.bk J04 .fl ZH511yM.j .fd features additional information .ei yM .ed ZH511 .ri yM .rd ZH511 f 1 K3 so f 2 K3 so f 3 K3 so f 4 K3 so f 5 K3 so f 6 K3 so f 7 K3 so f 8 K3 so f 9 K3 so f 11.1 I1 s5a MZA I3 h85 MZA f 11.2 I1 s5a MZA I3 h85 MZA f 13 K3 so f 14 K3 so f 15 K3 so f 16.1 I1 s5a MZA I3 h85 MZA f 16.2 I1 s5a MZA I3 h85 MZA f 18 K3 so bm f 19.1 tc re f128 tc si f54 tc si f14 tc co 19 tc ab 19 I1 s5a MZA I3 h85 MZA f 19.2 tc re f128 tc si f54 tc si f14 tc co 19 tc ab 19 I1 s5a MZA I3 h85 MZA f 19.3 tc re f128 tc si f54 tc si f14 tc co 19 tc ab 19 I1 s5a MZA I3 h85 MZA f 21 K3 so f 29 K3 so f 30 K3 so f 31 K3 so K7 soft K8 mixed loose texture f 32 K3 so f 33 K3 so f 34 K3 so f 35 K3 so f 36 K7 soft K8 crumbly fine texture f 39 K3 so K7 mix of compact and soft K8 mix of compact,loose and crumbly texture f 40 K3 so f 41 K3 so K7 mix of compact and soft K8 mix of compact,loose and crumbly texture f 42 K3 so K7 compact K8 loose and fine f 43 K3 so K7 compact K8 loose and fin f 44 K3 so f 45 K3 so f 46 K3 so K7 mix of compact and soft K8 mix of compact,loose and crumbly texture f 47 K3 so K7 mix of compact and soft K8 mix of compact,loose and crumbly texture f 48 K3 so K7 compact K8 mix of compact,loose and fine texture f 49 K3 so K7 compact K8 mix of compact,loose and fine texture f 50 K3 so K7 compactK8 clayesh fine texture f 52 K3 so K7 soft f 53 K3 so K7 soft f 54 K3 so K7 soft f 55 K3 so K7 soft f 56 K3 so f 59 K7 soft K8 clayish fine texture f 61 K7 soft K8 clayish fine texture f 63 K3 so K7 compact K8 fine texture f 64 K7 mix of compact and loose K8 fine texture f 67 K7 hard f 68 K7 compact f 69 K3 so f 71 K3 so f 72 K3 so K8 fine texture f 76 Ko so ash K7 soft K8 fine texture f 79 K3 so f 80 K3 so K7 soft K8 fine and crumbly texture f 81 K3 so K7 soft K8 fine and crumbly texture f 88 K3 so K7 mix of compact and soft K8 crumbly and dusty f 89 K7 compact f 94 K3 soil, roots, pebble and soil f 95 K3 soil, roots, pebble and soil f 99 K3 limestone K5 whitish f 100 K3 so f 107 K3 so f 113 A21 accumulation D A20 buildup f 114 K3 so A21 A20 f 115 K3 so f 116 K3 so f 117 K3 so A21 accumulation D A20 buildup f 118 K3 so f 119 K3 so f 121 K3 bricky material ds part of the extended brick-fall named as bf^1 and bf^2 found throughout the whole J06 unit (and partially in the J07 unit as well) during the 2007-8 excavation seasons. f 122 K3 so A20 other features A21 mix ds f122 is the N baulk of k61. It consists of f42, f43, f44 and f45. These are all natural accumulations (wind- and waterborn) which contributed to the build -up of the tell. f 123 ds f123 consists of f2, f5, f8, f14: these are natural accumulations (wind- and waterborn) that contributed to the build -up of tell. K3 so f 124 A21 la ds lense type A that consists of ashy and compact hard material with laminations, it slopes toward the south portion of the locus. f 125 A21 st-is ds isolated floating stone. f 126 K3 so A20 fill, dumping, collapse A21 bf K3 bricky material f 127 K3 so and mud with calcite inclusions A20 buildup A21 glasis f 128 K3 so K8 fine texture f 129 ds natural accumulation in K72. It is charecterized by a compact consistancy. K8 fine texture f 136 A20 installation A21 pt ds shallow pit, very large in diameter. So far, it does not seem to be a dumping pit, however, the function is still not clear. f 137 A20 fill, dumping, collapse A21 fi ds Fill of pit f136 composed of ash layers and pottery sherds (some of which are very big in dimensions). Only a small portion of the pit fill has been removed, i.e, the northern portion of f137, since this pit falls mostly within the southern baulk of k100, which has not been investigated during the 2006 excavation season. f 138 A20 other features A21 mix f 140 A21 st-is f 141 A20 installation A21 st-is f 142 A20 installation A21 st-is f 143 A20 surface A21 pc f 144 A20 installation A21 st-is f 145 A20 installation A21 st-is f 146 A20 installation A21 w f 147 A20 installation A21 st-is ds lime stone at the north western edge of stone cluster surrounding the bin installation's pebble floor f143. f 148 A20 installation A21 st-is f 149 K3 co A20 A21 ds f 150 A20 buildup A21 ly K7 compact K8 fine texture f 151 A20 installation f 153 A20 installation f 154 A20 surface A21 pc K3 pottery sherds f 155 A20 installation A21 st-is f 156 A20 installation A21 st-is f 157 A20 installation A21 st-is f 158 A20 buildup A21 accululation B K7 hard K8 crumbly f 159 A20 installation f 160 A20 buildup A21 accululation B f 161 A20 installation A21 w f 164 A20 installation f 166 A20 installation f 167 A20 installation f 168 K3 so tc 167 re 168 f 169 K3 so