.bk J06 .fl S723eA.j .fd q-lot log, k200 daily journal .ed S723 .ei cJC .rd S723 .ri cJC k 200 dy Today there were 13 workmen and they continued cleaning k200. They are still picking the bottom to level the bottom all off. By breakfast they had reached south to where the shafat is. After breakfast they continued to work south of the shafat to make it all level. When they reach the southern opening of the trench they will stop. They have also removed all the dirt pile left over from J2k100. Work continues at a steady pace. Today they had a tent after breakfast. qi .rd S722 .ri eA 61.1 sm 6.5 10 5.5 cl brown fragment of a brick .ri cJC 59.1 uk 5 20 li black broken door socket or grind stone .ri pC 63.1 8 14 li white unknown piece of quartz 64.1 bk 6 16 12 cl baked brick 66.1 la 8 ax .ri cJC .rd S723 69.1 bk 7 13 8 cl brown broken brick 69.2 wh 4 4.5 cl light brown wheel, broken around the edges .ri eA 71.1 la 3 2.5 0.3 li black perhaps the top of an arrow q .rd S722 .ri hQ 56 p f35 k85 m4806 400 cm S 300 cm E m4804 133 165 .ri pC 57 p,b f34 k84 m4717 45 163 East Baulk of k84 58 p f36 k65 m3816 400 cm E 400 cm N m3816 39 163 .ri cJC 59 p,b f29 k200 Cleaning J6k200 .ri hQ 60 p,b f32 k84 m4805 210 cm N 300 cm E m4686 112 145 .ri pC 61 p f22 k75 m4720 400 cm N 400 cm E m4720 5 163 20 .ri eA 62 p f36 k65 m3816 400 cm E 400 cm N m4724 0 177 63 p,b f22 k75 m4721 400 cm N 400 cm E m4720 0 165 .ri pC 64 p,b f39 k74 m4717 400 cm N 400 cm E Topsoil left exposed for 2 years (formerly J04) 65 p f22 k75 m4721 400 cm N 400 cm E m4720 0 165 .ri hQ 66 p f41 k84 r28 210 cm S 300 cm E m4805 100 150 This q-lot is triangular in shape. The relay is at the right angle. 67 p f38 k84 r33 210 cm N 300 cm W m4805 121 150 This q-lot is triangular in shape. The relay is at the right angle. .ri cJC 68 p,b f39 k74 m4717 400 cm N 400 cm E m4717 6 167 .rd S723 .ri hQ 69 p f38 k84 m4805 210 cm N 300 cm E m4805 87 145 .ri cJC 70 p,b f29 k200 Cleaning J6k200 .ri hQ 71 p f44 k75 m4722 400 cm S 400 cm W 165 East Baulk of k75 72 p f45 k84 m4805 100 cm N 150 cm E m4805 69 141 73 p f30 k85 East Baulk of k85 .ri dH 74 p f45 k84 m4805 100 cm N 150 cm E m4805 59 143 75 p,b f45 k84 m4805 100 cm N 150 cm E m4805 73 158 .ri pC 76 p f47 k75 m3833 100 cm S 400 cm W m3833 0 0 North baulk of k75 .ed S722 .ei eA .rd S722 .ri eA q 61.1 df sm ds It is a fragment of brick wm li ht 5.7 lg 9.5 w1 5.9 co dark gray c# 2.5Y 4/1 cn It is broken q 59.1 df gr ds It is an half of a grind stone or a door soket wm li ht 90.2 lg 24.3 w1 15 co black c# 2.5Y 2.5/1 cn It is broken q 63.1 ct la df uk ds It is a fragment of quartz and are evident traces of lavoration. wm li ht 1 lg 1.6 w1 0.9 co light bluish gray c# 10G 8/1 cn It is broken q 64.1 ct ca df sm ds It is a fragment of baked brick with a vertical and deep line in the short side and in the same side an horizontal line only in one part. In the other part there is a semicircular furrow. wm cl ht 13.1 lg 17.3 w1 7.4 co brown c# 10YR 3/4 cn It is broken .rd S723 .ri eA q 69.1 df bk ds It is a fragment of baked brick wm li ht 5 lg 8.7 w1 5.3 co dark gray c# 2.5Y 4/1 cn broken q 71.1 df bl ds It is a fragment of a flint blade: there is the mark of the tools wm li ht 2.8 lg 2.9 w1 1.9 co very dark gray c# 2.5Y 3/1 cn It is broken q 133.2 df uk ds oddly shaped object, quite heavy. Possibly a slag q 69.2 df wh ds It is an axial part of a chariot wm cl ht 3.3 lg 2.1 w1 2.9 co olive gray c# 5Y 4/2 cn It is broken q 69.1 df bk ds It is a fragment of brick wm cl ht 7.1 lg 15.3 w1 7.2 co reddish c# 2.5Y 4/1 cn It is broken .ei pc .ed S723 f .rd S723 .ri pC 43 74 ac cl 44 75 mix m4722 0 0 cl 45 84 lc m4805 69 141 m4805 48 128 cl 46 84 m4805 48 128 cl .ri pc 47 75 mix m3833 0 0 cl