.bk J05 .fl ZG822jW.j .fd Replacing specific label replacements with aggregates .fn ^bdr2, ^bin1, ^flr1, ^strc1, ^esc1, ^esc2 .ei jW .ed ZG922 .rd ZG922 .ri jW a 21 >l f49 >l f91 df st-is ds Border 2 is a series of structures which we believe mark the western boundary of the sacral area which surrounds the BA temple. It includes two multilayer walls, f49 and f91, (a2). They had been built in several phases along the far western edge of the west plaza to define the limits of the sacred space west of the staircase and the revetment wall as the space was gradually covered with aeolian soil. A5 ^bdr2 a 22 >l f19 >l f37 >l f46 >l f54 >l f38 >l f48 df bn ds A late cluster of stones and pavement which forms an entrance to the last temple. Starting at the lowest point, it is framed by an arc of stones, f37 and f46, which are separated by a pathway consisting of accumulation, f48, to the south and melted brick, f54, to the north. To the north it is framed by stone installation, f19. A5 ^bin1 a 27 >l f143 >l f148 >l f144 >l f146 df mix ds A floor surface and associated stonework constructed in the uorganized occupation phase. It consists of a hard mud floor, f143, what may be a stone entrance on the north side, f148, a line of stones, f144, which forms the northern border, and a cluster of stones and sherds, f146, which rests on the floor in the southwestern corner. A5 ^flr1 a 32 >l f21 >l f14 >l f108 >l f20 >l f65 >l f66 >l f140 >l f123 >l f99 df staircase ds This specic label describes a monumental stone strucure comprising a dressed stone staircase, f21, which rises from west to east; a row of boulders which forms the northern edge, f14 and f108; a row of dressed stones and small boulders, f20 and f99, which forms the southern edge; accumulations, f65 and f66, which border f14 immediately to the north; the north edge of a platform, f140, at the top of the staircase, and a threshold, f123, that probably leads to a path to the BA temple. These components were built in the Mittani period during the westward retrenchment. A5 ^strc1 a 25 >l f188 >l f225 >l f265 >l f293 df escar ds The first escarpment is composed of a series of rows of big, flat stones (at least four rows), running E-W south to the wall escarpment f189. The material used for this structure, stone, was due probably to the presence of water running along the wall: its aim was to preserve the foundation of f189 and to prevent its collapse. A5 ^esc1 a 26 >l f184 >l f241 >l f242 >l f268 >l f280 df escar ds The second escarpment sits right on the first one; it has a layer of sherds at its bottom, f242, on wich are many different and alternating layers of red and grey materials. Its purpose was to protect the bottom of the revetment wall f189 from the water problems already present at the time of the first escarpment. A5 ^esc2