.bk J05 .fl S804jW.j .fd Daily journal for S804 and feature descriptions .fn f83, f84, f98-f102 .ei jW .ed S804 .rd S804 .ri jW -wk Nineteen assigned workmen reported. Majid still absent. f 98 ds Hard-crusted laminar natural accumulation throughout locus k33. It was a marked transition from the soil feature above, f94, which was soft and granular. f 99 ds A triangular arrangement of very large stones between the N-S revetment wall, f3; the E-W line of stones, f37, and the SE to NW stone structure, f41. The function is unclear and will remain so until the east baulk of k33 is removed. f 100 ds A layer of laminations consisting of silt, sand and pebbles throughout locus k33. It is at least equivalent to if not a continuation to the south of laminations, f63, found in k34. f 101 ds a pedestal of soil beneath marker m4881 extending from the bottom of baulk accumulation f64 downward to the top of glacis, f74. f 102 ds A naturally compacted soil layer throughout k33. It has a dense, flat surface, formed of fine grains, which is almost free of any pottery sherds, stones or inclusions. It is at least equivalent to if not a continuation to the south of the compact accumulation, f70, found in k34. f 83 df aa nr This feature was originally described as a natural accumulation below natural accumulation, f82, which covered the stones of f99 and of f41. Once f83 was exposed, it was clear that it was actually the living accumulation above the glacis, f74, to installation, f41. The pottery will be analyzed specially to help identify the phase of the glacis and wall system. f 84 ds This feature was a small wedge of soil which was seen in section during drawing. Upon excavation, it was incorporated into f101 and the pottery was mixed between them. q 150 nr Pottery from this q-lot contains sherds from f84 and f101, which were excavated separately.