.bk J05 .fl T917jW.j .fd Specific label assignments .fn ^a1-^a2, ^sb1-^sb2, ^sa1, ^nsa1-^nsa2 .ei jW .ed T917 .rd T917 .ri jW ;^ a1 a 700 >l f282 df ab ds Early Dynastic III accumulations atop the outside (western most and southern most) stones of the first escarpment ^esc1 and floor f288. It is ashy and contains a lot of pottery. It differs from accumulations above (^a2) in that they are more reddish, perhaps being the result of run-off from the second escarpment, ^esc2. Presumably ^a1 results from the use of the f288 floor between the building of the two escarpments. ;^ a2 a 701 >l f268 >l f278 >l f280 df ac ds Early Dynastic III accumulations atop deposit ^a1, and the inside stones of ^esc1. It is reddish and contains a layer (f278) of small pebbles and sherds. It may be the reminants of the seceond escarpment, ^esc2, or the result of its use and deterioration. ;^ sb1 a 716 >l f189 >l f41 >l f185 >l f6 >l f188 >l f225 >l f265 >l f293 >l f184 >l f241 >l f242 >l f268 >l f280 >l f185 df st-is A22 sacral boundary ds The combination of the EDIII revetment wall, ^wall2; its two escarpments, ^esc1 and ^esc2; and its glacis, f185. Its purpose was to clearly delimit the border between the sacral area (the BA temple and its mound) from the assembly areas and structures to the south and to the west. ;^ sb2 a 717 >l f3 >l f151 >l f192 >l f4 >l f186 >l f198 >l f199 df st-is A22 sacral boundary ds The combination of the Mittani revetment wall, ^wall3; and its apron, ^aprn1. Its purpose was to clearly delimit the border between the sacral area (the BA temple and its mound) from the assembly areas to the west during the westward retrenchment. ;^ sa1 a 715 >l f21 >l f14 >l f108 >l f20 >l f65 >l f66 >l f140 >l f123 >l f99 >l f19 >l f37 >l f46 >l f54 >l f38 >l f48 >l f70 >l f102 >l f49 >l f91 >l f28 >l f163 >l f71 >l f196 df mix A22 sacral area ds The Mittani staircase, ^strc1; ^bin1; the floors to the west, f70 and f102; and its western border stones, ^bdr1. Its purpose was to provide a transitional area for sacral use - an interface between the lay participants and those who conducted the rituals. ;^ wka1 a 723 >l f23 >l f30 >l a13 df mix A22 work area ds This non-sacred area consists of two adjacent accumulations, f23 and f30 surrounding a late Mittani bin. There were 12 basalt pestals found here, but no mortars or debitage. Although this area is close to sacred space, we presume from the material that this space was used for commercial, not sacred purposes. ;^ wka2 a 724 >l f74 >l f205 >l a8 >l a9 df mix A22 work area ds This non-sacred area consists of the top step of a stone staircase, f205, the surrounding dirt escarpment, f74, and two collections of artifacts; a cluster of 31 sling balls and two basalt pestals in which were imbedded bronze flakes. These collections suggest that this area just outside the revetment wall to the temple mound was used for commercial activity.