.bk J6 .fl S725pC.j .fd daily .rd S724 .ri pC .ed S725 -dy Yesterday we continue to remove the baulks (North of k84) and begin to remove the East baulk of k74. There was a lot of dirt to remove and the workmen were doing this all the day. Only in k84 Su'ar continued to excavate, being a very small area and because we want to find the wall as soon as possible, in order to decide the next steps. In k84 we found a very compact floor f46, and under it the beginning of the brickfall f52 and f53. Today after breakfast dH went home to work on the computers. -sy today following markers were removed: m4720, m2835, m3830, m4717, m3833, m3838. k 84 dy today we removed the floor surface f46, which was found the day before. It was very compact and hard to remove and came out in big chunks, and once removed we found a lot of pieces of bricks and brick melt. This surface covered another compact surface with bricks and some ashes and few carbons: this is f52, which is the beginning of the brickfall at elevation of 9023@ top. I decided to remove the first 10 cm of this, to see if under this there is a structure. It continue to be bricks and the surface was full of bricks located in different direction, building any kind of organized surface. I decided to change feature, being this different in quantity of brick, and more clearly a brickfall. It is f53, and is characterized by a slope going to North and at least 10 bricks of different dimensions and color (mostly are red, but there are also grey bricks). We took views of this surface v28 and relayed it. we went down for two other pick runs and the brickfall continued. This means that we are above a kind of a mudbrick structure that collapsed. The pottery is all mixed, some khabur, mittani, phase 23 sherds. -sg In k84 we found at the elevation of 9023@top a brickfall. This was seen in the East section of k200 (in a view of the German documentation): it was clear that at the elevation of circa 9100@ and 9000@ was a brickfall. We do not know from were and what it is, but we can suspect that it is coming from a structure to the south of the wall f130. We have not found the wall till now, but it is showing for the first row in section of J2k100 and bonds with f129. pC has the impression that this brickfall is coming from South-East, instead gB thinks that a structure is located against the wall f130 and collapsed on itself: therefore we suppose to find the structure in k84 and k85. In J4 we could not find any kind of brickfall, but only bricks in f121 at 9011@ in J4k100 (it is the northern part of k84), which probably belongs to the brickfall, but is not the real brickfall .rd S726 .ri pC .ed S726 .ri pC k 85 dy today we cleaned the surface of f37, since was exposed for few days. k 75 dy today we cleaned the surface of k75 f42, since was exposed for few days. k 74 dy today we finished to remove the East baulk of k74 and we finished cleaning all the squares k 84 dy Today in the early morning I looked in the section to check if the brickfall slopes; it is clear that the surface is flat, and Su'ar probably excavated for mistake as a slope. We continued removing the brickfall f53 which is still full of bricks but building any coherent shape, as a wall. hB analyzed the pottery coming from f53 and it is Phase 33. Before breakfast fAB came to see the brickfall and he looked in section showing us that there are some bricks with mortar in between. Also the brickfall is much more full of bricks than before. We have the feeling that we are reaching a sructure. I decided to change feature number, relay it and photograph, which is v29. The new feature is f55: fAB suggested to dig in a trench large 50 cm and long 2m along the West section, going down for 30 cm: in this way we should see a wall from the section. We proceeded like this but we found only the end of the brickfall after 20 cm. Under it there is a mud surface, hard and sloping south. This remembers me to J4f121 in J4k100, which is also sloping South and was orange-brown. We did not remove it and today we did not expose it all. -sg We are still looking for the wall f130 which should be at 8950@ top elevation. We are very closed to it and we will keep going excavating in k84 till we find the wall. Today we found under the brickfall f55 a surface sloping South. This is very similar to J4f121 and probably is the same feature. The slope in J4k100 was an indication that South of the slope in k84 was the wall or a boundary. Now that we have the continuation in k84 of the slope we can suspect that there is any wall, or that the slope covers the wall. In two days we will remove the West baulk of k84 in order to find the first part of it which is seen in section and follow it. f 129 df w ds Stone wall with North/West-South/East orientation in J2k85, J2k84 and J2k83 and k84. It runs along the staircase J2f130 and it abuts it. f129 consists of large and regular stones, which presents flat sides. It bonds with f130, the wall running East-West direction. On the top of it there is a row of large stones, which belongs to a repair made in Mittani time, which we call 'memory stones' f127 pr Being the wall belonging also to J6 we decided to assign the same feature number of J2 for practical reasons (see also J2f129) f 130 df w lc k84 ds Stone wall running East-West in k84. It is made of large regular stones with flat sides. On the top are several stones which belong to a later repair of the wall in Mittani time, which we call 'Memory stones' f128 f 128 df w ds This is the upper row of the stone wall f130 with East-West orientation in k84. It is part of a repair dated to Mittani period, which we call 'Memory stones' f 127 df w ds This is the upper row of the stone wall f129 with North-South orientation in k84. It consists in large rough stones with a flat surface. It is dated to mittani, and was laid when the wall f129 was no more visible ar This wall is part of a larger reconstruction phase of the temple terrace, when the revetment wall was almost all covered by natural accumulation in Mittani period; to remember that in the place was a wall (f129) and to keep the function of the boundary to the sacral space, stones were added to mark the edge: f127 was also a part of this rebuilding phase. The mittani glacis f63 goes under the stones of f127.