.bk J04 .fl Q903sC2.j .fd daily journal Q903 .ei sC .ed Q903 .rd Q903 .ri sC f 79 df ab ds This is a natural accumulation under f76 in k84. It has a granular structure and it is very soft in consistence and very fine in texture. It is wet and brown in colour. This feature is characterized by the presence of organic band and a lot of bones. co yellowish brown c# 10YR 5/4 f 80 nr It is crumble and soft in consistence, and it is very fine in texture. It is characterized by the presence of pebbles and pottery sherds. f 81 nr It is crumby and soft in consistence, a bit dusty when removed. f 85 df cut ds This is the cut of a pit located in the NE portion of k84, and that hs been noticed while cleaning the top surface of the N and E baulks of k84, as visible in v55. While digging k84, we noticed that the NE portion was rich in animal bones, but we did not found the limits of the pit within the locus. f85 has a circular shape and its diameter is approximately 240cm. f 86 df fill ds This is the fill of pit f85. However, it is important to clarify that f86 is related only with the fill of the pit in the N and E baulk of k84. This pit, in fact, was noticed only when we were scraping the top surface of the N and E baulks of k84, since, while digging f72 we noticed a concentration of animal bones in the NE portion of the locus, and thus, we thought to check the baulks in order to look for a possible pit cut. By scraping the top surfaces of the N and E baulk we then found the cut of the pit, as visible in v55. Within the fill of the pit several animal bones have been found, among which a complete skeleton of a saluki dog (i5, f96) and frog bones (i5, f96). v60 shows the bottom of the pit in the E baulk, after we removed the saluki dog skeleton (i5, f96). nr In light of the fact that we did not found the pit while digging within k84, f72 includes part of the fill of pit f85. The pit is aproximately 40cm deep (in its deepest point). f 72 df ad nr While digging within k84, we assigned f72 to a compact accumulation which seemed to be spread in the whole locus; however, while digging f72 we noticed that, in the NE portion of the locus the soil matrix was rich in animal bones and, generally, in organic material. We did suppose, on the basis of the concentration of organic material found within the north-est portion of the locus, that it could have been part of the fill of a pit, but did not found, while digging in k84, any pit-cut; and for this reason, we did consider the feature in the whole locus to be f72, and just take a note in order to remember the amount of organic material noticed in the north-est portion of the locus. However, later, once scraping the top surfaces of the N and E baulk, we found the cut of a large pit, as clearly visible in v55, which we label as f85. By studying the material recovered within f72, it must thus be remembered that f72 includes part of the fill of pit f85. f 87 df ts ds This is the topsoil layer in the southern part of k84 (200cm N and 400cm W to m3830). It is crumby in consistence (a bit dusty when removed) and it is characterized by the presence of pebbles, stones and roots. ;f 88 ;df ad ;ds This is a natural accumulation under f87 in k84. It is crumby when picked (a bit dusty when removed), characterized by presence of patches of compact and soft soil, of pebbles, stones, rooths. f 89 df ad ds This is a very compact accumulation under f61 in k73. It is a bricky melted type of accumulation. When picked it is crumby and presents a very loose texture. It is characterized by the presence of phytolits and brick fragments which are particular concentrated in the northern part of the square. The feature is characterized by patches of ash in the western part of the locus, and few pebbles. Several kiln waste fragments have been collected while removing this feature. f 75 df ad ds This is a natural accumulation in k82. f75 has been assigned only to the S portion of k82 (i.e. 220cm N and 400cm E to m4413). This square was already investigated in the 2004 excavation season by mH being part of the J02 Unit. f75 is characterized by a very compact consistence and it is very fine in texture. Few are the pottery sherds collected while removing this feature, togheter with some small pebbles. This feature slopes toward south, following the slope of the tell mound. .rd Q910 .ri sc f 118 df ad ds This is a natural accumulation under f79 in the southern part of k84. It is crumby and soft in consistence and very fine in texture; it is wet and dark brown when removed, but when it dries it assumes a light graysh colour. It has few sherds of pottery and any stones; f118 is the same as f119 in k83. f 119 df ad ds This is a natural accumulation under f78 in k83. It is crumby and soft in consistence and very fine in texture; it is wet wet and dark brown when removed, but when it dries it assumes a light graysh colour. f119 is the same as f118 in k84. ;.rd Q914 ;.ri pc ;f 150 ;df ab ;ds f150 is a clayish accumulation in k100 that covers the whole unit. f150 is located directly below f121. f150 has a compact surface and it is brownish in colour, crumble and soft in consistence. It is characterized by the presence of carbons, patches of ash, lot of pottery sherds and bones. After a pick run is more compact, and is characterized by the presence of carbons, smelted bricks, small chalcite pebbles (approx. 1cm in dimension), and it slopes toward the S portion of the square; it has an elevation on the highest point of m4502 –35 –172, on the middle of m4502 –5 –172, in the deepest point of m4502 –51 –172. ;f21 ;df ad ;ds f21 is the N baulk of k73. It is crumby and hard in consistence, and it is characterized by the presence of melted bricks, in some points loose, in other hard and platy in structure .rd Q904 .ri sC ;f90 ;df ad ;ds This is a natural accumulation under f67 in k63. It has a platy structure, it is hard in consistence and fine texture. It is characterized by the presence of small stones (> 1mm) which lay horizontally, probably due to the sedimentation of washed material. f 90 df ad ds f90 is a natural accumulation in k63, below f67. It is a waterleid, i.e. a water deposit. It is characterized by the presence of several layers, in which is possible to distinguish the different deposition of the water deposit, with the largest clust at the bottom, and the smallest on the top of each layer. It is characterized by very compact soil which is very difficult to remove also with the big bick. Once picked has a platy structure, and it is very fine in texture. It is located directly below f67.