.bk J05 .fl S812sNP.j .fd items description .fn q154.1 q154.2 q156.1 i25 q 156.2 q 159.1 q162.1 q162.3 q163.1 q164.1 q166.1 q167.1 q169.1 q174.1 .ei sNP .ed S812 .rd S805 .ri sNP q 154.1 df shell ds fragment of shell, visible the laminated structure. wm sh lg 3.2 ht 1.9 w2 0.3 co light gray cn fragment ;P2 ZSB 26-13 q 154.2 sd bracelet df ca ds circular shaped clay fragment, probably section of a bracelet. The flat interior part is painted in black. wm clay-baked lg 2.7 ht 0.5 w2 0.4 co grayish brown cn fragment P99 Boxed before being photographed q 156.1 ct ca df bk ds fragment of mudbrick, in very poor condition. Just two surfaces are preserved. wm clay lg 11.9 ht 8.2 w2 5.8 co very pale brown c# 7/3 10YR cn fragment ;P2 ZSB 7-69 .rd S809 .ri sNP i 25 df gr ct la ds huge fragment of basalt grinding stone, a mano. Trapezoidal section. wm basalt lg 23.6 ht 15.7 w2 12.3 co black cn broken ;P99 to be photographed q 156.2 ct la df la ds irregular shape flint nodule. In some point is still preserved the crust of the stone. Signs of blades-cut. Very well preserved. wm flint lg 6.26 ht 5.22 w2 2.98 co black cn complete ;P99 to be photographed q 159.1 df la ds Irregularly shaped stone identified in the field as kiln waste. wm li lg 5.1 ht 2.4 w2 1.9 co dark gray cn complete ;P99 to be photographed q 162.1 ct ma df ma ;df to ds Bronze stick, square section, covered by soil encrustations but scraped at some point, showing the levels of encrustation. Grayish on the outside, but the copper color shows. wm bronze lg 7.73 ht 0.41 w2 0.39 co grayish, copper cn broken ;P99 to be photographed q 162.3 ct la df gr ds big fragment of a basalt grinding stone, a mano. Flat on one side, perfectely convex on the other. Both extremities are missing. wm basalt lg 13.6 ht 11.2 w2 5.1 co black cn broken ;P99 to be photographed q 163.1 df bl ds fragment of a flint blade or debitage, very sharpy at his edge: possibly used as a scraper. Both faces are convexes, one rounded the other right. wm flint lg 2.32 ht 1.98 w2 0.41 co brownish gray cn broken ;P99 to be photographed q 164.1 df shell ds Snail shell. Very well preserved. wm sh ht 2.5 w2 2.1 co grayish white cn almost complete ;P99 to be photographed q 166.1 df bl ds very small fragment of obsidian blade point, very well preserved. signs of cut and lavoration on both the flat and the jutting out faces. wm ob lg 1.37 ht 0.78 w2 0.43 co black cn fragment ;P99 to be photographed q 167.1 ct ca df bk ds mudbrick fragment, about 1/4 of the entire object. One complete angle is preserved. wm clay lg 12 ht 11 w2 7.5 co light gray c# 7/2 10YR cn fragment ;P99 to be photographed q 169.1 df shell ds Snail shell. Very well preserved. Soil encrustation on most of his surface. wm sh lg 3.2 ht 2.7 w2 2.2 co grayish white cn complete ;P99 to be photographed q 174.1 ct la df gr ds grinding stone, more precisely a basaltic pestle. Cylindric shaped, smooth on one corner. Soil encrustations on most of his surfaces. wm basalt lg 9.91 ht 6.73 w2 6.21 co dark gray cn almost complete ;P99 to be photographed