.bk J05 .fl S828lH.j .fd view log .fn from v107 to v113 .ei lH .ed S828 .rd S828 .ri lH v 107 N gk102 gf176,171,178 This view shows the stone in the middle of k102 which we removed in order to collect the pottery sherds co-located underneath. Then we put the stone back 108 NE gk101 gf165,170,177,179 This view shows the stones of the test probe, k101, and the natural accumulation among them, f177 and f179. 109 W gk103 gf21,173 This view shows the natural accumulation, f173, in the test probe, k103, which we opened to the east of the upper step of the staircase, f21. 109a O gk103 gf3,173 This subview is a closeup shot for the naturall accumulation, f173, in the test probe, k103, which we opened to the east of the upper step of the staircase, f21. 110 W gk101 gf179,3 This view shows the extension towards the east of the test probe, k101, above the revetment wall, f3. It shows the natural accumulation which covers the eastern part, f179. 110a OS gk101 gf179,3 This subview is a closeup shot for the test probe, k101, to the norht of the revetment wall, f3. It shows the natural accumulation which covers the eastern part, f179. 111 W gk44 gf49,180 gq279 This view shows the smashed pots in the eastern edge of k44. It shows the relationship between the accumulation, f180, that contains the pots and the stone installation, f49. 111a W gk44 gf180 gq279 This subview shows the location of the pottery sherds, q279, in the eastern section under the stone installation, f49, in k44. 111b OW gk44 gf180 gq279 This ubview is a closeup shot for the smashed pots, q279, in the naturall accumulation, f180, near the eastern edge of k44. 111c W gk44 gf180 gq279 This subview shows the rest of the pottery sherds, q279, in the eastern section under the stone installation, f49, in k44 after we removed part of them. 112 W gk44,43 gf28,49,71,91,180,95,163 This view shows the relationship between the stone installation in k44 and the stone installation in k43 after we removed the northern baulk of k43. They are linked by a stone threshold in the middle. 112a W gk44,43 gf28,49,71,91,163 This subview shows the threshold, f163, that links between the stone installations in k44 and k43. 112b E gk44,43 gf28,49,71,91,163 This subview shows the threshold, f163, that links between the stone installations in k44 and k43. 113 OS gk102 gf178,183 This view shows the test probe, k102, which we opened above the revetment wall, f3, in k12. This photo documented this locus before we fill it back.