.bk J04 .fl Q827pC.j .fd feature descriptions .ei pC .ed Q827 .rd Q827 .ri pc f 54 df ad ds This is a natural accumulation under f14 in k72. It is characterized by the presence of phytolits, and presents a lamination structure, due to the deposition of sediment in presence of water. When removed, it is crumbly and soft in consistence, fine in texture and a bit dusty. Once picked it is light brown in color, but once it dries, it is graysh in color. This feature is also characterized by the presence of few pebbles (< 5cm) and a lot of pottery sherds. f54 is the same of f14 (directly above) and of f55 in k73. f 55 df ad ds This is a natural accumulation under f13 in k73, it is crumby and soft in consistence (a bit dusty when removed), and fine in texture. It assumes a light brown color when picked, but when it dries is graysh in color. This feature is characterized by the presence of phytolitics, few pebbles (< 5cm) and a lot of pottery sherds. f55 is the same as f13 (directly above) and of f54 in k72. f 60 df ad co brownish yellow c# 10YR 6/6 .rd Q829 .ri pC f 58 df ab ds This is a natural accumulation in k74. f58 is crumby and soft in consistence (a bit dusty when removed), is characterized by a fine texture (clayish). It assumes a light brown color when picked, but when it dries it is graysh in color. It has a compact surface and it consists of patches of hard and soft soil. This feature is characterized by the presence of phytolits, few pebbles (< 5cm) and a lot of pottery sherds. f 63 df ab ds This is a natural accumulation under f60 in k72. It is crumby and compact in consistence, and fine in texture. It is characterized by the presence lot of pebbles (< 10cm), pottery sherds, small stones (< 1cm) and phytolits. When picked it assumes a reddish color, especially in the NW corner of the square. At the bottom elevation of q132 f63 has a platy structure, very compact in consistence, which is probably due to the presence of the phytolits. The S area of the unit, instead, is characterized by a light brown colour, it is very fine in texture (a bit clayish) and compact soil is mixed with patches of soft ones. .rd Q823 .ri pc f 59 df ad ds This is a natural accumulation under f57 in k64. It is crumby and soft in consistence, by a very fine texture and a bit clayish (leaves color on fingers) and dusty when removed. f59 is characterized by patches of compact and soft soil and by the presence of phytolitics.