.bk J05 .fl T924jW.j .fd Pottery count errors .ei jW .ed T924 .rd T724 .ri hQ q 204 ac several procedural errors occurred in the first days of the season with respect to the consequences of improperly writing labels on pottery lot tags. Pottery is processed by local workmen and women who have a limited command of English. When data such as the lot number and the date are not in their correct position on the tag prepared in the field, one number can easily be substituted for the other. In this case, the date, T721, was written in a space where the q-lot number, q291, normally appears. As a result, the pottery was recorded as belonging to q721. The error was not noticed until two months later when the pottery statistics were entered into the UGR. By this time the body sherds had been analyzed, recorded, and discarded and the count of the shape sherds in the most likely q-lot and feature number (q291 in f204) did not match the statistical entries. Field personnel must be alert to the possible problems associated with faulty labels and strive write correctly and neatly. q 302 ac As a result of an attempt to correct faulty labeling in the field, the body sherds properly belonging to q291 of f204 were entered as part of q302 in f203. However, the consequences are slight, since both features were known Mittani ones excavated in preparation for a more extensive search for earlier deposits and stuctures. -mt There are considerable differences among the tallies of sherds for J5. hQ added the entries on the pottery analysis spreadsheets for a total of 11,480. These data are directly formatted by a special program for entry into the unit books. After processing by the J5 JD programs, the total under Ware in the Frequencies section of the UGR is 11,251, while the total under Ceramic Lots in the J5 Log section of the UGR is 20,546. gB will look at the family of UGR programs to reconcile the differences.