.bk J04 .fl U226sC.j .fd add into to ff while doing strata and templates .ei sC .ed U226 .rd U226 .ri sC f 149 el not excavated @bottom f 158 el 8813@bottom ;A35 L_V19d3189 J4v85 Q919 sC ;P99 not completely removed in 2006 excavation season ;f 160 ;A35 L_V19d3191 J4v90 Q919 sC ;f 120 ;A35 L_V19d3192 J4v69 Q911 dM .rd U228 .ri sC f 124 ev f124, very fine in texture, compact and hard with laminations, sloped toward the south portion of the locus and was overlayed by f121. f121 is part of the brickfall J06 bf^2 in J04 area. It is thus possible to say that f124 is very similar to J06f90, and that could be possibly part of the fire spread in the J06 area before the brickfall bf^2. f 139 ev f139, with its 5 stones have a very nice W-E allignment, which suggest that they were intentionally placed, possibly as a part of a wall or enclosure.They seems to be the southern limit of the area used in the Middle Mittani period (s14c), area in which different structures were built, i.e., the bin (and related floor surfaces, a2) and all the other mud-brick structures built in loci k72 and k73. South of these stones, have been dug only natural accumulations with no sign of use of this portion of area, besides some (dump) pits. As it is cleary visible in v73d, f139 seems to extend until the bin installation; it is possible that the two medium-sized and rectangular stones south to f171 (which has been assigned to a melted bricky accumulation, which is probably what remains of the bin brick walls in this portion of the locus) which appear to bein line with f139 are part of the same stone structure/wall. ;The allignment of f139 suggest that they were intentionally placed, possibly as a part of a wall or enclosure. This is the same for the large limestones N to f139 (i.e., f141, 144, f145). It is unclear whether they were placed here, i.e., within which the Mittani Period or later. f 150 el 8846 (in the N portion of locus)@bottom f 158 li As said in the description of f158 this feature was characterized by the presence of brick fragments, phytolits and small stone fragments. These were concentrated particulary in a small area close to the N section of k100 (70cm W and 50cm S from r89); a general and a particular view of these elements within the feature were taken, but unlucky both are unfocused; the general view is v85, while the tide view (showing the phytolits) is v85a. f 60 el 9196 @bottom f 63 el 9196 @top