.bk J05 .fl T720jW.j .fd Daily journal for T720 .ei jW .ed T720 .rd T720 .ri jW -wk Twelve of thirteen assigned workmen reported. Pickman Anwar was absent. -sf All staff members spent the first day of excavtions in the field to become familiar with data collection and recording, the location and appearance of features, and the names of the workmen. -dy At the start of the day, we set all workmen to clean the area of J5, removing trash and green plants. Then, we organized into two groups to begin excavating the surface soil that had accumulated over the winter and covered the last features exposed in MZ21 (2008-S) to the south and west of the revetment wall system that we want to dig this year. To facilitate paperwork we designated this part of the area a separate locus, k104. When the surface soil, f201, was cleared, we began to excavate soil features f74 to the northwest and f158 to the southeast. We plan to leave baulks at the northwest and southeast extremities of this locus.