.bk J04 .fl U119sc.j .fd on J04 _check features (61-87-----**f61, 69, 80-85 NEED to be better defined, check photos for the german trench, f61) .ei sC .ed U119 .rd U119 .ri sC f 61 df mix ds This is a natural accumulation in k73 (below f55), soft in consistence, a bit clayish and fine in texture; when removed it is crumbly and a bit dusty. When picked f61 is light brown/reddish in color while it is graysh when it dries off. This feature is characterized by the presence of phytolitics, small pebbles and pottery sherds; laminations have been noticed in the S portion of the square as well as some red lenses (indicating the presence of some isolated mud-bricks). Unlucky when we assigned f61 to the natural accumulation in k73 we were thinking to have removed completely the backfill of the 'German' trench which interests part of the N baulk of the locus (C10). This trench was dug in 2001 during a survery of the tell mound by a team of the university of Tubingen, directed by Prof. Peter Pfalzner (the trench, running W-E, is wide aprox. 100cmx100cm). However, while digging f61 we found some plastic nylon close to the NE section and thus, it is likely that f61 can be partially contaminated, in this portion of the locus, by the backfill of the German trench (C10), and it is not only a natural-accumulation. f61 consists, in the N portion of the locus, by mixed soil which is the back-fill of a trench running W-E (C10, wide aprox. 100cmx100cm). This trench was dug in 2001 during a survery of the Tell Terrace by a team of the university of Tubingen, directed by Prof. Peter Pfalzner. Therefore, f61 has partially a natural accumulation within k73 and partially mixed with the backfill of the natural-made accumulation in . However, f61 however is not only a natural accumulation, since part of the N baulk of k73 is not the rexult of a natural accumlulation but is the back-fill of a W-E trench, f65, (originally called C10, wide aprox. 100cmx100cm) dug in 2001, which partially could have contaminated the N portion of the locus. While digging f61, we noticed some fragments of nylon coming out from the N baulk of the locus (close to the NW corner of k73), which indicate that there there was the bottom of the trench dug in this portion of the Tell Terrace during the 2001 excavation season. ;____originally era scritto___While digging this feature, lots of pottery sherds have been collected nr On Q827, while cleaning the locus thinking to have reached the bottom of f61 (at the elevation of 92.02m, on Q827), we found, in the NW corner of the square (where f61 abuts the N section of the locus) a fragment of wide and thick nylon, which is the nylon left by the German team in 2001 before back-filling the trench. At this point, the cut of the German trench in the N baulk was visible in the E portion of the baulk (we assigned f65 to the back fill, and forgot to assing a feature number to the cut). The bottom, or better, what we were thinking was the bottom f f 61 is visible in J4v38a (or V19d3074), although, unlucky we did not take any close photo of the plastic nylon, which is only partially visible in the NW portion of the locus. nr In 2001 during a survey in this portion of the Tell Terrace, a trench running W-E (C10) was dug, and k73, is located partially within the cut of this trench. The area were C10 was dug, interest today the NW portion of k73, in particular, falls within the N baulk of k73. This trench was back-filled for safety reasons at the end of the 2001 excavation season (as it is possible to see in J04t4, or view 4 (V19d3005) that shows the locus before we start digging in k73). The bottom of the trench was partially covered with pieces of a wide and thick yellow nylon, as reminder of the bottom elevation reached during the investigation carried out in the locus and in view of the trench back-fill. Only a small portion of the N baulk was not back-filled (aprox. 1m W in the NW baulk), as clearly visible in view J04t4, or view 4 (V19d3005). Furthermore, view J4v38a (V19d3074), shows, although is a genearl view of k71-74, f65 (the baulk, which is, in almost his totality, the back-fill of the German trench) and the bottom of f60, with a small fragment of nylon visible in the NW portion of the locus (corresponding to the E baulk of k83), right before 'steps' made with some canvas bags. ;cercare FOTO dei tedeschi relativamente alla german trench c10 per vedere quanto fosse estesa ____vedi foto L_V19d3074 J4v38a Q829 dM ;file originario diceva Q827pc: At the elevation of m4393 +132 -160 (9201)we found a fragment of nylon, where f55 abuts the NW section of the square: it belongs to f65, the fill of the German trench which cut k82 and k72. li Unlucky there are no close-up photos showing the nylon at the bottom of f60; this is only partially visible in J4v38a, in the NW portion of k71, where what should have been the W baulk, and in the NE portion of the locus, where a green fragment of paper is visible, close to the N section. wm mixed soil ;J4v38a (V19d3074) ;c# MISSING ;co MISSING P99 Removed Q829 .rd Q812 .ri sC k 73 nr In 2001 during a survery in this portion of the Tell Terrace, a trench running W-E (C10) was dug, and k73, is located partially within the cut of this trench. The area were C10 was dug, interest today the NW portion of k73, in particular, falls within the N baulk of k73. This trench was back-filled for safety reasons at the end of the 2001 excavation season (as it is possible to see in J04t4, or view 4 (V19d3005) that shows the locus before we start digging in k73). The bottom of the trench was partially covered with pieces of a wide and thick yellow nylon, as reminder of the bottom elevation reached during the investigation carried out in the locus and in view of the trench back-fill. Only a small portion of the N baulk was not back-filled (aprox. 1m W in the NW baulk), as cleary visible in view J04t4, or view 4 (V19d3005). Furthermore, view J4v38a (V19d3074), shows, although is a genearl view of k71-74, partially f65 (the baulk, which is moslty the back-fill of the German trench) and the bottom of f60, with a small fragment of nylon visible in v38a, in the NW portion of the locus. ;da vecchio journal: In the NW corner is cut by a German trench (75cm W and 130m S to m4249) which runs W-E. .rd U119 .ri sC f 62 df st ds f62 has been assigned to a isolated limestone close to the section in k64 (cfr. r33). wm limestone co whitish P99 Not removed in 2006 excavation season f 63 ;wm MISSING co light yellowish brown c# 10YR 6/4 f 64 ;wm MISSING ;c# MISSING ;co MISSING wm clayish P99 Not removed in 2006 excavation season f 65 df mix ds f65 has been assigned to the back-fill of T10, a trench running W-E dug in 2001 during a survery of the Tell Terrace by a German team. The trench, long 50cm and wide aprox. 100cm, interested the area where the N baulk of J04k83 and J04k83 was set, and stop aprox. at 50cm from the NW corner of J04k73. However, the excavations related with the trench interested as well the NW portion of the locus. While digging, we forgot to assigne a feature number to the cut of the German Trench. f65, therefore, falls within the N portion of the west baulk of k73 and portion of the NW area of the locus (i.e. 140cm S and 200cm W to m4394) as visible in v44. However, v44 has been taken when we tought to have reched the bottom of the german trench; however, while digging in that portion of the locus, we found some thick plastic nylon at the elevation of 91.15, which is therefore the real bottom elevation of the german trench (and which is lower in elevation than f61, which instead is the feature dug in the locus while we tough to have reached the bottom of the german trench as visible in v44). li We forgot to take a photo of the real bottom elevation of the german trench (that cuts f89). wm soil mixed to plastic bags, brick fragments, pebbles and stones. P99 Removed Q830 f 66 ;wm MISSING ;c# MISSING ;co MISSING P99 Removed Q902 f 67 ;wm MISSING ;c# MISSING ;co MISSING P99 Removed Q903 f 68 nr In removing f68 we found, in the E portion of k83, several wide and think nylon fragments: the nylon had been located at the bottom of the German trench C10 in the 2001 excavation season before its backfill. ;f68 abuts the German trench in E portion of the square (where it 'continues' in the E baulk of k83 and in k73) ;wm MISSING ;c# MISSING ;co MISSING P99 Removed Q830 f 69 ;ds speigare meglio cosa abbiamo fatto (def dell'area da scavare, che non è uno square pieno ma solo half)___OK ;c# MISSING el We start digging k84 in order to reach, in this locus, the same elevation of the bottom of the German trench C10 that interests k73 and k83. Given that this locus was partially already investigated by mH and aP in the 2004 excavation season as part of the J02 Unit, the N portion of k84 was lower in elevation (as visible in J02t061), we start digging only the N portion of this locus, which is aprox. half of the whole locus, in particular, 180m S and 400m W from marker m4412. ; k84 journal: during a brief meeting in the field with gB, fAB, jO and all J4 staff we decided that at present, the main goal is to reach, in this square, the same elevation of the bottom of the German trench that interests k73 and k83. Therefore, we are not going to investigate the whole k84 but only in the N portion of the square, which, being investigated by mH and aP in the 2004 excavation season, is lower in elevation. We thus start digging in a small area (which is 180cm S and 400cm W to m4412) at the elevation of m4378 +176 –147. We assigned f69 to the first natural accumulation (q141). ; check se ci sono pottery lots in q feature, senò scrivere che nel digg q ff non è st raccolta alcuna ceramica P99 Removed Q829 f 70 wm clay loam ;c# MISSING ;co MISSING ;hd MISSING ;tx MISSING P99 Removed Q829 f 71 ;ds This is a natural accumulation in k83; it covers an area of 250cm E and 120cm N in the northern portion of k83. It is crumby an soft in consistence, it is characterized by a compact soil,it is fine in texture and light brown in colour. In the NE area it abuts f65 (the German trench). ; spiegare meglio dove è localizzata la ff ;Assignment based on on elevation and nature accumulation. It covers f77 in the N portion of k83, 120cm N to r35) and f78 (in the S portion of k83, i.e. 280cm N to r35) [Input file: QX07SC.J / QX07SC.-J] ;c# MISSING ;co MISSING ;hd MISSING ;tx MISSING P99 Removed Q830 f 72 ;c# MISSING ;co MISSING ;hd MISSING ;tx MISSING P99 Removed Q830 f 73 df st ds f73 has been assigned to a isolated limestone in k82 (see relays n. r33). This limestone, was exposed in the 2004 excavation season while k83 was dug within the J02 Unit. As visible in view J02t61, in 2004 this stone (labeled as J02f93) was still standing on top of its pedestal (f74, which is the same as J02f93), but, in the last two years, has fallen down. When we start digging in this locus the stone was found on top on f75. wm limestone co whitish P99 Removed Q830 f 74 df ad ds This is the pedestal of floating stone f73 in k82; f74 is the natural accumulation under the stone (cfr. relay r34). View J02t61, shows this feature, togheter with the stone on top of it, as it was exposed in the 2004 excavation season. In 2004 the limestone was still resting on top of the pedestal; f74 is the same as J02f93, and rests on top on f75. ;c# MISSING ;co MISSING hd soft tx fine wm clayish P99 Removed Q830 f 75 ;c# MISSING ;co MISSING hd very compact tx fine wm clay loam P99 Removed Q830 f 76 ;hd MISSING ;tx MISSING P99 Removed Q831 f 77 df glacis ;c# MISSING ;co MISSING wm clay mixed to bakaya hd very hard and compact tx very fine clay, while baqaya is very coarse el not excavated@bottom P99 Not removed in 2006 excavation season f 78 ;c# MISSING co light brown wm clay loam hd compact tx fine P99 Removed Q830 f 79 ; ds da rifare hd soft tx fine P99 Removed Q831 f 80 df mix ds This feature number has been assigned to the N baulk of k84. This feature consists, stratigraphically, f69, f72, f76 and f79 i.e., the features previously dug within this locus. f69, f72, f76 and f79 are all natural ac`umulations and are all very similar in nature among them, being [?] water-born accumulations. nl We are aware that a baulk, being part of the accumulations dug [?] square, should be dug stratigrafically in order to individuate also in this portion of the [?] features found while digging the square. However, when we removed the N baulk of k84 we decided [?] excavated this portion of the locus stratigraphically; we thus assigned a feature numbeq (f53, [?] that, as such, f53 is an an 'artificial' feature) to represent all the accumulations found [?] portion of the locus and in order to keep track of the pottery and of possible items or q-items [?] while removing the baulk. ar Being f53 -stratigraphically- the sum of all the features dug [?] (it consist of f69, f72, f76 and f79), and, as such, an 'artificial' feature, we will not have a [?] association between f53 and other features: we will take into consideration only the features [?] k84 and correlate them with features of neighbouring loci on the basis of the [?] elevation and [?] association. nr f53 was not excavated stratigraphically but all the q-items, pottery sherds [?]fragments have been collected in different q-lots. While studying this material must be kept in [?] it comes from different accomulations since k84 consists of f69, f72, f76 and f79, the features [wi?] thin this locus previously. ;el not excavated@bottom P99 Not completeoy removed in 2006 [?] f 81 df mix ds This feature number has been assigned to the E baulk of k94. This feature [?] of the features previously dug within this locus which are all natural accumulations and are [?] similar in nature among them, being wind and water-born accumulations. nl We are aware that a [?] being part of the accumulations dug in a given square, should be dug stratigrafically in order to [?] in this portion of the locus the features found whilf digging the square. However, when we removed the E baulk of k94 we decided not to excavated this portion of the locus stratigraphically; we thus assigned a feature number (f81, being aware that, as such, f81 is an an 'artificial' feature) to represent all the accumulations found within this portion of the locus and in order to keep track of the pottery and of possible items or q-items recovered while removing the baulk. ar Being f81 -stratigraphically- the sum of all the features dug in k94, and, as such, an 'artificial' feature, we will not have a contact association between f81 and other features: we will take into consideration only the features dug within k94 and correlate them with features of neighbouring loci on the basis of the(ir) elevation and contact association. nr f81 was not excavated stratigraphically but all the q-items, pottery sherds and bone fragments have been collected in different q-lots. While studying this material must be kept in mind that it comes from different accomulations simce f81 consists of the features dug within this locus previously. P99 Removed Q902 f 82 df st ds f62 has been assigned to a isolated limestone close to the N section in k62, as visible in v100. wm limestone co whitish P99 Removed Q903 f 83 df ad ds This is the pedestal of f82 (a floating limestone) in k62; f83 is the natural accumulation under the stone (cfr. v100). hd soft tx fine wm clayish P99 Removed Q903 f 84 df w ds f84 is a limestone wall running SW-NE in k62, as visible in v54. This wall consists (at present) of a single line of limestones, generally rectangular in shape. f84 seems to have the same type of construction as f10: the stones are embedded into mud mortar with small stones between the joints. The bigger stones are aprox. 50cmx40cm in size. nr In a first moment, when we found these stones we were thinking that they could belong to a drain, rather than a wall. For this reason, we decided to removed one of the stones and check what there was underneath. From this soundjng (v69 shows the sounding done below the 4th stone of wall f84), it appeared that f84 consists of a single line of limestones; however, the nature of this feature remains unclear, being formed by only one row of stones. wm limestone co whitish P99 Not removed in 2006 excavation season f 85 P99 Removed Q903 f 86 hd very soft and crumble tx fine, dusty wm clay loam with pebbles, stones and roots P99 Partially removed in the 2006 excavation season (Q903) f 87 hd compact and soft tx fine wm clay loam with pebbles, stones and some roots P99 Removed