.bk J04 .fl Q902vN.j .fd on J04 .ei vn .ed Q902 .rd Q902 .ri vn k 84 nr We start digging f86 the filling of the pit f85 in the E baulk of k84; at the end of the day we reached the bottom elevation of the pit in this baulk, at m4502 +115 -103. We did not have the top elevation of f86 in this baulk, since this square had been already invest gored in the 2004 season by mitt and aP. However we cleaned the S section of k84 and noticed here the top elevation of the pit new (which is located at m3814 +96 -138. The pit cuts three different layers, which present the following characteristics. The first is gray in color, it is very compact; the second it is sandy and very fine in texture and is dark gray; the third is sandy and the dark brown in color. The first fill while digging the pit was characteristics buy a reddish and very fine soil, thick approximately 10-15cm. In this reddish fill we found the skeleton of a dog, complete. Its position suggest that is has been buried. Close to the back of the dog we found also some frog bones. The dog was sitting on the top of the second fill of the pit. This fill it is characterized by very fine soil, a bit sandy, lights gray in color. His fill was also characterized by several animal boons. The last fill we met, it is characterized by very compact layer, sandy and gray in color. The pottery collected within these three layers has been analyzed by mKB and dated to the Mittani Period (these note have been written by vN and cC while digging f86, the fill of pit f85 located in the E baulk of k84 on Q902).