.bk J06 .fl S715eA.j .fd qitem log, qitem description .rd S715 .ri eA qi 11.1 fg 3 4 4 cl brown fragment of a figurine .ri dH 10.1 ca 1.5 5 3.2 cl light brown clay artifact 12.1 to 4.5 6.5 5.5 li light brown pestle .ri hQ 12.2 fg 2.2 6 cl light brown the middle part of an animal figurine with no legs and no head q 12.2 df fg ds it is a fragment of animal figurine wm cl ht 2.5 lg 5 w1 1.8 co brown cn there is only the body of the figurine without the head and the legs q 11.1 df fg ds it is a fragment of animal figurine wm cl ht 2.8 lg 5 w1 3 co brown cn it is a fragment of animal figurine only the posterior part q 12.1 df pestle ct la ds it is a pestle wm li ht 2.7 lg 2.1 w1 2 co light brown cn it is a complete pestle q 10.1 ct ca df uk ds it is a small fragment of a strainer wm cl ht 1.5 lg 5 w1 3.2 co light brown cn it is broken