.bk J05 .fl T728sE1.j .fd view log .fn v145-154; edited by jW on V922 .ei sE .ed T728 .rd T719 .ri sE v 145 NE gk104 gf41,3,21,99 View of the entire area before the beginning of the excavation. It shows the relation between the structures exposed in J5 in the past years and the temple terrace. 146 SE gk104 gf3,161,155 This picture shows the area S to the walls f3 and f189, together with the stone-installations f161 and f155, before cleaning: this is the starting point of this excavation season. 146a m W gk104 gf189 View of the area S to the revetment wall, taken with a different orientation. 147 E gk104 gf41,201,3,99 This picture shows the area W to the stone-installation f41, before the beginning of the excavation. The structures are well preserved, only some intrusions of vegetation are visible. 147a w S gk104 gf41,201,194,3,161 Wider view of the structures in the northern part of the revetment wall f3, and of the surface connected with them. .rd T720 .ri jN 148 NW gk104 gf210,3,189,155,161 This picture shows the starting point of the excavation, after cleaning. f201 is the natural accumulation due to the weather in the past year. 148a m E gk104 gf201,3,161,155 View of the same locus from a different orientation. 149 E gf201,41 gk104 View of the northern half of k104 before the beginning of the excavations, after cleaning. It shows the same natural accumulation that covers the southern half, f201, and that is due to the weather in the past year. 149a t NE gf201,41 gk104 Closer view of the corner formed by the wall f41 and the Mittani addiction to the revetment wall, f3, in relation with natural accumulation f201. .rd T721 .ri jN 150 OH gf204 gk100,106 This photograph documents two irregular-shaped portions of k100, f204, before the beginning of the excavations. 150a w SW gf204 gk100 Showing k100, f204, that we plan to remove. 151 E gf205,74,206,200,41 gk105 Photo showing the area after the removing of the natural accumulation f201: it is shows a deposit of sandy soil, f206, that is in a channel which cuts soil escarpment f74. Visible are two groups of stones; f205, which turned out to be the top step of staircase, ^strc2, and and five isolated ones, f200. 151a m W gf205,74,206,200 gk105 View of the northern half of the western section of k105. 151b m N gf205,74,206,200,41 gk105 Showing the northern half of k105, including the different soils of f74 and f206, in connection with the stone-installations that surround them. 151c t NE gf205,41,74 gk105 Close-up of the big, flat stone f205 in relation with the surface f74 and the corner of the wall f41. .ri sE 152 N gf74,205,206,200,207,41 gk105 Showing the channel f206 that runs through the surface f74, in relation with the stone-installation f205 and the stones of f200 and f207. 152a m SE gf74,205,206,200 gk105 This picture in oriented the same direction as the old channel f206, that cuts f74. .rd T722 .ri sE 153 NE gf205,74,41,206,200 gi39,40 gk105 View of the northern area of k105 that shows i39 and i40 in situ, sling balls laying on and S to the second step of the staircase f205, next to f41. 153a t NE gf205,74,41,206 gi39,40 gk105 Close-up of the items i39 and i40, in relation with f205 and f41. .rd T722 .ri jN 154 W gk106 View of the eastern section of k106, without the string. It shows the connection between the sloping f184 and the eastern area of the locus, where the escarpment is still covered by f158.