.bk J04 .fl Q913pC.j .fd daily journal Q913 .ei pC .ed Q913 .ri pC .rd Q913 -st Today, before breakfast, vN and cC worked in J3. Early in the morning vN came in J4 to help doing some relays. k 100 dy As decided yesterday we will dig only in k100 in order to look, in this square, for the possible apron. Today we continued digging f121 (q276), that as yesterday is red bricky, but with patches of ash spread in all the feature; this feature is poor in pottery sherds. After one pick run, we noticed a change in the soil matrix in the S portion of the square. We scraped this area and noticed a pit (f136, r158, r159) which cuts f121. f136 is very well defined since its filling (f137) is composed mainly by ashes and it has a large diameter, approx. 150cm. Being the pit located for most of its extension below the un-excavated S portion k100 (i.e. 100cm N from r134) we called fAB asking him to help us how to proceed. We have two possible options: to dig the small portion of the pit and then the accumlation abutting it and keeping in removing them in two different moments until we will reach the bottom of the pit, or start digging the un-excavated portion of k100 (100cm N from r134), in order to expose the whole pit, and remove it before continuing digging f121 in k100. fAB observed that the pit has a very large diameter, and therefore it is not worth to spend time in digging the un-excavated portion of k100. Since the pit falls in the S baulk of k100 we would not be able to dig all the pit and its fill. dy CONTINUED Therefore we decided to proceed in the following way, as fAB suggested: to dig first the fill of the pit (for approx 20-30cm), to cover both the sides and the bottom of the pit with a large plastic (order to avoid the contamination of the pottery) and then to remove f121 in the square and continue until we reach the bottom of the pit. We thus starting to remove the fill of the pit for approx 20-30cm (q237), and then we continue digging f121 (q276); while removing f121 we noticed in the SE corner, for an area of approx. 1m from r87 60cm N, 60cm W, there was a change in the soil matrix, dark brownish, ashy and softer in consistence. We continue digging f121 and after 10cm, in the NW corner we noticed a change in the soil matrix: it is grey-brownish in colour, compact and platy in structure, sloping to the S: at the elevation of m4502 + 1 -163, it misures from r89 50cm S and 170cm E. Therefore, after removing all f121, we understood that the layer we were uncovering was sharply sloping to the S: in the NW corner the top elevation is at m4502 +11 -166 and in the SE corner the bottom elevation is at m4502 +1 -166. Once we reached in all the square the same elevation of the pit as previoulsy excavated, we remove the plastic and we start digging f137 again. f137 continues to be ashy with carbons (we did a charcole sample q273.1) and with few pottery sherds. mkB came and checked the pottery, coming from the pit (q237): she observed that it has only phase 3 and 2 sherds. She saw also the pottery coming from f121 (q276), that it is also phase 3-2. k 73 dy Today we continue digging the N baulk of k73 (f21 q275). f21 is crumby and hard in consistence and it is characterized by the presence of melted and broken bricks; while digging f21 we expose 4 aligned bricks running EW, probably part of a wall, f161: every brick measures 40x40x10cm at the elevation of m4501 +155 -113.