.bk J05 .fl T723jW.j .fd Daily journal for T723 .ei jW .ed T723 .rd T723 .ri jW -wk All thirteen assigned workmen reported. Juan moved by fAB to J2 and promoted to shovelman. Hassan is his replacement. -eq jW and fAB spoke about the sub-standard trowels. Some new ones will be issued. -eq Upon inspection of the unit, we determined that a four-meter shafat would not be long enough to lift the excavated dirt to the surface. The six-meter unit was not ready to be installed. -sg An on-site meeting was held with gB, fAB, jW, sE, eA and jN to deal with the problem of how to excavate in the vicinity of stair, f205, so as to preserve and study the stratigraphic relationships between the early wall, f41; stair, f205, floor accumulation, f74, and late wall, f3. One problem is the restricted working space in the north part of locus k105. To solve this problem we will remove the late buttresses, f155 and f161, and the floating stone, f207. Also we will cut back the NE face of locus k32. Finally we will remove the stones of f200, which appear to block the water channel, f205 and f202. fAB pointed out that as seen in the NE section of k32, a distinct ash layer (not yet designated a feature) separates the laminar accumulations above from the dense packed soil of f74 below. As we cut back the section of k32, we will carefully trace this layer for clues as to the shape of the temple mound in this area. For the moment we will not expose more of the stair steps, until we know more about the likely shape of the temple mound at the time they were built. However, we do know that the ceramics above the highest step and the ceramics above the lower steps northeast of the revetment wall, f3, are both from the Mittani period.