.bk J05 .fl T406jW.j .fd aggregate log .fn a2-a7 .ei jW .ed T406 .rd T406 .ri jW a 2 44 w f49,f91 A wall system consisting of two layers of melon-sized stones running roughly N-S through loci k44 and k43. The top layer is narrower than the bottom, but neither has been fully excavated as of the end of MZ21. It is possible that the wall system extends both further to the north and south. It is also possible that this wall system is the structure reveiled on the geophysical survey conducted in previous seasons. Its purpose seems to be to delimit the western boundary of the sacral space which includes the BA temple mound and the monumental staircase, f21. 3 44 w f28,f71,f163 A wall system consisting of two lines of melon-sized stones, f28 and f71, running roughly N-S through loci k44 and k43, and separated by an entranceway threshold, f163. They are very near the surface and probably represent the westernmost boundary of the last realization of the late Mittani period sacral space which includes the BA temple mound and the monumental staircase, f21. 4 13 r f143,f144,f146,f148 The ruins of a late period room in locus k13. There is a packed mud floor, f143, a threshold entrance on the north side, f148, a line of stones on the north border (possibly a wall foundation), f144, and a cluster of stones and sherds which rests on the floor in the southeast corner, f146, that was possibly a work area 5 22 w f41,f74 A wall system consisting of an arc of large, square-cut stones extending to the west from underneath a much later rough stone wall, then gradually turning to the north. It appears to also run under the bottom step of staircase, f21. A mud escarpment, f21, extends south and west from the wall's outer edge. The function of the wall is not known. Because it is partially covered by the later, Mittani wall, f3, and its stone glacis, f4 and f199, we do not know its origin or function. Stratigraphically it should fit with the wall system, specific label wall 3. 6 24 staircase f14,f20,f21 A monumental staircase rising from the west to the east and consisting of large, rectangular-cut stones, f21; a line of large uncut stones, f14, forming a border on the north; and a line of large cut stones, f21, forming a border on the south. A probe, k103, just to the west securely dated the staircase to the Mittani period. 7 22 w f192,f151 The capstones forming a "memory" of revetment wall, f3. The capstones were probably added in the last phase of the use of the Mittani period western entrance to the BA temple mound, after the f3 wall was covered with accumulation.