German team from Tuebingen. v514 is a picture made by the German team after they finished excavating their trench BA. When we compare v514 with current state of preservation, e.g. v504, it becomes apparent that many stones have moved at least a little bit and that some have fallen down to the north of f532. f549 is the designation for some of these stones that have moved out of their original position. Eleven boulders, f549.1-f549.11, have been relayed in relays r1094-r1149. [Q819VE1.J]
F0549D01Q819k2 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0549D06Q8199231 @bottom [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0549D06Q8199277 @top [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0549K03Q819li [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0549K05Q819pale yellow [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0549K06Q8192.5Y 8/2 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0550A21Q819ad [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0550C01Q820The natural deposit of f550 was excavated again today and closed when we had uncovered the third step (from the top) of the second apron f556. This was done for stratigraphic control (intended for the pottery that could date the end of the use of the apron) rather than a change in the deposits. The deposit was continued as f553. [Q820VE.J]
F0550C01Q826The natural deposit that covers the (probably) lowest step of the second apron in k107 was excavated today. [Q826VE.J]
F0550D01Q819k107 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0550D06Q8199252 @bottom [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0550D06Q8199261 @top [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0550F02Q819<5si q0534 [Q918EI5.J]
F0550I99Q904The top part of the second apron (f556) was covered by the deposit f550, but the presence of the apron would have perhaps been noticable. I assign it to s10, the ultimate abandonment of the function of the temple terrace. Stratigraphically however, I see no absolute proof that these deposits are s10 and not s7, i.e. it is very hard to make that distinction. The main reason to assign it to s10 is that the underlying deposit f553 has been assigned to s11 and the underlying dislocated boulders to s11a. [Q904VVE.J]
F0550K03Q819cl [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0551A21Q819st [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0551D01Q819k2 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0551I99Q904The boulders f509 and f510 lie against the base of f532 and must have rolled over it when they became dislocated, if they were not in fact at one time part of f532 itself. This early occurrence of dislocated stones when the second apron f532 had been covered with very little deposits only, must be assigned to s11a. The deposit in which their base is lying, f557, might be s11a too or slightly younger: s10. Other stones, f543, f551, f564 and f520, were also displaced and remained lying on top of the (thin deposits that cover the) lower part of f532. These could belong to the same deposition of dislocated stones as f509 and f510 and therefore are also assigned to s11a. [Q904VVE.J]
F0551K03Q819li [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0551K05Q819pale yellow [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0551K06Q8192.5Y 8/2 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0551O01Q824v0537 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0551O01Q824v0537b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0551O01Q824v0539 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0551O01Q824v0540a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0551O01Q827v0541 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0551O01Q827v0541b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0551O01Q827v0542 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0551O01Q827v0542a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0551O01Q827v0545 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0551O01Q831v0550d [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0551O01Q902v0553 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0552B11Q820Feature f552 was opened as an expanded version of f542 after f542 was excavated to the same level as the bottom of f541. Feature f541 lies on top of f552. Feature f552 seems to be the same type of deposit as f542 although perhaps a little less hard and maybe a little bit more crumbly. At the position where the division between f541 and f542 had been there still seems to remain a much harder area. It is unclear what this could be exactly. [Q820VE.J]
F0552C01Q820Feature f552 was opened as a continuation of f542 after f542 was excavated to the same level as the bottom of f541. Feature f541 lies on top of f552. [Q820VE.J]
F0552C01Q828Today we started to excavate f552 again in order to uncover the face of the revetment wall. [Q828VE1.J]
F0552C01Q830f552 was excavated today in the Southern half of k106 which had not been excavated yet. It is a compact layer of light brownish red clay. [Q830VE1.J]
F0552F02Q820<1ov f0541 [Q820VE.J]
F0552I99Q904The accumulations of f552 and f553 start to cover the lower steps of the second apron. The apron remains visible, however. These deposits must then have accumulated at (the end) of the use of the second apron, i.e. s11, perhaps s11b. [Q904VVE.J]
F0552O01Q824v0538 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0553B11Q820Feature f553 was opened when the third step (from the top) of the second apron f556 had been uncovered while excavating f550. In effect, it is a continuation of f550. This redesignation was done for stratigraphic control (intended for the pottery that could date the end of the use of the apron) rather than a change in the deposits. However, just below the top of f553 in the SE corner of k107 a hard natural floor surface was found at elev.(3615 +73 -163). It was only very partially preserved and therefore we decided not to start a new feature. [Q820VE.J]
F0553C01Q826The natural deposit that covers the (probably) lowest step of the second apron in k107 was excavated today. [Q826VE.J]
F0553I99Q904The accumulations of f552 and f553 start to cover the lower steps of the second apron. The apron remains visible, however. These deposits must then have accumulated at (the end) of the use of the second apron, i.e. s11, perhaps s11b. [Q904VVE.J]
F0553O01Q831v0550 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0554A21Q820st [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0554B11Q820Feature f554 is a large boulder that probably was dislocated from the second apron f556 that lies to the north of it. [Q820VE.J]
F0554C01Q820Feature f554 had already been excavated when the eastern half of this locus had been excavated as a part of J2. It was now assigned a J3 feature number, f554, so it could be relayed. [Q820VE.J]
F0554D01Q820k106 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0554D06Q8209241 @bottom [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0554D06Q8209268 @top [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0554I99Q904The underlying deposit f552 can be positively assigned to s11 and therefore these deposits are assigned to s10. They seem to be a continuation of f550. The stones that are embedded in s542 must then also belong to s10. [Q904VVE.J]
F0554K03Q820li [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0554K05Q820pale yellow [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0554K06Q8202.5Y 8/2 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0554O01Q824v0538 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0555A21Q820st [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0555B11Q820Feature f555 is a collection of five small boulders that are sitting in the natural accumulation of f541. It is possible that they were once part of the steps of the second apron, f556, that lie to the north. [Q820VE.J]
F0555D01Q820k106 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0555D06Q8209197 @bottom [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0555D06Q8209218 @top [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0555I99Q904The underlying deposit f552 can be positively assigned to s11 and therefore these deposits are assigned to s10. They seem to be a continuation of f550. The stones that are embedded in s542 must then also belong to s10. [Q904VVE.J]
F0555K03Q820li [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0555K05Q820pale yellow [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0555K06Q8202.5Y 8/2 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0555O01Q824v0538 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0556A21Q820st-in [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0556B11Q820The stepped stone structure in k106 visible in J2 that we call the Second Apron continues in both k107 and k2. This part of the second apron was assigned the feature number f532. After continuing our excavations however it has become clear that the part of the second apron in k107 is different from the part in k2. In k107 the stone structure still seems to be stepped while in k2 it obviously is not. Therefore I decided to assign a new feature number, f556, to the stepped component of the second apron in k107. It is important to note that previous mention of what is now been designated f556 was made under the heading of f532. [Q820VE.J]
F0556B11Q824Feature, f556, is the part of the second apron that lies in k107. This second apron is a stepped stone structure that runs approximately in an East-West direction. Up until today five steps (consisting of rows of stones) had been excavated. The top step must have consisted of several large boulders most of which now have moved a little bit out of their place. The next two steps consist of smaller boulders (ca. 20 x 25 x 20 cm). Not all steps continue along the entire length of the feature: the second and third step continue as the higher second step as several larger boulders continue eastward. The fourth step is a combination of the smaller boulders and very large, flat boulders. The fifth step, not completely uncovered yet, seems to consist mainly of these large flat slabs. The western edge, where the transition to the stepless f532 must lie, is still unclear because it is covered by the East baulk of k2. A large boulder projects out of the baulk and might be resting on the third and fourth steps. It is likely that this stone is (slightly) out of place, but it might turn out to be a sort of a ramp lining the Western border of f556. [Q824VE.J]
F0556B11Q830A layer of mud bricks f583 seems to be lying under the second apron f556. fAB suggested that the second apron was constructed in such a way that it descended and became progressively narrower as the structure extends to west. Viewed over a longer distance it indeed becomes apparent that more steps come together to continue as one than I had originally noted. [Q830VE1.J]
F0556C03Q823The East side section of the eastern baulk of k107 is very important because it shows the chronological relationship between the second apron and the revetment wall. At this point there is a horizontal gap between the bottom of the second apron (f556 in k107) and the top of the revetment wall. The bottom of the second apron is also slightly higher than the top of the revetment wall. See also v531 and v534. (Fortunately, one of the top stones of the revetment wall was still connected to the section baulk.) Several layers, including a distinctive, thin, slightly ashy layer, abutted the bottom stone of the second apron and ran down southwards to stop against the northern side of one of the top stones of the revetment wall. We can conclude from this that the top of the revetment wall was still visible (at least in some places) when the second apron was visible. jW has proposed the hypothesis that the top of the revetment wall was added later, i.e. in Mitanni times, because the boulders are not embedded in mortar and seem to have been emplaced a little bit more haphazardly. If this hypothesis is true and the stone in this section was one of the younger additions (which it seems to be), then we must now conclude that after the top of the revetment wall had been added there was a period during which accumulations gathered on the northern (terrace) side of the wall. Only after this period of accumulation, but with the top of the revetment wall still visible in some places, the second apron was built. [Q823VE.J]
F0556C10Q823On Q824 aA and iI drew section of the East side of the eastern baulk of k107 after vE had cleaned it and identified the layers. This section is very important because it shows the chronological relationship between the second apron and the revetment wall. See also v531 and v534. The top of the revetment wall seems to be (as was proposed by jW) a younger addition to the third millennium wall. After this addition a (short) period of accumulation on the terrace side of the revetment wall ensued. When the top of the (younger phase of the) revetment wall had been reached by the accumulations, but not yet covered it, the second apron was built. [Q823VE.J]
F0556D01Q820k106 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0556D06Q8209168 @bottom [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0556D06Q8209309 @top [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0556I99Q904Strata 12 is defined by the building of the second apron, i.e. f532 and f556. The section of the East side of the East baulk of k107 has shown that the Second Apron was built soon after stones were added to the top of the revetment wall, i.e. f591. Since both these rebuildings show a significant change in the concept of the monumental staircase and the temple terrace, I have decided to assign f591 to Stratum S12d and the second apron to s12c. [Q904VVE.J]
F0556K03Q820li [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0556K05Q820pale yellow [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0556K06Q8202.5Y 8/2 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0556O01Q824v0538 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0556O01Q827v0543 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0556O01Q827v0543a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0556O01Q827v0544 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0556O01Q827v0544a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0556O01Q827v0544b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0556O01Q831v0548 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0556O01Q831v0549 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0556O01Q831v0549c [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0557A21Q820ad [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0557B11Q817Feature f557 is the natural deposit that lies to the south of and covers f532. The q-lot q526 that belonged to f557 had by accident been assigned to f535. [Q817VE.J]
F0557B11Q819f557 is a natural accumulation that accumulated on top of the top of the second apron f532 and on top of the natural compacted surface f566. (During excavation of feature f566 it was noted that the deposit was much softer in the Southeastern corner of k2 than elsewhere.) Colour and texture were the same everywhere in f557. No outline of a pit was found in neither the surface nor the sections. I suspect that the soil was looser here because of the presence of roots. By accident q-lots q530 and q531 that belong to f557 were assigned to f535. [Q819VE1.J]
F0557C01Q819We continued to excavate f557 to further expose the stones of f532 and closed this feature when we reached the natural compacted surface f566. [Q819VE1.J]
F0557D01Q820k2 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0557K03Q820cl [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0557O01Q824v0539 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0557O01Q824v0539a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0558B11Q821Natural accumulation, f558, under the top soil f523 of the northern baulk of k1. The corresponding deposits in the 4x4 m. excavation area had already been removed during a previous campaign when k1 was part of J2. f558 lies on top of f500. [Q821VE.J]
F0558F02Q821<0co f0523 [Q821VE.J]
F0558F02Q821>0co f0500 [Q821VE.J]
F0558I99Q904f517 is the same deposit as f558 and must have accumulated here when the second apron had already been covered by many deposits. f513 and f558 are the deposits right under the top soil and slope down from the top of the temple terrace. It also seems to be basically the same layer as f537 and has therefore been assigned to s7, just like f522 and f516. [Q904VVE.J]
F0559B11Q822This feature designates the deposits that were removed when we set back the eastern section of k107 to its correct position. [Q822VE.J]
F0559O01Q902v0555 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0560B11Q823soil in the northeastern corner of k107, corresponding to the eroded north edge of the German trench B6. [Q823VE.J]
F0560C01Q823We removed these deposits in the Northeastern corner of k107 to straighten out the irregularities of the eroded edge of the German trench. The eastern end of the German trench is also very eroded and only a very thin baulk is left there. In the coming days we will carefully try to clean this section without collapsing it and see if it can give us any information on the deposits beneath the second apron. [Q823VE.J]
F0561B11Q824Feature, f561, is a very large boulder that was embedded in natural accumulations and was lying just above and a little bit to the East of another large boulder, f562. Both boulders must have rolled down from their original position which might have been the second apron f556 or perhaps a stone structure even higher up on the temple terrace. [Q824VE.J]
F0561C01Q824This large boulder was found while removing the East baulk of k107. [Q824VE.J]
F0561C01Q827This boulder was now 'floating' on a column of deposits. After pictures had been taken and its area designation and feature number had been written on it with a permanent marker was f561 removed along with f562. [Q827VE.J]
F0561I99Q904The boulders f561 and f562 sit in the top of the f553 which was assigned to s11(b). These stones must have arrived here when the top of the apron was still visible. Therefore I do not assign them to stratum s10, which is described as 'abandonment' but to s11a 'collapse' which ushers in the abandonment. [Q904VVE.J]
F0561O01Q824v0538 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0561O01Q824v0538a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0561O01Q831v0550 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0562B11Q824Feature, f562, is a large boulder that was embedded in natural accumulations and was lying just beneath and a little bit to the West of another large boulder, f561. Both boulders must have rolled down from their original position which might have been the second apron f556 or perhaps a stone structure even higher up on the temple terrace. [Q824VE.J]
F0562C01Q824This large boulder was found while removing the East baulk of k107. [Q824VE.J]
F0562C01Q827This boulder was now 'floating' on a column of deposits. After pictures had been taken and its area designation and feature number had been written on it with a permanent marker was f561 removed along with f561. [Q827VE.J]
F0562I99Q904The boulders f561 and f562 sit in the top of the f553 which was assigned to s11(b). These stones must have arrived here when the top of the apron was still visible. Therefore I do not assign them to stratum s10, which is described as 'abandonment' but to s11a 'collapse' which ushers in the abandonment. [Q904VVE.J]
F0562O01Q824v0538 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0562O01Q824v0538a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0563B11Q824Feature, f563, is a large stone that had been embedded in the accumulations of the Northern baulk of k1. f563 is just to the east of f520. [Q824VE.J]
F0563O01Q824v0537 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0563O01Q824v0537b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0563O01Q824v0539 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0563O01Q824v0539a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0563O01Q824v0540a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0563O01Q827v0541 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0563O01Q827v0542 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0563O01Q827v0545 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0563O01Q831v0550d [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0563O01Q902v0553 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0564B11Q824Feature, f564, is a large stone that had been embedded in the accumulations of the Northern baulk of k1. f563 lies to the west of f520. [Q824VE.J]
F0564I99Q904The boulders f509 and f510 lie against the base of f532 and must have rolled over it when they became dislocated, if they were not in fact at one time part of f532 itself. This early occurrence of dislocated stones when the second apron f532 had been covered with very little deposits only, must be assigned to s11a. The deposit in which their base is lying, f557, might be s11a too or slightly younger: s10. Other stones, f543, f551, f564 and f520, were also displaced and remained lying on top of the (thin deposits that cover the) lower part of f532. These could belong to the same deposition of dislocated stones as f509 and f510 and therefore are also assigned to s11a. [Q904VVE.J]
F0565A21Q826ad [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0565B11Q826Feature, f565, is a slightly reddish light brown deposit that covers the lower part of the second apron f532. As more boulders appeared this deposit quickly receded southwards. It was lying on top of the naturally compacted floor f566. [Q826VE.J]
F0565C01Q826Today the bronze item i500, possibly a bronze spoon, was found while excavating f565. [Q826VE.J]
F0565D01Q826k1 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0565D06Q8269158 @bottom [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0565D06Q8269198 @top [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0565F02Q826>0co f0566 [Q826VE.J]
F0565I99Q904The stones that are embedded in the deposit of f500 were probably deposited when most of the second apron f532 was (being) covered by deposits: s10. f565 seems to be the continuation of f500 and covers f566 and therefore is also assigned to s10. [Q904VVE.J]
F0565K03Q826cl [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0565K05Q826pale brown [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0565K06Q82610YR 6/3 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0565K07Q8263.5 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0565K08Q826softly with small pebbels [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0566A21Q826fd [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0566B11Q819Feature f566 is a medium hard, naturally compacted floor consisting of slightly reddish, very light brown clay. Some of the dislodged boulders were lying on top of f566. [Q819VE1.J]
F0566B11Q826Feature, f566, is a series of hard, naturally compacted walking surfaces that lie under deposit f565. See v540. [Q826VE.J]
F0566C01Q819We removed the natural accumulation f557 and found a naturally compacted floor f566. This floor covers some of the stones of f532 and continues into the South section of k2. [Q819VE1.J]
F0566C01Q827f566 was removed today. Underneath, where the revetment wall should be there appeared a new naturally compacted floor which is the continuation in this area of f534. Immediately north of this there had appeared more large boulders and the deposit underneath f566 there was soft, crumbly, reddish dark brown clay containing many very small pebbles and a little bit of calcite: this seems to be washed down baqaya. More large boulders appeared while removing f566 and it is not quite clear yet whether these belong to the second apron f532 or to the top of the revetment wall f569. [Q827VE.J]
F0566D01Q826k2 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0566D06Q8269146 @bottom [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0566D06Q8269158 @top [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0566F02Q826<0co f0565 [Q826VE.J]
F0566I99Q904The compacted surfaces of f566 overlie f534 (s12a) and cover part of the base of f532. This use of the second apron f532 and the start of accumulations against it and therefore should be assigned to s11b or s11c. [Q904VVE.J]
F0566K03Q826cl [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0566K05Q826vary pale brown [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0566K06Q82610YR 7/3 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0566K07Q8262 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0566K08Q826crumbly with vary small pebbels [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0566O01Q824v0540a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0566O01Q827v0541 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0566O01Q827v0541b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0566P02Q826Q827 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0567A21Q826st [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0567B11Q826f567 is a large boulder whose top protrudes slightly above the naturally compacted surface f534. [Q826VE.J]
F0567C01Q826After the large dislocated floating boulder f507 had been removed and the small deposit on which it was standing had also been excavated the large boulder f567 was uncovered. [Q826VE.J]
F0567D01Q826k1 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0567D06Q8269152 @bottom [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0567D06Q8269187 @top [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0567I99Q904The naturally compacted floor of f534 with the large boulders f525, f526, f527, f528, f519, f567 and f574 abutted the base of f532. f532 is assigned to s12c and because the stones indicate some kind of neglect/decay I will assign these features to s12a which was defined as a possible abandonment stratum. [Q904VVE.J]
F0567P02Q826Q829 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0568B11Q827f568 is the deposit that lies against the lowest step of the second apron f556 and the top of the revetment wall. It must have accumulated here (also covering now the top of the revetment wall) during the use of f556 After excavation of these deposits several stones of the top of the revetment wall seem to be starting to show. [Q827VE.J]
F0568I99Q904Since f568 overlays the top of f591 and abuts the lowest row of stones of the apron f556 it is assigned to the first use of f532, i.e. s12c. [Q904VVE.J]
F0568O01Q827v0543 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0568O01Q827v0543a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0569A21Q827st-is [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0569B11Q831After cleaning the face of the top of the revetment wall it became clear that some of these boulders are not resting directly on the other stones of the revetment wall, but were instead resting on deposits. This proves the hypothesis that the top of the revetment wall was a younger addition. See v551b and v551c. [Q831VE.J]
F0569C03Q831Both in k01 and k106 there is the association of an ashy layer (f576 and f577) with collapsed stones (f575, f579, f585 and f584, f586, f587, f588 and f589). This association could indicate a deliberate disturbance of the top of the revetment wall (that had remained visible). If I were to follow this line of reasoning I would suggest that such a disturbance must have been caused by outsiders. This would also explain why the inhabitants of Urkesh at then felt the need to recreate the top of the revetment wall by adding another line of stones. [Q831VE.J]
F0569D01Q827k106 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0569D06Q8279186 @top [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0569F02Q830<8ab f0578 [Q830VE1.J]
F0569I99Q904The baqaya f581 and the mudbrick pavement, f582, I assign to phase 1 based on the assumption that there never was any major rebuilding of the baqaya-glacis and it therefore was phase 1 like the revetment wall f569. The mudbrick pavement might be slightly younger than the baqaya or is contemporary and the piece that was foudn is actually the border of a pavement that ran parallel to the stairs up to the temple. [Q904VVE.J]
F0569K03Q827li [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0569K05Q827pale yellow [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0569K06Q8272.5Y 8/2 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0569O01Q827v0544 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0569O01Q827v0544a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0569O01Q827v0544b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0569O01Q827v0544c [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0569O01Q827v0545 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0569O01Q827v0545d [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0569O01Q831v0548 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0569O01Q831v0548a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0569O01Q831v0549 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0569O01Q831v0549c [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0569O01Q831v0550 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0569O01Q831v0550a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0569O01Q831v0550d [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0569O01Q902v0551a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0569O01Q902v0551b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0569O01Q902v0551c [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0569O01Q902v0552 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0569O01Q902v0552a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0569O01Q902v0553 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0569O01Q902v0553a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0569O01Q902v0554 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0570B11Q828Accumulation f570 is a very light reddish light grey deposit that is slightly ashy. It is the same deposit as the ashy deposit in the East section of the East baulk of k107. Many small bones were found here and therefore we decided to sift all the deposits from this small area. No pits were visible at the top of f570 and the bones were lying very scattered. These observations and the information from the section indicate that f570 is a wash layer that lies under the second apron f556. hPU remarked also after looking at the bones that their small size and shape seem to indicate a wash layer context. He also said that it mainly consisted of sheep/goat and pig. mKB looked at the pottery from f570 and after an initial review said that it was mixed (some Chalcolithic sherds) but most likely was phase 3. At the bottom of f570 we found a baqaya surface most likely the glacis. Two pits seem to have been dug into the baqaya but most of these pits remains hidden under the stones of f556. [Q828VE1.J]
F0570B11Q830The wash layer of f570 runs under the mud bricks of f583 (and therefore also under f556) and on top of the baqaya and the remains of the mud brick surface f582. It is not clear yet whether or not this deposit lies against the top of the revetment wall or actually runs under the top stone of the revetment wall. [Q830VE1.J]
F0570C01Q828In k107 we opened f570 which is the natural deposit that lies between the second apron and the revetment wall and which underlies the second apron f532. Many small bones were found here and therefore we decided to sift all the deposits from this small area. Under f570 appeared baqaya and possibly the edges of two pits that were cut into the baqaya glacis. [Q828VE1.J]
F0570C01Q830We continued to remove the little that remained of the greyish deposit f570 in q578 in order to clear the baqaya f581. When we found the remains of several mud bricks f582 at the eastern edge of k107 we decided to extend f570 further to the East (into J2) with q579 in order to clean the surface there in the gap between the revetment wall f569 and the second apron f556 and to find the possible continuation of the mud bricks. [Q830VE1.J]
F0570I99Q828mKB looked at the pottery from f570 and her initial (preliminary) view was that it was mixed (some Chalcolithic sherds) but most likely was phase 3. [Q828VE1.J]
F0570I99Q904f570 was covered by f568 (s12c) and f583 (s12d). The sherds were briefly analyzed by mKB and her preliminary conclusion was that it is phase 3, perhaps 4. Because this is a wash layer the pottery might have eroded/washed down from real phase 3 deposits. It remains hard to give an absolute assignation, but I would assign it to phase 4. [Q904VVE.J]
F0570K99Q828hPU remarked after looking at the bones that their small size and shape seem to indicate a wash layer context. He also said that it mainly consisted of sheep/goat and pig. [Q828VE1.J]
F0570O01Q827v0544 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0570O01Q827v0544b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0570O01Q831v0549 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0570O01Q831v0549a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0570O01Q831v0549b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0571B11Q828Feature, f571, is a natural accumulation consisting of reddish light brown clay and containing many very small pebble inclusions. It is relatively hard accumulation. [Q828VE1.J]
F0571C01Q828Because the naturally compacted floor f534 had been removed yesterday we started to excavate the new feature f571 which is a natural accumulation.30 cm North of m4389 a thin band of soft deposits mixed with black ashes ran from the West baulk some 45 cm to the East at an elevation of m4389 +104 -162.Most likely it was an animal hole because all of the surrounding areas seem to be the same harder deposit of f571. [Q828VE1.J]
F0571C01Q829At first we continued to excavate f571 in all of k01, but then we excavated this natural deposit only in the northern half of k01. We closed it when we reached the softer deposit of f572. [Q829VE3.J]
F0571I99Q904The naturally accumulated surfaces of f571 probably abutted f532 because the first row of stones of f532 seems to have been built on some kind of packing. f571 underlies f534 which was assigned to s12a and f532 is s12c, so therefore f571 is s12b. [Q904VVE.J]
F0571O01Q827v0545 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0571O01Q827v0545c [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0572B11Q829Feature, 572, is a slightly reddish light brown deposit that is not much different from the overlying natural accumulation f571 except that it is softer, more crumbly and perhaps a little bit lighter in hue. [Q829VE3.J]
F0572B11Q830At the bottom of f572 were lying two boulders, f575 and f579. Under f572 appeared the soft and ashy layer of f576 [Q830VE1.J]
F0572C01Q829f572 was uncovered after excavating all of f571 in the Northern half of k01. [Q829VE3.J]
F0572C01Q830We excavated f572 today in the northern half of k01. At the bottom of it appeared two boulders, f575 and f579. [Q830VE1.J]
F0572C01Q831In order to make sense of the new row of boulders, whose tops have been uncovered while excavating the Northern half of k1, we started to excavate the natural accumulation f572 also in the Southern half of k1. [Q831VE.J]
F0572C01Q831The natural accumulation f572 was now also excavated in the Southern half of k106 in order to clarify the context of the boulders that had appeared yesterday in the northern half of k106. During the excavation of f572 several more large boulders were uncovered and relayed: f584, f586, f587, f588 and f589. These boulders seem to lie on the same level as the ash deposit of f577. [Q831VE.J]
F0572I99Q904The deposit of f572 lies on top of f576 which dates to s13a and lies under the s12b deposit of f572. [Q904VVE.J]
F0573B11Q829f573 is a softer, more crumbly clay deposit underlying f552. [Q829VE3.J]
F0573C01Q829f573 was found after the hard compact layer of f552 had been removed in the northern half of k106. [Q829VE3.J]
F0573F02Q902<5si q0589 [Q918EI5.J]
F0573I99Q904The accumulation of f573 overlays f591 (s12d) and abuts f568 (s12b/c) but is covered by f552 (s11) and will therefore by assigned to s12b (or s12a). [Q904VVE.J]
F0574B11Q830f574 is a very large boulder that protrudes from the South section of k01 and lies just to the East of f528. Both f528 and f574 seem to be lying on the same level in f572. [Q830VE1.J]
F0574C01Q830Today we relayed the large boulder f574 which had been exposed at the end of the excavations of yesterday. [Q830VE1.J]
F0574I99Q904The naturally compacted floor of f534 with the large boulders f525, f526, f527, f528, f519, f567 and f574 abutted the base of f532. f532 is assigned to s12c and because the stones indicate some kind of neglect/decay I will assign these features to s12a which was defined as a possible abandonment stratum. [Q904VVE.J]
F0575B11Q830Feature, f575, is a small boulder that was found in front of the revetment wall f569. It was laying at the bottom of f572 and just to the west of the very small boulder f579. [Q830VE1.J]
F0575C01Q831The stone f575 was removed today. [Q831VE.J]
F0575I99Q831The bottom of f575 must have been lying in the ash layer of f576. [Q831VE.J]
F0575I99Q904This is one of a group of small boulders that are in an accumulation to the south of and below the top of the revetment wall f569. This means that they were most likely deposited as the large plaza to the south of the wall was filling up and before the wall-top addition, f591, was built. [Q904VVE.J]
F0575O01Q831v0550 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0575O01Q831v0550a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0575O01Q831v0550b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0576B11Q830Feature, f576, is a light brownish clay that is softer than the overlying f552 (of k106) which was quite hard and compact. It lies on top of the ashy deposit of f577 (of k106). [Q830VE1.J]
F0576B11Q830Feature, f576, is a soft ashy layer mixed with a lot of brownish and reddish, slightly burnt, clay. It lies against the revetment wall f569 and under f572. Under f576 lies f578. [Q830VE1.J]
F0576C01Q830f576 appeared under the natural accumulation f572 that was excavated in the northern half of k1. [Q830VE1.J]
F0576C01Q830f576 was opened today because it was softer than the overlying deposit f572. It was excavated in the northern half of k106 in order to clear the face of the top of the revetment wall f569. [Q830VE1.J]
F0576F02Q830>0co f0577 [Q830VE1.J]
F0576F02Q830>0co f0578 [Q830VE1.J]
F0576I99Q904The ashy layer of f576 and f577 abut the top of the revetment wall f569. This must have preceded the building of the renewal of the top of the revetment wall f591. Since the building of f591 has been assigned to s12d, this feature must be stratum s13a. [Q904VVE.J]
F0576O01Q902v0553 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0576O01Q902v0554 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0577B11Q830Feature, f577, is a soft and crumbly ashy layer that contains a few large pieces of burnt clay. [Q830VE1.J]
F0577C01Q830f577 was excavated today in order to clear the face of the top of the revetment wall f569. [Q830VE1.J]
F0577C01Q831After removing the overlying deposit f572 in the Southern half of k106 several more large boulders were uncovered: f584, f586, f587, f588 and f589. [Q831VE.J]
F0577F02Q830<0co f0576 [Q830VE1.J]
F0577F02Q902<5si q0591 [Q918EI5.J]
F0577I99Q904The ashy layer of f576 and f577 abut the top of the revetment wall f569. This must have preceded the building of the renewal of the top of the revetment wall f591. Since the building of f591 has been assigned to s12d, this feature must be stratum s13a. [Q904VVE.J]
F0577O01Q902v0552 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0577O01Q902v0552a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0578B11Q830f578 is a slightly compact light brown layer that lies against the revetment wall f569. [Q830VE1.J]
F0578C01Q830The top of f578 was excavated in the northern half of k01 in order to clear the face of the top wall of the revetment wall f569. [Q830VE1.J]
F0578C01Q831The stones f575 and f579 were removed from the trench that occupies the northern half of k1, while another small boulder f585 was left in place. Then we excavated one run with the big pick after which the tops of several boulders appeared on the new surface. [Q831VE.J]
F0578F02Q830<0co f0576 [Q830VE1.J]
F0578F02Q830>8ab f0569 [Q830VE1.J]
F0579B11Q830f579 is a boulder of a size yet to be determined, that was found in front of the revetment wall f569. It was lying at the bottom of f572 and just to the east of the small boulder f575. [Q830VE1.J]
F0579C01Q831The stone f575 was removed today. [Q831VE.J]
F0579I99Q831The bottom of f579 must have been lying in the ash layer of f576. [Q831VE.J]
F0579I99Q904This is one of a group of small boulders that are in an accumulation to the south of and below the top of the revetment wall f569. This means that they were most likely deposited as the large plaza to the south of the wall was filling up and before the wall-top addition, f591, was built. [Q904VVE.J]
F0579O01Q831v0550 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0579O01Q831v0550a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0579O01Q831v0550b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0580B11Q830f580 is a small boulder that lies against the top of the revetment wall 569 and seems to have rolled down from the second apron f556. [Q830VE1.J]
F0580C01Q830This boulder probably has moved from its original position and was relayed today so that we will be able to remove it tomorrow morning. [Q830VE1.J]
F0580C01Q831The stone f580 was removed today after the area designation and its feature number had been written on it with a permanent marker. [Q831VE.J]
F0580I99Q904The boulder f580 is a dislocated stone, probably from f556, that leans against the top of f591. It must therefore follow the building of the second apron quickly: s12b (or s12c). [Q904VVE.J]
F0580O01Q831v0549a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0580O01Q831v0549b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0581B11Q830This baqaya is a hard and compact layer of red clay that has many small inclusions, mainly small pieces of calcite. On most of its surface it is mainly a light reddish deposit with less calcite pieces. It is covered by the natural accumulation (wash layer) f570. The baqaya seems in turn to cover a line of boulders that probably are part of the revetment wall f569. So little of the mud brick cover f582 has been preserved that it is very hard to tell the connection between f581 and f582. It is possible that they abut, but it can also be that the mud bricks also covered the baqaya at a certain time. After studying the baqaya in the better lighting conditions of the early morning it became apparent that the two pits dug into the baqaya actually are one long animal hole. [Q830VE1.J]
F0581C01Q830The top of the baqaya had been uncovered yesterday and the remaining deposits f570 that covered were excavated today. [Q830VE1.J]
F0581I99Q904The baqaya f581 and the mudbrick pavement, f582, I assign to phase 1 based on the assumption that there never was any major rebuilding of the baqaya-glacis and it therefore was phase 1 like the revetment wall f569. The mudbrick pavement might be slightly younger than the baqaya or is contemporary and the piece that was foudn is actually the border of a pavement that ran parallel to the stairs up to the temple. [Q904VVE.J]
F0581O01Q827v0544 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0581O01Q827v0544b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0581O01Q827v0544c [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0581O01Q831v0549 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0581O01Q831v0549a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0581O01Q831v0549b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0581O01Q831v0549d [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0582B11Q830f582 consists of the very thin remains of several mud bricks that were lying against each other to probably form a pavement. They were covered by the natural accumulation f570. The mud bricks were preserved in a only in a very small surface and as we searched for more mud brick to the East (into J2) we only found a thin layer of red clay, presumably the molten bricks, that covered a softer grey and ashy deposit. The bad preservation of these mud bricks makes it very hard to identify the nature of the relationship between f582 and the baqaya f581: they might abut or f582 might be on top of f581. The pavement that these fragments of mud bricks must have formed could have extended all the way to the mud brick pavement that had been excavated by the German team from Tuebingen on top of the temple terrace above the primary stairway. [Q830VE1.J]
F0582C01Q830While the surface was being cleaned after the excavation of f570 I noticed the remains of several mud bricks. [Q830VE1.J]
F0582I99Q904The baqaya f581 and the mudbrick pavement, f582, I assign to phase 1 based on the assumption that there never was any major rebuilding of the baqaya-glacis and it therefore was phase 1 like the revetment wall f569. The mudbrick pavement might be slightly younger than the baqaya or is contemporary and the piece that was foudn is actually the border of a pavement that ran parallel to the stairs up to the temple. [Q904VVE.J]
F0582O01Q827v0544 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0582O01Q827v0544b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0582O01Q831v0549 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0582O01Q831v0549a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0582O01Q831v0549b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0583B11Q830f583 consists of light red mud bricks that are visible in the section created by the deposits that carry the second apron f556. The mud bricks seem to be lying directly under f532 and on top of the natural accumulation f570. [Q830VE1.J]
F0583C01Q830More mud bricks became visible in the section under the bottom of the second apron and these were assigned the feature number f583 today. [Q830VE1.J]
F0583C03Q830There are two options for the function of these mud bricks, I think: Either the mud bricks formed a pavement that adorned/preserved the top of the temple terrace or they were laid out as part of the construction of the secondary apron. It is very hard to argue in favor of one of these options over the other, but I would like to propose that the mud bricks were a preparation for the second apron. First of all because they seem to be directly on top of each other and secondly because the soft ashy deposits of f570 might not have been able to support the stones of the second apron f556, because they would have shifted or eroded away from underneath the structure during the winter rains. [Q830VE1.J]
F0583I99Q904f583 is covered by the second apron f556 and is assigned by me to s12d because I think this mud brick pavement fits with the rebuilding activities shown in the creation of f591. [Q904VVE.J]
F0584B11Q831Feature f584 is a large boulder that lies to the west of f586, f587, f588 and f589. Just as these stones, f584 seems to rest in the ashy deposit of f577. [Q831VE.J]
F0584C01Q831While removing the deposit f572 in the Southern half of k106 several more large boulders were uncovered: f584, f586, f587, f588 and f589. [Q831VE.J]
F0584I99Q904This is one of a group of boulders that are described both as resting on an ash layer, f577, and sitting in (covered by) natural accumulation f573. vVE believes that this boulder and the ash layer are associated and comprise a single (somewhat catastrophic) deposition. [Q904VVE.J]
F0585B11Q831f585 is a small boulder lying to the west of stones f575 and f579 in front of the revetment wall f569. [Q831VE.J]
F0585I99Q904This is one of a group of small boulders that are in an accumulation to the south of and below the top of the revetment wall f569. This means that they were most likely deposited as the large plaza to the south of the wall was filling up and before the wall-top addition, f591, was built. [Q904VVE.J]
F0585O01Q831v0550 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0585O01Q831v0550a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0585O01Q831v0550c [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0586B11Q831Feature f586 is a large boulder that lies to the west of f587, f588, f589 and to the east of f584. Just as these stones, f586 seems to rest in the ashy deposit of f577. [Q831VE.J]
F0586C01Q831While removing the deposit f572 in the Southern half of k106 several more large boulders were uncovered: f584, f586, f587, f588 and f589. [Q831VE.J]
F0586I99Q904This is one of a group of boulders that are described both as resting on an ash layer, f577, and sitting in (covered by) natural accumulation f573. vVE believes that this boulder and the ash layer are associated and comprise a single (somewhat catastrophic) deposition. [Q904VVE.J]
F0586O01Q902v0552 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0586O01Q902v0552a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0587B11Q831Feature f587 is a boulder that lies close to f584, f586, f588, and f589. Just as these stones, f587 seems to rest in the ashy deposit of f577. [Q831VE.J]
F0587C01Q831While removing the deposit f572 in the Southern half of k106 several more large boulders were uncovered: f584, f586, f587, f588 and f589. [Q831VE.J]
F0587I99Q904This is one of a group of boulders that are described both as resting on an ash layer, f577, and sitting in (covered by) natural accumulation f573. vVE believes that this boulder and the ash layer are associated and comprise a single (somewhat catastrophic) deposition. [Q904VVE.J]
F0587O01Q902v0552 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0587O01Q902v0552a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0588B11Q831Feature f588 is a boulder that lies close to f584, f586, f587, and f589. Just as these stones, f586 seems to rest in the ashy deposit of f577. [Q831VE.J]
F0588C01Q831While removing the deposit f572 in the Southern half of k106 several more large boulders were uncovered: f584, f586, f587, f588 and f589. [Q831VE.J]
F0588I99Q904This is one of a group of boulders that are described both as resting on an ash layer, f577, and sitting in (covered by) natural accumulation f573. vVE believes that this boulder and the ash layer are associated and comprise a single (somewhat catastrophic) deposition. [Q904VVE.J]
F0588O01Q902v0552 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0588O01Q902v0552a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0589B11Q831Feature f589 is a boulder that lies close to f584, f586, f588, and f589. Just as these stones, f586 seems to rest in the ashy deposit of f577. [Q831VE.J]
F0589C01Q831While removing the deposit f572 in the Southern half of k106 several more large boulders were uncovered: f584, f586, f587, f588 and f589. [Q831VE.J]
F0589I99Q904This is one of a group of boulders that are described both as resting on an ash layer, f577, and sitting in (covered by) natural accumulation f573. vVE believes that this boulder and the ash layer are associated and comprise a single (somewhat catastrophic) deposition. [Q904VVE.J]
F0589O01Q902v0552 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0589O01Q902v0552a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0590A21Q901st-in [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0590D01Q901k106 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0590D06Q9019127 @top [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0590K03Q901li [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0591A21Q901st-in [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0591D01Q901k106 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0591D06Q9019186 @top [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0591I99Q904Strata 12 is defined by the building of the second apron, i.e. f532 and f556. The section of the East side of the East baulk of k107 has shown that the Second Apron was built soon after stones were added to the top of the revetment wall, i.e. f591. Since both these rebuildings show a significant change in the concept of the monumental staircase and the temple terrace, I have decided to assign f591 to Stratum S12d and the second apron to s12c. [Q904VVE.J]
F0591I99Q904Thin layers of accumulation between the top of the revetment wall and the renewal of its top, f591, prove that f591 was built arond the time that f569 was about to be covered by deposits. The section of the East side of the East baulk of k107 has shown that the Second Apron was built soon after f591 had been completed. [Q904VVE.J]
F0591K03Q901li [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0591O01Q827v0544 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0591O01Q827v0544a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0591O01Q827v0544b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0591O01Q827v0545d [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0591O01Q831v0548 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0591O01Q831v0548a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0591O01Q831v0549 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0591O01Q831v0549c [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0591O01Q831v0550 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0591O01Q831v0550a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0591O01Q831v0550d [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0591O01Q902v0551a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0591O01Q902v0551b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0591O01Q902v0551c [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0591O01Q902v0553 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0591O01Q902v0553a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0592A21Q902ad [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0592D01Q902k106 [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0592D06Q9029031 @top [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0592F02Q902<5si q0592 [Q918EI5.J]
F0592K03Q902cl [Q918EI3.J***REPLACED_Q903VVE1.J.__EDITED_BY_JW_ON_R919,W413.]
F0594O01Q827v0545 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0594O01Q827v0545c [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0635O01Q902v0553 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0636O01Q831v0548 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
F0637O01Q831v0548 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
I0500C01Q826Item, i500, was found against the East section of k2 stuck and standing up (broad end up) between two boulders of the second apron f532. [Q826VE.J]
I0500O01Q824v0539 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
I0500O01Q824v0539a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
I0500O01Q824v0539b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
I0501C01Q829The bronze item i501 was found while cleaning f570 for a photograph (v544). The feature was not excavated today and therefore q569 was created exclusively to record the discovery of i501. [Q829VE3.J]
I0501O01Q827v0544 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
I0501O01Q827v0544c [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0001C01Q812The excavation of k1 in J3 had already begun in 2004 during MZ17(2004-O) as a locus of J2. At the moment I am still unable to equate my feature assignments to those of J2, because the J2 MZ17 files are not yet accessible. Still visible are several features that had been exposed during the previous campaigns: f501, f502, f503, f504, f505, f506, f507, f508, f509, f510, f511. See v500 for the state of preservation of k01 at the start of this season. We left all of these features standing and started to excavate the surface of k01. This deposit is f500 and the sections seem to indicate that this deposit is a continuation of what was lying on top of it. The stones of features f502, f503, f504, f505, f506, f507, f508, f509, f510 and f511 are resting on and embedded in this deposit, f500. All these stones together constitute aggregate a500. [Q812VE2.J]
K0001C01Q813In the eastern half of k1 we excavated f500 to give this locus a more level surface. In the north a somewhat harder surface was encountered. It was a natural surface and might have been caused by the effects of the winter precipitation during the past year. It does not constitute a clear break in this natural deposit because it did not extend very far from the Northern baulk, because it was not very hard and because the deposit underneath seems to be the same as above it. The entire locus was cleaned and dM took v502, v503 and v503a of f501 and a500 respectively. f501 was then removed. [Q813VE.J]
K0001C01Q814Feature f517 was excavated today. It was the column of deposits that had been left standing to preserve f501. Feature f500 was excavated in the Western half of k01. Several new features had been found in the excavations yesterday and were assigned feature numbers today: f519, f520 and f521. These features were relayed today. [Q814VE.J]
K0001C01Q815Several large boulders were assigned feature numbers today. f525, f526, f527 and f528 were found while excavating f500 today, while f529 and f530 were excavated yesterday but are so enveloped by the North baulk that they had not yet been assigned feature numbers yesterday. After excavating f500 we found a natural hard surface that seemed to be sloping slightly downwards towards the south. [Q815VE.J]
K0001C01Q821We started to remove the Northern baulk of k01. f523 was the top soil (nothing was collected) and f558 the underlying natural accumulation. This underlying accumulation had already been excavated in the rest of the locus during one of the previous campaigns as part of J2. After having removed f558 we reached f500 which was also excavated. [Q821VE.J]
K0001C01Q826Yesterday dM had taken the overview pictures of the situation where the lower steps of the second apron f532 and f556 had been covered by accumulations and several large boulders of the second apron had moved from their original position. With those pictures taken we were now able to remove several of those dislocated boulders that make up a500. Before the removal of f503, f504, f505, f506, f507, f508 and f511, the Area designation (J3) and their respective feature numbers were written on the boulders with a permanent marker. While removing the deposits on which these boulders had been resting a new dislocated boulder f567 was uncovered. We started to removing the natural accumulation f565 that covered the lower part of the second apron f532. In this deposit we found bronze item i500 stuck between several boulders. After excavating f565 we reached a naturally compacted surface f566 which we also started to excavate. [Q826VE.J]
K0001C01Q827The series of naturally compacted floors f566 was removed. On top of where the revetment wall should be there appeared a new naturally compacted floor which is the continuation in this area of f534. Immediately north of this there had appeared more large boulders and the deposit underneath f566 there was soft, crumbly, reddish dark brown clay containing many very small pebbles and a little bit of calcite: this seems to be washed down baqaya. [Q827VE.J]
K0001C01Q828The deposits in front of the top of the revetment wall were excavated today: the remains of f534 in the Southern half of k1 and the underlying f571 in all of k1. Several new large boulders were uncovered today and these must belong to the top of the revetmet wall. [Q828VE1.J]
K0001C01Q829At first we continued to excavate f571 in all of k01, but then we excavated this natural deposit only in the northern half of k01. There the underlying deposit f572 did not differ much from f571 but seemed to be a little bit lighter, softer and more crumbly. [Q829VE3.J]
K0001C01Q830We continued to excavate the Northern half of k1 in front of the revetment wall f569. The boulder f575 and the small boulder 579 next to it were uncovered. Under the natural deposit of f572 there appeared a softer black ashy deposit f576. After having removed these ashes we found again a reddish brown deposit f578. We have removed the pebbles of f521 and the large boulder f519. We relayed the large boulders f525, f527, f528 and f574 which is a very large boulder that had appeared yesterday already in the Southern section. [Q830VE1.J]
K0001C01Q831The stones f575 and f579 were removed today and then excavation continued in the Northern half of k1. At the end of one pick run the tops of five boulders became visible. These seem to lie in line in front of the revetment wall f569. To make sense of these stones we need to expose a larger area and therefore we continued to excavate also the Southern half of k1. [Q831VE.J]
K0001O01Q824v0537 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0001O01Q824v0539 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0001O01Q824v0539a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0001O01Q824v0539b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0001O01Q824v0540a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0001O01Q827v0541 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0001O01Q827v0541b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0001O01Q827v0542 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0001O01Q827v0542a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0001O01Q827v0545 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0001O01Q827v0545a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0001O01Q827v0545b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0001O01Q827v0545c [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0001O01Q827v0545d [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0001O01Q827v0545e [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0001O01Q831v0550 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0001O01Q831v0550a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0001O01Q831v0550b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0001O01Q831v0550c [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0001O01Q831v0550d [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0001O01Q902v0553 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0001O01Q902v0553a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0001O01Q902v0553b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0001O01Q902v0553c [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0001O01Q902v0553e [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0001O01Q902v0554 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0002B11Q812At the western edge of k2 starts the old trench in B6, excavated by a German team from Tuebingen University. The trench runs from West to East but has a different orientation than the J3 grid. As the trench progresses East it also runs more to the North. The baulk walls have in some places caved in slightly, but are generally in reasonable condition. It now has approximately the following dimensions: 260 x 880 cm. [Q812VE2.J]
K0002C01Q812Today a picture, v501, was taken of this area and of the state of preservation of the German trench in B6. Then a lot of backfill was excavated, the sherds collected and counted: three base sherds, 5 rims and 53 body sherds had been found. Not all dirt could be removed but this will be completed tomorrow morning. [Q812VE2.J]
K0002C01Q813We cleaned the South section of the German trench B6 by cutting it back approximately 5 cm. The deposit that was removed in this proces was defined as f512. Then we proceeded to excavate the Northwestern corner of k2 (f514 and f513) and just to the west of German trench B6 (f515 and f516). These areas were excavated in order to overlay the orientation of our grid on the B6 trench. However, because our surveyor, bP could not yet survey the markers for k2 that are missing (ie. the Eastern markers and those markers that define the baulks) we proceeded very cautiously. [Q813VE.J]
K0002C01Q814Feature f513 and f516 were excavated to the level of the German trench B6 and these features were then closed. f518 is the top soil of the part of k2 that lies South of trench B6. f518 was removed today. [Q814VE.J]
K0002C01Q815We started to excavate the natural accumulation f522 in the southern half of k2. We closed it after excavating several (big) pick runs in this feature. f533 is the natural accumulation that lies under f522 and is a continuation of this feature. f533 was not excavated today. Features f524 and f531 were assigned to stones that had fallen down northwards (perhaps recently) from the second apron f532. [Q815VE.J]
K0002C01Q816Excavation continued in f533 where we reached the elevation of the top of the stones of the second apron. A new feature will be assigned to these deposits tomorrow. f535 was started in the northern part: both the bottom of the German trench B6 in BA and the bottom of f513. [Q816VE.J]
K0002C01Q817We continued to excavate the deposit that lie south of f532 and cover it. By accident this area was assigned f535 today, but f535 was the deposit to the north of f532. Therefore the q-lot q526 was reassigned to f557. We further uncovered the very large boulder f543 and relayed it. [Q817VE.J]
K0002C01Q819We excavated f557 to further expose f532. Several lines of stones have now been uncovered but the expected steps are not present. Instead of the steps, a slightly sloping surface of boulders became visible. The downward slope of these stones is also not nearly as steep as we expected. At the bottom of f557 we found a natural compacted floor surface f566. [Q819VE1.J]
K0002C01Q822A small remainder of f535 (bottom of the german trench BA) was excavated. The correct marker points defining the borders of k2 had not been known for a long time and therefore this small area of f535 remained in the NE corner of k1. [Q822VE.J]
K0002O01Q824v0537 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0002O01Q824v0539 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0002O01Q824v0540a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0002O01Q827v0541 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0002O01Q827v0541b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0002O01Q827v0542 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0002O01Q827v0542a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0002O01Q827v0545 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0002O01Q827v0545c [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0002O01Q827v0545d [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0002O01Q831v0550 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0002O01Q831v0550a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0002O01Q831v0550d [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0002O01Q902v0553 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0002O01Q902v0553a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0002O01Q902v0553c [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0002O01Q902v0553e [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0106C01Q816The locus East of k1 was opened as k106, because k100-k105 had already been used in previous seasons. Like k1, part of k106 has been excavated in previous campaigns as a part of J2. The eastern half of k106 had been excavated much deeper as the start of the stepped baulk of J2. The western half had not been excavated yet. f536 is the top soil of this half of k106 and f537 is the natural accumulation underneath f536. [Q816VE.J]
K0106C01Q817We continued to excavate the naturally accumulated deposits f537 in k106. This feature was closed after several pick runs because the Northern half of the locus had become softer, f541, and the Southern half had become harder, f542. [Q817VE.J]
K0106C01Q819We continued to excavate f541 and after one pick run we could close it because we had reached its bottom. Under f541 we saw the same hard deposit as in f542 and this means that f541 overlies f542 and was perhaps even cut into it. [Q819VE1.J]
K0106C01Q820After having excavated f542 to get a level surface in this locus we have reached the level at which the eastern half of this locus had been excavated in J2 (k23). Yesterday we had reached the bottom of f541 and the deposit of f542 seemed to continue in the entire square and this was excavated as f552. The large stone that had already been excavated in J2 was relayed and assigned f554. Five small boulders were relayed and collectively assigned to f555. [Q820VE.J]
K0106C01Q822The top soil f536 of the northern baulk of k106 was excavated today and then we proceeded to excavate f537. [Q822VE.J]
K0106C01Q823Today we finished removing the North baulk of k106. We did not excavate it to the level of k106 (which is now at the bottom of the deposits that cover the revetment wall) but to the level of k107 instead. The present state of k107 gives us a view of how the second apron must have looked like when its sacral use had been given up. [Q823VE.J]
K0106C01Q828We started to excavate f552 again after having removed f554 and f555.1-4. [Q828VE1.J]
K0106C01Q829At first the entire surface of k106 was excavated consisted of the hard compact layer of naturally compacted surfaces f552. Then we proceeded to excavate f552 only in the Northern half of k106 in order to expose the face of the top of the revetment wall. f552 was closed when we reached the softer accumulation f573. [Q829VE3.J]
K0106C01Q830In k106 we continued to go down in the northern half until we had cleared the face of the top of the revetment wall f569. Then we started to excavate also the Southern half of k106. [Q830VE1.J]
K0106C01Q831The stones that had been partially uncovered yesterday in the Northern half of k1 were further uncovered by excavating the Southern half of k106 to the same level. Several more large boulders were uncovered and relayed: f584, f586, f587, f588 and f589. These boulders seem to lie on the same level as the ash deposit of f577. The small boulder f580 was removed. We cleaned the faces of the stones of the top of the revetment wall. It was clear that some of these boulders are not resting directly on the other stones of the revetment wall, but were instead resting on deposits. This proves the hypothesis that the top of the revetment wall was a younger addition. [Q831VE.J]
K0106O01Q824v0536 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0106O01Q824v0536a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0106O01Q824v0536b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0106O01Q824v0536c [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0106O01Q824v0536d [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0106O01Q827v0544 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0106O01Q831v0548 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0106O01Q831v0548a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0106O01Q902v0551 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0106O01Q902v0551a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0106O01Q902v0551b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0106O01Q902v0551c [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0106O01Q902v0552 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0106O01Q902v0552a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0107C01Q817Locus k107 was opened today. The northern part of k107 has already been excavated by the German team from Tuebingen University as B6. We removed the top soil f539 in the southern part of k107. We then excavated the underlying natural accumulation f540 until we reached the naturally compacted floor f547. On top of f547 were lying the stone half circle f544 and the small grey deposit f546. [Q817VE.J]
K0107C01Q819The stone circle f544, the greyish deposit f546 that lies against f544 and the naturally compacted floor f547 on which f544 and f546 rest were removed. Then we continued to excavate the natural accumulation f548 that lies under f547. [Q819VE1.J]
K0107C01Q820We continued today to excavate f553, a continuation of f550, which we closed when we had uncovered the third step (from the top) of f556. The continuation of this natural accumulation was f553. Several more steps have been uncovered when we excavated f553. [Q820VE.J]
K0107C01Q822Yesterday bP provided the marker points that define the eastern edge of k107. Today we set the eastern section baulk back to its correct position. For the deposits that would be removed in this process we created the feature f559. After pictures had been taken of the section baulks in this square we started to remove the southern section, i.e. the northern section baulk of k106. We also started to clean the east side of the East section baulk. That side was excavated in a previous campaign as a part of J02. Because that side would be the western section of the J2 locus it had not been drawn yet. We will do this because this section shows the stratigraphy in the gap (both horizontaly and vertically) between the second apron and the revetment wall. [Q822VE.J]
K0107C01Q823The Northeast corner of the German trench was straightened (f560) and the East side of the eastern baulk of k107 was drawn. This section is very important because it shows the chronological relationship between the second apron and the revetment wall. [Q823VE.J]
K0107C01Q824Today we removed the East baulk of k107. The second apron f556 in k107 has now been connected to the second apron that had already been exposed in J2. [Q824VE.J]
K0107C01Q826In k107 the natural deposit f550/f553 was excavated and another step of the second apron f556 was uncovered. [Q826VE.J]
K0107C01Q827In k107 the floating large boulders of f561 and f562 were removed and the soil which had supported them (f548) too. Then we started the excavation of the new deposit f568 which covered the lowest steps of the second apron f556. [Q827VE.J]
K0107C01Q828In k107 we opened f570 which is the natural deposit that lies between the second apron and the revetment wall and which underlies the second apron f532. Feature f570 is a wash layer and it is the same deposit as the ashy deposit in the East section of the East baulk of k107. Many small bones were found here and therefore we decided to sift all the deposits from this small area. Under f570 appeared baqaya and possibly the edges of two pits that were cut into the baqaya glacis. [Q828VE1.J]
K0107C01Q829Today we took the pictures of f570 (see v544) and while cleaning the remainder of the deposits i501 was found. I also discovered during the cleaning that there are several mud bricks under the second apron f556. [Q829VE3.J]
K0107C01Q830In k107 we excavated the little deposits f570 that remained on top of the baqaya, f581. After we noticed remains of mud bricks at the Eastern edge of the q-lot we decided to extend the feature further to the East and clean the surface there and remove only a thin layer. The exact connection between the baqaya f581 and that mudbrick cover f582 remains unclear. The pits that I yesterday thought cut the baqaya seem to be an animal hole. The mudbricks f583 lie under the second apron f556 and on top of the wash layer f570. The boulder f580 was relayed and will be removed tomorrow because it most likely had rolled down from the second apron f532. [Q830VE1.J]
K0107O01Q824v0536 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0107O01Q824v0536a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0107O01Q824v0536b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0107O01Q824v0536c [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0107O01Q824v0536d [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0107O01Q824v0538 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0107O01Q827v0543 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0107O01Q827v0543a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0107O01Q827v0544 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0107O01Q827v0544a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0107O01Q827v0544b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0107O01Q827v0544c [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0107O01Q831v0548 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0107O01Q831v0549 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0107O01Q831v0549a [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0107O01Q831v0549b [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0107O01Q831v0549c [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0107O01Q831v0549d [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0107O01Q902v0551 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
K0107O01Q902v0555 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
Q0502A21Q813p,i [Q918EI5.J]
Q0502B21Q813qi050201 [Q918EI1.J]
Q0502D01Q813k2 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0502D13Q813m3020 (8966) + 162 (height of instrument) - 180 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0502D20Q813m1041 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0502D21Q813400 cms East, 200 cms North [Q918EI5.J]
Q0502D22Q8138984 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0502F02Q813>5si f0512 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0503A21Q813p [Q918EI5.J]
Q0503D01Q813k2 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0503D13Q813m3928 (9361) + 162 (height of instrument) - 163 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0503D20Q813m3928 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0503D21Q813100 cms South, 280 cms East [Q918EI5.J]
Q0503D22Q8139362 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0503F02Q813>5si f0513 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0504A21Q813p [Q918EI5.J]
Q0504D01Q813k2 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0504D13Q813m3620 (9307) + 162 (height of instrument) - 160 - 10 @bottom [Q918EI5.J]
Q0504D20Q813m1041 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0504D21Q813180 cms North, 60 cms East [Q918EI5.J]
Q0504D22Q8139305 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0504D23Q8139295 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0504F02Q813>5si f0516 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0505A21Q813p [Q918EI5.J]
Q0505D01Q813k1 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0505D13Q813m3619 (9263) + 148 (height of instrument) - 65 - 25 @bottom [Q918EI5.J]
Q0505D20Q813m1000 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0505D21Q81375 cms North, 190 cms East [Q918EI5.J]
Q0505D22Q8139180 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0505D23Q8139155 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0505F02Q813>5si f0501 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0506B21Q813qi050601 [Q918EI1.J]
Q0509A21Q814p [Q918EI5.J]
Q0509D01Q814k1 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0509D13Q814m3619 (9263) + 162 (height of instrument) - 119 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0509D20Q814r1000 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0509D21Q81475 cms North, 190 cms East [Q918EI5.J]
Q0509D22Q8149220 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0509F02Q814>5si f0517 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0512A21Q814i [Q918EI5.J]
Q0512B21Q813qi051201 [Q918EI1.J]
Q0512D01Q814k1 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0512D13Q814m3620 (9307) + 149 (height of instrument) - 155 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0512D20Q814m3620 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0512D21Q814400 cms East, 200 cms North [Q918EI5.J]
Q0512D22Q8149313 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0512F02Q814>5si f0523 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0513B21Q815qi051301 [Q918EI1.J]
Q0513B21Q815qi051302 [Q918EI1.J]
Q0513B21Q815qi051303 [Q918EI1.J]
Q0515A21Q815la [Q918EI1.J]
Q0515D01Q815k3.5 [Q918EI1.J]
Q0515D20Q8150.8 [Q918EI1.J]
Q0515D21Q815, li [Q918EI1.J]
Q0515F02Q815>5si f0003 [Q918EI1.J]
Q0516A21Q815p [Q918EI5.J]
Q0516D01Q815k2 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0516D13Q815m3620 (9307) + 161 (height of instrument) - 124 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0516D20Q815m3620 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0516D21Q815200 cms North, 400 cms East [Q918EI5.J]
Q0516D22Q8159270 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0516F02Q815>5si f0533 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0520B21Q816qi052001 [Q918EI1.J]
Q0520B21Q816qi052002 [Q918EI1.J]
Q0520B21Q816qi052003 [Q918EI1.J]
Q0523B21Q817qi052301 [Q918EI1.J]
Q0523B21Q817qi052302 [Q918EI1.J]
Q0526C01Q817This q-lot was assigned by accident to f535 but it actually belongs to f557. [Q817VE.J]
Q0528A21Q819p [Q918EI5.J]
Q0528D01Q819k107 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0528D13Q819m3615 (9328) + 163 (height of instrument) - 141 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0528D20Q819m1082 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0528D21Q81990 cms East, 30 cms North [Q918EI5.J]
Q0528D22Q8199306 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0528F02Q819>5si f0546 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0530C01Q819This q-lot was assigned by accident to f535; however, it actually belongs to f557. [Q819VE1.J]
Q0531C01Q819This q-lot was assigned by accident to f535; however, it actually belongs to f557. [Q819VE1.J]
Q0533A21Q819p,b [Q918EI5.J]
Q0533D01Q819k106 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0533D13Q819m3697 (9327) + 163 (height of instrument) - 48 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0533D20Q819m3697 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0533D21Q819400 cms South, 200 cms East [Q918EI5.J]
Q0533D22Q8199212 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0533F02Q819>5si f0541 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0534A21Q819p,b [Q918EI5.J]
Q0534D01Q819k107 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0534D13Q819m3615 (9328) + 163 (height of instrument) - 96 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0534D20Q819m3615 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0534D21Q819280 cms North, 316 cms East [Q918EI5.J]
Q0534D22Q8199261 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0534F02Q819>5si f0550 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0538B21Q820qi053801 [Q918EI1.J]
Q0538B21Q820qi053802 [Q918EI1.J]
Q0558C01Q827This q-lot was assigned to the column of deposits on which the boulders f561 and f562 had been resting and which was excavated after removal of those boulders. [Q827VE.J]
Q0569C01Q829f570 was not excavated today and therefore there are no pottery or bone lots associated with q569 to be found. f569 was created only to record the discovery of i501. [Q829VE3.J]
Q0582A21Q830p [Q918EI5.J]
Q0582B11Q830The pottery of q582 are the sherds that were among the pebbles of f521. [Q830VE1.J]
Q0582D01Q830k1 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0582F02Q830>5si f0521 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0583A21Q830p [Q918EI5.J]
Q0583D01Q830k1 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0583F02Q830>5si f0534 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0584B11Q830q584 is the column of soil under the boulder f519 that was removed today. It is assigned to f534 because this was the level at which f519 was resting. In fact it is mixed however with the underlying layers, f571 and f566. [Q830VE1.J]
Q0589A21Q902p [Q918EI5.J]
Q0589D01Q902k106 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0589D13Q902m4390 (9190) + 149 (height of instrument) - 31 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0589D20Q902m4308 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0589D21Q902235 cms East, 250 cms North [Q918EI5.J]
Q0589D22Q9029072 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0589F02Q902>5si f0573 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0590A21Q902p,b [Q918EI5.J]
Q0590D01Q902k107 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0590D13Q902m4312 (9339) + 149 (height of instrument) - 161 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0590D20Q902m4278 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0590D21Q902100 cms East, 100 cms South [Q918EI5.J]
Q0590D22Q9029351 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0590F02Q902>5si f0540 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0591A21Q902p,b [Q918EI5.J]
Q0591D01Q902k106 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0591D13Q902m4390 (9190) + 149 (height of instrument) - 17 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0591D20Q902m4308 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0591D21Q902235 cms East, 400 cms North [Q918EI5.J]
Q0591D22Q9029058 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0591F02Q902>5si f0577 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0592A21Q902p,b [Q918EI5.J]
Q0592D01Q902k106 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0592D20Q902m4308 [Q918EI5.J]
Q0592D21Q902235 cms East, 400 cms North [Q918EI5.J]
Q0592F02Q902>5si f0592 [Q918EI5.J]
QI050201BA1Q813la [Q918EI1.J]
QI050201BA9Q813stone blade [Q918EI1.J]
QI050601BA1Q813la [Q918EI1.J]
QI050601BA2Q8132.5 [Q918EI1.J]
QI050601BA3Q8132 [Q918EI1.J]
QI050601BA4Q8131.5 [Q918EI1.J]
QI050601BA6Q813li [Q918EI1.J]
QI050601BA7Q813irr. Nodul [Q918EI1.J]
QI050601BA8Q813black [Q918EI1.J]
QI050601BA9Q813debitage [Q918EI1.J]
QI051201BA1Q813la [Q918EI1.J]
QI051301BA1Q815la [Q918EI1.J]
QI051301BA2Q8151.3 [Q918EI1.J]
QI051301BA3Q8151.5 [Q918EI1.J]
QI051301BA4Q8150.4 [Q918EI1.J]
QI051301BA6Q815ob [Q918EI1.J]
QI051301BA7Q815rect. [Q918EI1.J]
QI051301BA8Q815black [Q918EI1.J]
QI051301BA9Q815fragment of obsidian blade [Q918EI1.J]
QI051302BA1Q815la [Q918EI1.J]
QI051302BA2Q8152.2 [Q918EI1.J]
QI051302BA3Q8150.7 [Q918EI1.J]
QI051302BA4Q8150.5 [Q918EI1.J]
QI051302BA6Q815ob [Q918EI1.J]
QI051302BA7Q815nodule [Q918EI1.J]
QI051302BA8Q815black [Q918EI1.J]
QI051302BA9Q815obsidian core? [Q918EI1.J]
QI051303BA1Q815la [Q918EI1.J]
QI051303BA2Q8151.2 [Q918EI1.J]
QI051303BA3Q8153 [Q918EI1.J]
QI051303BA4Q8152.7 [Q918EI1.J]
QI051303BA6Q815li [Q918EI1.J]
QI051303BA8Q815brown [Q918EI1.J]
QI051303BA9Q815flint flake [Q918EI1.J]
QI052001BA1Q816la [Q918EI1.J]
QI052001BA2Q8161.5 [Q918EI1.J]
QI052001BA3Q8161.7 [Q918EI1.J]
QI052001BA4Q8161.3 [Q918EI1.J]
QI052001BA6Q816li [Q918EI1.J]
QI052001BA7Q816irreg. [Q918EI1.J]
QI052001BA8Q816light brown [Q918EI1.J]
QI052001BA9Q816flint nodule [Q918EI1.J]
QI052002BA1Q816la [Q918EI1.J]
QI052002BA2Q8161.5 [Q918EI1.J]
QI052002BA3Q8165.5 [Q918EI1.J]
QI052002BA4Q8163.1 [Q918EI1.J]
QI052002BA6Q816li [Q918EI1.J]
QI052002BA7Q816oval section [Q918EI1.J]
QI052002BA8Q816dark blue graypiece of stone [Q918EI1.J]
QI052003BA1Q816la [Q918EI1.J]
QI052003BA2Q8161 [Q918EI1.J]
QI052003BA3Q8162.7 [Q918EI1.J]
QI052003BA4Q8162.3 [Q918EI1.J]
QI052003BA6Q816li [Q918EI1.J]
QI052003BA7Q816triang. [Q918EI1.J]
QI052003BA8Q816flint flake [Q918EI1.J]
QI052301BA1Q817la [Q918EI1.J]
QI052301BA2Q8170.4 [Q918EI1.J]
QI052301BA3Q8172 [Q918EI1.J]
QI052301BA4Q8171 [Q918EI1.J]
QI052301BA6Q817ob [Q918EI1.J]
QI052301BA7Q817rectang. [Q918EI1.J]
QI052301BA8Q817obsidian blade [Q918EI1.J]
QI052302BA1Q817la [Q918EI1.J]
QI052302BA2Q8170.5 [Q918EI1.J]
QI052302BA3Q8170.8 [Q918EI1.J]
QI052302BA4Q8170.7 [Q918EI1.J]
QI052302BA6Q817li [Q918EI1.J]
QI052302BA7Q817trapez. [Q918EI1.J]
QI052302BA8Q817flint flake [Q918EI1.J]
QI053801BA1Q820la [Q918EI1.J]
QI053801BA2Q8200.7 [Q918EI1.J]
QI053801BA3Q8202 [Q918EI1.J]
QI053801BA4Q8201.5 [Q918EI1.J]
QI053801BA6Q820li [Q918EI1.J]
QI053801BA7Q820triang. [Q918EI1.J]
QI053801BA8Q820darck gray [Q918EI1.J]
QI053801BA9Q820top of a flint blade [Q918EI1.J]
QI053802BA1Q820bd [Q918EI1.J]
QI053802BA3Q8201.8 [Q918EI1.J]
QI053802BA5Q8200.5 [Q918EI1.J]
QI053802BA6Q820li [Q918EI1.J]
QI053802BA7Q820cylinder [Q918EI1.J]
QI053802BA8Q820white [Q918EI1.J]
QI053802BA9Q820long bead [Q918EI1.J]
V0536O12Q824f532 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0536O15Q824k106,k107 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0536O22Q824W [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0536O25Q824This photograph and its series of sub-views show the section of the west baulks of loci k106 and k107. One can see all of the accumulations that were deposited above the second apron, f532, and the revetment wall (not yet excavated and not shown here). It is clear that when the apron went out of use, no further significant occupation occurred here up to the present time. For example there are no pits, mudbricks, arrangements of stones, or varying textures and composition of layers that typically provide evidence of human presence. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0536AO15Q824k106,k107 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0536AO21Q824t [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0536AO22Q824W [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0536AO25Q824This subview is of the north quarter of the section of the combined west baulks of loci k106 and k107. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0536BO15Q824k106,k107 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0536BO21Q824t [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0536BO22Q824W [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0536BO25Q824This subview is of the north-central quarter of the section of the combined west baulks of loci k106 and k107. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0536CO15Q824k106,k107 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0536CO21Q824t [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0536CO22Q824W [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0536CO25Q824This subview is of the south-central quarter of the section of the combined west baulks of loci k106 and k107. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0536DO15Q824k106,k107 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0536DO21Q824t [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0536DO22Q824W [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0536DO25Q824This subview is of the south quarter of the section of the combined west baulks of loci k106 and k107. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0537O12Q824f502,f503,f504,f505,f506,f507,f508,f509,f510,f511,f517,f519,f520,f521,f526,f527,f528,f529,f530,f532,f543,f551,f563 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0537O15Q824k1,k2 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0537O22Q824W [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0537O25Q824The original purpose of this view and subview was to show the location of a large limestone block, f507, which had an impression the excavator attributed to human grinding activity. The main view shows all the large limestone blocks south of the second apron, f532. These blocks seem to have been displaced from elsewhere and randomly deposited. The small rounded arrow on block f507 shows the location of the impression. Unfortunately, the subview, v537a, that was to show, in close-up, the mark on f507, is missing the photo. Subview, v537b shows limestone blocks in closeup just to the north of f507, but not that block itself. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0537BO12Q824f509,f510,f520,f543,f551,f563 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0537BO21Q824t [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0537BO22Q824W [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0537BO25Q824This subview shows the relationship among large limestone blocks that most likely were deposited by natural forces from man-made structures elsewhere that had deteriorated. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0538O12Q824f548,f552,f554,f555,f556,f561,f562 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0538O15Q824k107 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0538O22Q824N [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0538O25Q824This photograph shows the full extent of loci k106 and k107 after the north baulk of k106, which separated them, had been removed. Although the stepped stone structure, f566, had been mostly exposed, the revetment wall to its south (excavated in previous seasons as part of J2 and just visible in the lower left of the photo) had not yet been exposed. The subview shows two large boulders, f561 and f562, (which had been displaced and redeposited in antiquity by natural forces), just before they were removed. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0538AO12Q824f561,f562 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0538AO21Q824t [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0538AO22Q824NE [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0538AO25Q824This subview shows two large floating limestone boulders f561,f562, prior to their removal. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0539O12Q824f500,f507,f509,f510,f519,f520,f524,f529,f530,f532,f543,f551,f557,f563 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0539O13Q824i500 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0539O15Q824k1,k2 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0539O22Q824N [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0539O25Q824The purpose of this series of photographs is to record the context of a bronze tool, i500, which was found in the stonework associated with the second apron, f532, in loci k1 and k2. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0539AO12Q824f520,f529,f530,f532,f543,f557,f563 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0539AO13Q824i500 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0539AO15Q824k1 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0539AO21Q824t [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0539AO22Q824N [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0539AO25Q824Closeup of the context of bronze tool, i500. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0539BO12Q824f532 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0539BO13Q824i500 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0539BO15Q824k1 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0539BO21Q824t [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0539BO22Q824NE [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0539BO25Q824Tight closeup of the findspot of bronze tool, i500. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0540AO12Q824f507,f509,f510,f520,f529,f530,f532,f543,f551,f563,f566 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0540AO15Q824k1,k2 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0540AO22Q824N [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0540AO25Q824This view was planned to consist of two photographs of a natural floor surface, f566, which had been covered by natural accumulation, f557, south of the second apron, f532, and shown on the left side of the photo for the preceding view, v539. The main view photo is not in the record, V19, and either was not taken as planned or taken and lost for some reason. As a result, this photo, originally intended as a subview, will serve as the main view and the template will be produced from it. The floor, f566, is south of and appears to abut the second apron, f532. There are nine large limestone blocks shown, f507, f509, f510, f520, f529, f530, f543, f551, and f553 that are not a part of the second apron, are deposited randomly atop it, and appear to have been moved from elswhere. Note that the photograph was taken under strong light and shade, suggesting that it was intended as a progress shot. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0541O12Q827f500,f507,f509,f510,f519,f520,f529,f530,f532,f543,f551,f563,f566 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0541O15Q827k1,k2 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0541O22Q827N [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0541O25Q827This view and sub-view are record-quality photos of the same subject as the progress photo above. It focuses on a natural floor, f566, and its relationship with the second apron, f532, which it abuts. Also important is the floor's relationship with ten large, randomly oriented limstone blocks, f507, f509, f510, f519, f520, f529, f530, f543, f551, f563, which, because they sit on the floor and the apron, must have been deposited later, after the floor and apron were put in place and began to be used. Note that two subviews were listed in the view log, both with identical entries which did not include a description. A faulty entry for v541a, which does not have a photo in V19 is suspected. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0541BO12Q827f507,f509,f510,f520,f532,f543,f551,f566 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0541BO15Q827k1,k2 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0541BO21Q827t [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0541BO22Q827OHE [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0541BO25Q827This sub-view is an oveoverhead photo looking down and east. It clearly shows the surface of the floor, f566, the south edge of the apron, f532, and several of the large floating limestone blocks, f507, f509, f510, f520, f543, and f551. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0542O12Q827f507,f509,f510,f519,f520,f524,f525,f526,f527,f529,f530,f532,f534,f543,f551,f563 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0542O15Q827k1,k2 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0542O22Q827N [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0542O25Q827This view documents a significant moment in the excavation; one where floor, f566, and accumulation, f500, had both been excavated to reveal a natural floor, f534, which extended from the south edge of the second apron, f532, south to the south baulk of k1. It abuts the second apron, f532. The photo also shows a number of displaced large limestone blocks, f507, f509, f510, f519, f520, f524, f525, f526, f527, f529, f530, f543, f551, and f563. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0542AO12Q827f507,f509,f510,f520,f525,f526,f527,f530,f532,f534,f543,f551 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0542AO15Q827k1,k2 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0542AO21Q827t [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0542AO22Q827N [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0542AO25Q827This subview is a tight shot of the interface between the natural floor, f534 and the second apron, f532. One can clearly see that they abut. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0543O12Q827f556,f568 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0543O15Q827k107 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0543O22Q827N [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0543O25Q827This photograph shows the interface between the stepped stone structure, f556 and a natural accumulation, f568, which abuts its south face. Note the similarities between this view and v541, which shows the relationship between the second apron, f532 and an abutting natural surface, f566. The view log lists a second sub-view, v543b, looking north at the interface, for which no photo exists in V19. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0543AO12Q827f556,f568 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0543AO15Q827k107 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0543AO21Q827m [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0543AO22Q827W [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0543AO25Q827This subview, taken looking west along the south face of structure, f556, shows that the naturally deposited surface, f568, abuts it. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0544O12Q827f556,f569,f570,f581,f582,f591 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0544O13Q827i501 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0544O15Q827k106,k107 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0544O22Q827N [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0544O25Q827This view, was taken after v543 (but in the same location). Excavation had proceeded a bit longer in locus k107, with the purpose of determining the relationship between the stepped stone structure, f556, and the revetment wall, f569, which had been previously excavated as part of unit J2. One can see four of the top stones of wall addition, f591, in an E-W line atop the lower E-W line of the revetment wall, f569. In the process of this phase of the work, a bronze tool, i501, was discovered and subview, v544c, documents its context. Note that f556 has been laid on a surface that consists, in the south part, of a layer of ashy soil, f570, baqaya, f581, and mud bricks, f582. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0544AO12Q827f556,f569,f591 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0544AO15Q827k107 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0544AO21Q827t [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0544AO22Q827E [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0544AO25Q827This sub-view shows the relationship between the stepped stone structure, f556, the revetment wall, f569, and a line of stones, f591, that were placed in covering accumulation atop f569 to serve as a memory of f569. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0544BO12Q827f556,f569,f570,f581,f582,f591 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0544BO15Q827k107 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0544BO21Q827t [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0544BO22Q827N [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0544BO25Q827This sub-view shows the foundation of the stepped stone structure, f556. Although the mini-section should have been scored to emphasise the components, one can make out traces of an ashy deposit, f570, upon which the stones sit, as well as a baqaya surface, f581, at the bottom of the exploratory trench as well as some mudbricks, f582, that are covered by the ash, f570. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0544CO12Q827f569,f581 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0544CO13Q827i501 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0544CO15Q827k107 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0544CO21Q827t [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0544CO22Q827E [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0544CO25Q827This sub-view shows the findspot of a bronze tool, i501, which was located near the north face of a line of stones that formed the north face of revetment wall, f569. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0545O12Q827f502,f507,f509,f510,f519,f521,f524,f525,f526,f527,f528,f529,f530,f532,f543,f551,f563,f569,f571,f594 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0545O15Q827k1,k2 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0545O22Q827N [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0545O25Q827This view is a late progress shot of the western half of the east section of J3. It was recorded for stratigraphic purposes in the last few days of excavation here and shows the relationship of a large number of floating limestone blocks scattered randomly atop and to the south of the second apron, f532, and what was believed to be the top of the revetment wall, f569. (Note that these stones may really be associated with the wall's memory stones, f591.) Sub-view, v545c proports to show a layer of baqaya, but the exact location is unclear from the photo. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0545AO12Q827f525,f527 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0545AO15Q827k1 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0545AO21Q827t [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0545AO22Q827N [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0545AO25Q827This sub-view shows details of floating stones f525 and f527 and the soil pedestal upon which they sit. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0545BO12Q827f502 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0545BO15Q827k1 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0545BO21Q827t [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0545BO22Q827N [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0545BO25Q827This sub-view shows details of floating stone, f502, and the soil pedestal upon which it sits. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0545CO12Q827f507,f520,f571,f594 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0545CO15Q827k1,k2 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0545CO21Q827t [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0545CO22Q827W [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0545CO25Q827This sub-view shows the results of a small stratigraphic test probe dug between boulders f507 to the south and f520 to the north. This was done to correlate the discovery of a baqaya layer, f581, in locus k106 directly to the east. A baqaya surface, f594, was found here, covered by accumulation, f571. However, from the camera angle, these two layers are difficult to discriminate. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0545DO12Q827f509,f510,f569,f591 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0545DO15Q827k1,k2 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0545DO21Q827t [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0545DO22Q827E [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0545DO25Q827This subview is taken from the same relative lateral position as v545c, but looking in the opposite direction. The view of the baqaya is blocked by boulders f509 and f510. In the top center one sees what may be the top stones of the revetment wall, f569, while in the left foreground on sees what may be the the memory stones, f591, associated with that wall. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0545EO12Q827f519 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0545EO15Q827k1 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0545EO21Q827t [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0545EO22Q827NE [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0545EO25Q827This sub-view shows details of floating stone, f519, and the soil pedestal upon which it sits. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0548O12Q831f556,f569,f591,f636,f637 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0548O15Q831k106 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0548O15Q831k107 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0548O22Q831N [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0548O25Q831This photograph is a general view to the north of loci k106 and k107 taken after most of the excavations were complete there, but before the N-S baulk separating these loci from k1 and k2 to the west had been removed. The top part of the south face of monumental wall, f569, had been exposed, as had lines of memory stones, f591, which had been placed atop it after f569 had been covered with natural accumulation. One can see the stepped stone structure, f556 in the top part of the photograph. At the very top appear two new features that were not named at the time of excavation: an unexcavated pillar of soil, f636, and an isolated stone, f637. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0548AO12Q831f569,f591 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0548AO15Q831k106 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0548AO21Q831t [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0548AO22Q831OHE [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0548AO25Q831This sub-view was taken looking down from the west baulk of k106 and shows the bottom of the excavation trench that probed for the south face of the revetment wall, f569. There are three stones at the bottom of the trench (as of the time of the photo undesignated) that had been deposited while f569 was still in use and visible. These stones were eventually removed in the last days of the excavation. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0549O12Q831f532,f556,f569,f570,f581,f582,f591 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0549O15Q831k107 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0549O22Q831E [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0549O25Q831This series of photographs taken in locus k107 (near the end of the excavations there) shows the relationships among the stepped stone structure, f556; the revetment wall, f569, and its memory stones, f591; and the material upon which f556 was laid, f570, f581, and f582. Because of the camera angles, f581 and f570, visible only in the section of the south edge of f556, are not visible in the main view. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0549AO12Q831f570,f580,f581,f582 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0549AO15Q831k107 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0549AO21Q831t [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0549AO22Q831N [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0549AO25Q831This subview of the section of the south edge of f556 shows the material upon which it was built. It is a mixture of mudbricks bricks, f582, wwhich sit in natural accumulation, f570. Both cover a baqaya layer, f581, which in turn covers part of the revetment wall, f569. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0549BO12Q831f570,f580,f581,f582 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0549BO15Q831k107 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0549BO21Q831t [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0549BO22Q831N [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0549BO25Q831This sub-view shows a small, displaced boulder, f580, before it was removed. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0549CO12Q831f556,f569,f591 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0549CO15Q831k107 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0549CO21Q831t [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0549CO22Q831W [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0549CO25Q831This subview shows the relationships among the stones of the revetment wall, f569, the memory stones, f591, and the stepped stone structure, f556. One can see that wall,f569, extended well beyond f591 to both the north and to the south. Neither abutted the stepped stone structure, f556. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0549DO12Q831f581,f581 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0549DO15Q831k107 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0549DO21Q831t [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0549DO22Q831N [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0549DO25Q831This subview shows the earliest material to cover the north part of the revetment wall, f569. The photo does not clearly indicate whether it was brick, f582, or baqaya, f581. A brief field note suggests that here it was deteriorated mudbrick. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0550O12Q831f509,f510,f520,f524,f525,f526,f527,f528,f529,f530,f532,f543,f553,f561,f569,f575,f579,f585,f591 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0550O15Q831k1,k2 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0550O22Q831N [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0550O25Q831This view was taken after the excavations in k1 and k2 of the second apron, f532, the revetment wall, f569, and the memory stones, f591, were complete. However, the N-S baulks forming the east and west sides of k1 and k2 were still in place. Approximately 50 cm of the south face of f569 was exposed in a narrow trench just to the south of the face. One can see three limestone blocks in the bottom of this trench, f575, f579, f585. There are a number of displaced limestone blocks (f509, f510, f520, f524, f525, f526, f527, f528, f529, f530, f543, f553, f561) laying atop the apron, memory stones, and the accumulations to the south of the revetment wall, suggesting that they were deposited after abandonment of this part of the temple mound complex. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0550AO12Q831f569,f575,f579,f585,f591 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0550AO15Q831k1,k2 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0550AO21Q831t [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0550AO22Q831OHW [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0550AO25Q831This subview shows the exploratory trench dug to the south of monumental wall, f569, to expose its south face. At the bottom of the trench are three boulders, f575, f579, and f585, which sit in natural accumulation, f576, which was deposited while f569 was being covered. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0550BO12Q831f575,f579 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0550BO15Q831k1 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0550BO21Q831t [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0550BO22Q831W [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0550BO25Q831This subview is a closeup of two limestone bolders, f575 and f579, located to the south of and below the top of revetment wall, f569. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0550CO12Q831f585 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0550CO15Q831k1 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0550CO21Q831t [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0550CO22Q831W [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0550CO25Q831This subview is a closeup of a limestone bolder, f585, located to the south of and below the top of revetment wall, f569. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0550DO12Q831f509,f510,f520,f529,f530,f532,f543,f551,f563,f569,f591 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0550DO15Q831k1,k2 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0550DO21Q831t [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0550DO22Q831N [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0550DO25Q831This subview shows the displaced boulders, f509, f510, f520, f529, f530, f543, f551, f563, that sit atop the second apron, f532, revetment wall f569, memory stones, f591, and soils that cover them. It clearly shows that these boulders were deposited after the major stoneworks were abandoned. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0551O15Q902k106,k107 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0551O22Q902N [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0551O25Q902This view was taken after the major part of the excavations of k106 and k107 had been completed, but before the N-S baulk separating them from loci k1 and k2 to the west had been removed. The top 50 cm of the south face of the revetment wall, f569, had been exposed, as had the memory stones above it, f591, and the stepped stone structure to its north, f556. Several boulders can be seen in the accumulation below the wall top, and two boulders that must have been deposited after f569 was covered can be seen well to its south. Subviews show clearly that the memory stones were placed atop an accumlation which covered the revetment wall. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0551AO12Q902f569,f591 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0551AO15Q902k106 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0551AO21Q902t [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0551AO22Q902N [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0551AO25Q902This subview, taken a bit closer to the revetment wall, f569, shows that the memory stones, f591, have been set atop the wall with a clear idea of where it had been before it was covered. This indicates that the memory stones were set a relative short time after the covering. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0551BO12Q902f569,f591 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0551BO15Q902k106 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0551BO21Q902t [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0551BO22Q902N [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0551BO25Q902This subview, taken looking north shows what is either a thin soil layer or a thick layer of mud mortar between the top of the revetment wall, f569, and the memory stones, f591. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0551CO12Q902f569,f591 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0551CO15Q902k106 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0551CO21Q902t [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0551CO22Q902S [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0551CO25Q902This subview, taken looking south shows the nature of the soil/mud mortar interface between the top of the revetment wall, f569, and the memory stones, f591. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0552O12Q902f569,f577,f586,f587,f588,f589 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0552O15Q902k106 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0552O22Q902W [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0552O25Q902This view depicts the area in k106 south of and below the top of the revetment wall, f569, which marked the stopping point of excavations in this part of the locus. One can see an accumulation, f577, and four displaced boulders, f586, f587, f588, and f589, that sit within the accumulation. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0552AO12Q902f569,f577,f586,f587,f588,f589 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0552AO15Q902k106 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0552AO21Q902w [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0552AO22Q902OHE [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0552AO25Q902This subview shows the accumulation, f577, and the boulders that sit within it. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0553O12Q902f509,f510,f524,f525,f526,f527,f528,f529,f530,f532,f543,f551,f563,f569,f576,f591,f635 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0553O15Q902k1,k2 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0553O22Q902N [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0553O25Q902This view was taken to illustrate the complex relationship among five sets of components: the revetment wall, f569; a later set of memory stones placed atop it, f591; an apron to the north of the revetment wall, f532; displaced limestone boulders which were deposited after the wall system went out of use; and displaced limestone boulders which were deposited in accumulation, f576, while the south face of the revetment wall was still visible and before the memory stones and the apron were constructed. The last subview, v553e, shows a small patch of baqaya, material that formed the surface of the original temple mound, under the south edge of the apron along the east baulk of k1. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0553AO12Q902f532,f569,f591 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0553AO15Q902k1,k2 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0553AO21Q902t [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0553AO22Q902N [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0553AO25Q902This subview narrows in on and illustrates the relationships among the revetment wall, f569, the memory stones, f591, and the southern part of the second apron, f532. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0553BO12Q902f525,f527 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0553BO15Q902k1 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0553BO21Q902t [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0553BO22Q902N [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0553BO25Q902This subview shows two displaced boulders which belong to the later of the two groups of such stones. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0553CO15Q902k1,k2 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0553CO21Q902t [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0553CO22Q902N [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0553CO25Q902This subview shows the western half of the combined loci k1 and k2, just before the baulk separating them from the J3 west excavations was removed. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0553DO21Q902t [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0553DO22Q902N [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0553DO25Q902gk1,2 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0553EO12Q902f532 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0553EO15Q902k1,k2 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0553EO21Q902t [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0553EO22Q902N [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0553EO25Q902This subview shows a layer of baqaya that was found at the bottom of a small exploratory trench along the intersection of the southeastern corner of the second apron, f532, and the east baulk of k1 and k2. The presence of the baqaya would indicate that the basic temple mound system exposed in the west part of J3 (which included such a coating to the north of the revetment wall) was not modified until the wall became covered and the second apron was built. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0554O12Q902f569,f576 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0554O15Q902k1 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0554O22Q902W [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0554O25Q902This photograph shows the accumulation, f576, at the bottom of a narrow trench dug in locus k1 for the purpose of locating and exposing the south face of revetment wall, f569. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0555O12Q902f559 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0555O15Q902k107 [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0555O22Q902E [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]
V0555O25Q902This photograph shows the section that remained after the east end of the German trench in unit B6 was excavated to align it with the east baulk of locus k107. More than one accumulation can be seen in the section, but due to the relatively small amount of soil removed it was assigned a single feature number, f599. [RY01JW.J***REPLACES_Q904JW.J,_Q918EL7.J,_AND_R708MO.J.]

Total entries: 1477