.bk J05 .fl S813jW.j .fd Daily journal for S813 and feature descriptions .fn f132 to f140 .ei jW .ed S813 .rd S813 .ri jW -wk Twenty assigned workmen reported. Sixteen workmen from A20 detailed to J05 for the day. They excavated in k32 and k100. -sy Markers m4972, m4673, m4903, and m4771 loosened and removed. Surveyor hB extended the south boundary of k100 westward to its intersection with the southern boundary of k32. Surveyor hB measured the distance between the first escarpment J1f189, and the escarpment, f74, in J5. The horizontal distance is 18.9 meters and f74 is 2.2 meters above J1f189. k 23 dy The east and north baulks were drawn and photographed on S811 and S813 respectively. See v76, v77, w111, w12. We began removing the east baulk as f132. Other than a one-stone extension to the east for stone installation, f19, no significant architecture was found. We designated two large stones previously found as f138 and f139. k 24 dy The east and north baulks were drawn and photographed on S812 and S813, respectively. See v74, v75, w14, w13. We began removing the east baulk as f133. In the baulk were an extension to the north of stone installation, f14, and a clear indication that f14 was identical to installation, f108, in k14. In addition we found an N-S line of stones, f140, which resemble those that form the west face of the top of staircase, f21. k 33 dy Began excavating laminated accumulation, f128, with the large pick as planned. Along the western face of the midline boundary, pickman Kamiran reported that the feature was now much harder and was breaking up into rectangular pieces of dense material. On the south end of the eastern border with stone installation f126, a lower stone in line with the staircase, f21, appeared. These data were evidence that the escarpment that we were searching for may possibly slope up to the west rather than down as we had expected. After thorough cleaning, the locus was photographed, v79. After shifting to the small pick, we started excavating a new soil accumulation, f135, below f128. We started from the far southeast corner, where we could see the escarpment, f74, about 10cm below and to the east. We began to remove f135 and found that it covered a very hard, gray layer with some embedded sherds. As it was still about 5cm above f74, we designated it floor accumulation, f137. Traces of f137 could be seen in the west section of the east half square in k33 and in the north edge of the west section of k22. sg On S814 we will remove the balance of f135, which is primarily located in the eastern quarter of the locus. We well clean well and photgraph, then consult with gB and fAB before we begin to excavate f137. k 32 dy After photography, v78, a crew from A20 began to excavate the topsoil, f134, with the large pick. After two pick runs, we began to excavate the naturual accumulation under the topsoil, f136. k 100 dy A crew from A20 resumed the excavation of the volumetric material, f110. f 132 ds The volumetric material in the east baulk of k23. It is a conglomeration of features previously excavated and documented. f 133 ds The volumetric material in the east baulk of k24. It is a conglomeration of features previously excavated and documented. f 134 ds The topsoil of k32. It is a mixture of roots, nodules, silt and backdirt from previous excavations. It has been packed down by foot, wheelbarrow, and tractor traffic over the years. f 135 ds The laminar accumulation under accumulation, f128, in k33. It has a moderately hard surface, but readily separates from the layer of soil immediately below, f137, when struck with the small pick and troweled. It was softer and more granular than the accumulation above, f128. From the east section of the western half-square, it can be seen that a small N-S strip of of both f135, and floor accumulation, f137 was removed near that section earlier during excavation of accumulation, f128. f 136 ds The natural accumulaton under topsoil, f134 in k32. It has a hard crust, with scattered soft spots throughout. The crust was caused by the action of water on aeolian soil. The soft spots were animal holes. Seen in section, it consists of laminar, alternating layers of silt (crust) and sand. f 137 ds A very hard, dense floor accumulation above the escarpment, f41, in k33. It contains sherds and rises in elevation from east to west, just opposite to what we had predicted from the parts of f41 which are visible in k22. Along the east part of the west half baulk, it can be seen in section since we accidentally removed several centimeters of it along that baulk as we were excavating f128 with the big pick. Because of the rise to the west instead of the expected fall, we will excavate it very carefully with the small pick on S814. As this layer was well-sealed, hopefully the sherds will tell us something about when it was in service. ar In deciding that this layer was not an escarpment but a floor accumulation associated with wall, f41, and its escarpment, f74, previously excavated in k22 to the south, we made four observations: First, as we excavate accumlation, f135, above it, we can see that pottery sherds are embedded in the surface of f137, which one would not expect in an escarpment. Second, according to rE, supervisor of unit J1, this layer resembles hard accumulations above the highest escarpment in J1. Third, escarpment, f74, touches stones of wall, f41, but here, f137 seems to cover stones. Fourth, we expect that an escarpment would fall away to the west from the stone installation, f126. From what we see so far, this feature, f137, does not. f 138 ds Very large, unfounded limestone block found in the north east quadrant of k13. Judging from its position and elevation it is not associated with any other nearby structures or insstallations. f 139 ds Very large, unfounded limestone block found in the center of k13. Judging from its position and elevation it is not associated with any other nearby structures or insstallations. f 140 ds A line of limestone blocks, found in the east baulk of k24, that runs from the E-W stone border, f14, on the north south to the north baulk of k23. They could form part of the north edge of a platform associated with stairway, f21. -sg On S814, we will finish excavating accumulation, f135, in locus k33, then clean and photograph it. Then we will begin removing floor accumulation, f137, from the southeast corner, then west and north. We expect to find the northern extension of wall, f41, and the follow the escarpment, f74, seen in the northwest corner of k22. In locus k24, we will clean it well, along with k14, k34 and k44, for a major photograph. In locus k13, we will remove the south safety baulk to trace featues found in the north part of the locus. For locus k22, we will follow the escarpment, f74, into the southwest corner.