.bk J05 .fl T330jW1.j .fd plot log .fn p5-p7 .ei jW .ed T330 .rd T330 .ri jW p 5 O gk34,33,24,23,14,13 gf14,20,21,65,66,108,123,140,195 This is a plot of specific label apr 1, which forms the late Mittani western entrance to the BA temple. Its primary feature is the monumental staircase, f21, located on the western side of the entrance complex. To the north the staircase is bordered by an E-W row of large boulders, f14 and f108. To the south, on the west end it was bordered by a row of large, cut stones, f20. To the north of the northern border were two hard packed surfaces, f65 and f66, which may have been the surface of the mound during later phases. On the east side of the entrance was a stone threshold, f123. The threshold and the staircase were linked by packed earth surfaces, f140 (west) and f195 (east). 6 O gk1,11,12,21,22,23,33 gf3,4,6,41,74,99,155,161,184,186,189,199 This is a plot of three specific labels (groups of related features). Wall 1 is the lowest in elevation, and has only its top exposed. It consists of a line of cut stones, f42, and an associated escarpment, f74. Wall 2 is the westward extension of the E-W revetment wall previously found in units J1, J2, and J3. It dates to the Early Dynastic period and consists of the wall itself, f189, a N-S segment on its westward end, f186, an escarpment, f184, and a surface of large stones within the temple enclosure, f6. 7 O gk13,21,22,23 gf19,37,38,46,48,54,192 This is a plot of a specific label, bin 1. A bin is a circular enclosure found in the vicinity of a temple. It may have had a ceremonial function since it was close to the pathway that lead from the Mittani monumental staircase, f21, to the BA temple. Its circular elements are stone installations, f37 and f46. A row of stones, f192, was placed atop Mittani wall, f3, and led to the south entrance to the bin. Stone block, f38, sat atop wall, f192. Features f48 and f52 were packed earth surfaces which formed the floor of the bin.