.bk J04 .fl U305sC.j .fd ___CHECK ff 143-150 .ei sC .ed U305 .ri sC .rd U305 f 143 el not excavated@bottom tc ab 93 tc ab 71 tc ab 93 tc ab 171 tc ab 78 tc ab 145 nr The bottom elevation of f143 is around 9057; this has been taken where the lower portion of f143 was visible (i.e., where f143 abuts f78 in the south-west portion of k83) and could not correspond to the real bottom of the feature. ;while checking f143, other feature related with needed some correction or addition nr All of the pottery sherds found within f143, the pebble floor, have been collected and analyzed by mKB. f 171 df ly ds f171 has been assigned to a melted brick layer which seems to be part of the south-west extent of the bin installation: this layer is probably the result of the melting of the bin walls in its western extent. Its limits are given by f143 (the pebble floor) and by some large limestones (f142.2 and f144) in the north. Its the south and west, f171 abuts some limestones as well: f140 and f139 (south) and 141.6 (west). wm mud-bricks with few pebbles el 9076 @top el not excavated@bottom hd compact tc ab 78 tc ab 93 tc ab 140 tc ab 142 tc ab 143 tc ab 144 P99 Not removed in 2006 excavation season f 78 nr f78 slopes toward the south, for this reason there is a difference between its top elevation in the north portion of the locus from the top elevation in the south portion of k83: there are approximately 15cm of difference in elevation. The elevation of f78 given as bottom, has been taken in the N portion of the locus (the top elevation in the bottom portion of the locus is aprox. 9043). tc ab 143 f 145 tc ab 71 f 146 nr It could be that we have made a mistake in labeling f146 all the stones having the W-E andament in k83 and k73. It could be that the first 5 stones of f146 located in k83, which are not perfectly alligned, could be part of another structure. Wall f146 as it is exposed in k73 N, is characterized by stones that are more nicely alligned, very similar in size and shape among them. Furthermore, the west extent seems to be 'divided' from the east portion of wall f146 by two large limestones: f145 and f147. tc ab 145 tc ab 147 f 147 tc re 71 f 149 tc ab 143 P99 Not removed in 2006 excavation season f 150 df ly ds 150 has been assigned to a melted brick layer which is located within k100, below f121. This feature consists of a deposit where it is not possible to recognize individual bricks but in which it is clear that the soil matrix consists of bricky material. f150, as f121, slopes sharply toward the south portion of the locus, as visible in v84 and v84a, and is dark red in colour. Its top-most surface is very compact, but, once removed it is very soft and fine in texture; f150 is very wet. nr f150 slopes toward the south portion of the locus, as visible in v84 and v84a; for this reason there is a difference between its top elevation in the north portion of the locus from the top elevation in the south portion of k100: there are approximately 15cm of difference in elevation. The bottom elevation of f150 reported in the 'Volumetric localization' has been taken in the N portion of the locus (the top elevation in the bottom portion of the locus is therefore lower, around 90.43). ;questa ds fatta in 2010 perchè mancava in 2006 ;v84 and v84a are: V19d3181-82