.bk J05 .fl S823jW.j .fd View log .fn v79a to v86 .ei jW .ed S823 .rd S814 .ri jW v 79a t E gk33 gf126,135,137 This subview shows the containment of f135 by the stones of f126, which are considerably higher. 79b t NE gk33 gf126,127,128,135 This subview shows the laminations, f127, f128, above f135, all of which are contained by the stones of f126 to the west. 79c t NW gk33 gf137,74 This subview, taken in poor light conditions shows the floor accumulation, f137, which rests on the escarpment, f74. 80 W gk14,24,34,44,43 gf14,21,108,123,140,142,152,28,71,49,91,70 This major view shows the important features associated with the western side of the monumental temple complex. Most would have been visible and in use in the late Mittani phase. The principal feature is the monumental staircase, f21, and the line of large limestone boulders which define its northern limits. Other associated stone installations that channel attention to the BA temple are shown in the foreground. In the middle is a flat, open area with a natural pavement, f70. In the background are a series of stone installations that run N-S. Their function may be to define the western edge of the sacral area. 80a m E gk14,24,34,44,43 gf14,21,108,123,140,142,152,28,71,49,91,70 This subview shows the perspective from the western side, looking towards the temple to the northeast. 80b t E gk14,24,34,44,43 gf14,21,108,123,140,142,152,28,71,49,91,70 This subview shows the perspective from the plaza level, looking toward the BA temple. 81 N gk33 gf126,135,137 This view shows the relationship between three types of accumulation and stone installation, f126. Acumulation above floor accumulation, f134, was clean and consisted of multiple layers of silt compacted by people walking on an outdoor surface. It is brown and relatively free from inclusions. Floor accumulation, f137, above escarpment, f74, is harder, gray, and has sherds pressed flat by people walking on it. The wall to which the excarpment is associated is hidden by the lower stones of f126. 81a t E gk33 gf137,126 This sub-view shows that the floor accumulation, f137, touches the stone structure, 126. 81b t W gk33 gf128,135,137 This sub-view, taken after floor accumulation, f137, was accidentally cut when excavating f135, shows clearly the differences between the laminations, f128, covering the accumulation over floor accumulation, f135, which in turn covers floor accumulation, f137. Note the contrasting colors and textures. 82 W gk13 gf145,148,147,144,143,115,149,150,138,139,19,146 This view shows the important features in the combined loci, k13, and k23 after the east baulk to k23 had been removed. Although few links between features on either side of the baulk were exposed we did gain a better idea of how this part of the site was used late in Phase 6 (Mittani period). 82a t OW gk13 gf143,148,145,144 This subview shows a floor surface, f143, its associated entrance, 148, and a line of stones, f144, which could have been the foundation for a northeastern boundary wall. 82b t SE gk13 gf143,144,145,148 This subview was taken from the perspective of someone who may have entered through the threshold. It shows floor, 143, threshold, 148 and the southernmost stone of f145 which may have been a step up to the entrance. 82c t W gk13 gf147,139,138,149 This subview shows three isolated stones (f147, f138, f139) and a line of smaller stones, f149, below them. The relationship among these features, if any, is not known. 82d t S gk13 gf147,139,138,149 This subview is the same as v82c exept that the perspective differs. 82e t S gk23 gf19 This subview shows a line of stones on a bent axis, f19, which could have defined a path to the BA temple late in Phase 6. It may be associated with the latest construction of the revetment wall, f3. 83 W gk14,24,34 gf14,21,108,140,142,109,123,70,152 This view shows the important features in the combined loci, k14, k24, and k34 after the east baulk to k24 had been removed. Links between features on either side of the baulk were established and we gained a better idea of how this part of the site was used late in Phase 6 (Mittani period). The stairway, f21, which was bounded on the north side by the stones of f14 and f108, probably formed a pathway to the BA temple that was defined by the stones of f140 and f123. 83a t W gk14,24 gf14,108 This subview shows that the north border stones f14 and f108 are a part of the same line and were probably placed at the same time. 83b t NE gk14 gf123,125 This subview shows the northeastern part of a possible entryway, f123, onto a paved path, f125, that leads in the direction of the BA temple. 83c t N gk14 gf109,142,108 This subview shows two large boulders founded on soil, f109, and a line of three dressed stones, f142, which extend south from the border stones, f108. The function of these stones is not known. 83d t S gk14 gf21,140,108 This subview shows a line of stones, f140, that may be the eastern limit of a platform at the top step of staircase, f21. 83e t OS gk24 gf21,152,70 This subview shows three isolated unfounded stones, f152, that rest on a small pillar accumulation near the bottom step of staircase, f21, and atop naturally compacted soil, f70. 84 N gk22,23 gf3,90 This view shows the results of a test excavation done inside the arc of revetment wall, f3, to determine when the top stones of it were laid. The bottom accumulation, f90, consisted of baqaya-like material and was contained to the south by a line of small stones. 85 N gk22,23 gf3,90 This view is a repeat of v84 in better light conditions and shows the results of a test excavation done inside the arc of revetment wall, f3, to determine when the top stones of it were laid. The bottom accumulation, f90, consisted of baqaya-like material and was contained to the south by a line of small stones. 85a t N gk22,23 gf3,90 This subview is a wide shot to show the setting of the revetment wall, f3 and the accumulation on its eastern (temple) side. 85b t N gk22 gf3,90 This subview shows that the topmost and northernmost stones of the revetment wall, f3, are laid on reddish soil, not the lower stones of earlier versions of the wall. 86 S gk13 gf143,144,145,148 This vies shows the full extent of floor, f143, after the safety baulk was removed. Also shown are components of the entrance and northwestern containment.