.bk J05 .fl T725sE.j .fd daily journal for T725 .ei sE .ed T725 .rd T725 .ri sE -eq A shafat to remove the dirt from k105 and k106 was installed along the eastern baulk of k105. -dy We started removing f208 in k105 and removing 5 more cm of f158 in k106, looking for a possible layer of ash already visible all along the western side of k105 up to the corner of the Mittani wall. In the north-western corner it begun to appear instead the same kind of silty soil already found inside the channel, f206. We moved eastward and we exposed the reddish escarpment already identified in the past season, f184. We started to remove f209 in k105, the natural accumulation in the western part, to gain more space for a better comprehension of the area and to have a better view of the new staircase from the panorama. At the end of the morning we took a picture of the new situation in k106 with f210 and f211 (v157), and we removed the first one.