.bk J06 .fl S729pc.j .fd daily journal .ed S729 .ei pC .rd S729 .ri pc ; on ZJ109 by pC f74 loci -dy today we excavated in all loci (k84, k85, k75, k74) and we continued excavating the same feature as yesterday, f65, f69, f60, f68. We also excavated the brickmelt f74, removing the first 10 cm. After breakfast dH and eA stayed at home making object description and templates. Today we begin also to excavate in J7, which is a new Unit West to k200 and is under the supervision of pC and J6 staff. -sg Today we removed the West baulk of k84 f69, same as f55 (brickfall) and we exposed the glacis f63: We found also a stone f62 to the south, which is at the same elevation as the southern stone of f127, and is flat and smooth as the stones of f127: after a meeting with gB, fAB and all J6 staff, pC decided to stop excavating in k84 and continue in all other loci: we will specially go down in k85 and reach the level of the glacis f63: we will tomorrow remove the baulks of k85. this will allow us to follow the glacis, which continues under the North baulk of k85 and see if the wall continues to the south. -sy yesterday we get new markers: m4866, m4867, m4863, m4865, m4862, m4864, m4871 k 84 dy Today we finished removing the West baulk of k84, which is f69: it is the brickfall, same as f55, and it covered partly wall f127, the memory stones of f129. The brickfall covered also the glacis f63, slopeing towards South-West and has a hard surface with some small calcite pebbles. It is very similar to the late mud glacis in J3. f 63 df glacis ds The glacis in k84 covers all the square and slopes towards South-West, abutting the memory stones f127. It is a hard brown surface with some flat sherds and some calcite pebbles co pink c# 7.5YR 7/4 tc ab f127 k 85 dy Today we continued to excavate f60, which is an accumulation with some brick melt and is soft when picked. It abuts and covers f70, which is the brickmelt located in the northern and eastern part of the square. We decided to remove the first 10 cm of the brickmelt f70 to see if there is a clear brickfall or structure under it, but in the East part disappeared and continued in the northern. We removed also the northern part and under seems to be a mixture of f60 and f70. This is probably due to the fact that the brickmelt mixes up with other accumulation. Therfore all k85 at the end of the day was uniform of red melted bricks and patches of softer soil. In the southern part of the square there is a complete grind stone, probably still in situ. k 74 dy Today we continued to excavate f65, the accumulation aganist the presumed structure in bricks, which is still brickmelt f64. f65 is a mixture of brick melt, pieces of bricks and lot of pottery. After removing f65 we found an homogeneus layer of brickmelt f72; while excavating was very similar to f65, therefore i suppose is still a mixture of brickmelt and soil. It is very similar to f60 in k85, which presents a similar situation to k74. after a meeting with fAB we decided to remove the top 5 cm of f64, in order to see if there is a brickfall or a wall. It was very useful because we saw a clear line of bricks with South direction. After a meeting with gB, fAB and all J6 staff, we instead decided to keep f64 and to excavate to the west f72 to search for the face of a wall. After removing f72 we encontered in the northern part of the square an accumulation without bricks and sloping west. It is f73 and we still did not excavated. Today mKB analyzed the pottery for f59 and f65 and it is all Mittani f 72 ds It is an accumulation aganist the brickmelt f64, very similar to f65, above it: it is crumbly and characterized by the presence of melted bricks, pieces of tannur, some carbons and lots of pottery f 59 tc co f64 tc ov f65 f 65 tc co f72 tc co f73 tc ab f64 k 75 dy today we continued removing f68, which is a mixture of soil and brick melt, very similar to f60 in k85 and to f65 in k74. It abuts f71, which is the brickmelt. The brickmelt shows no clear shape of complete bricks or walls, therfore i decided to remove the first 10 cm with the big pick, clean and then remove other 5 cm with the small pick and trowel, making a flat surface: this allow us to see the face of the bricks and to see if there is mortar in between. f 61 tc co f68 ;tc co f71 f 49 >l f38 >l f37 >l f43 >l f42 f 74 df ly ds f74 is located in loci k85, k75, k74 and is a brickmelt, which has an irregular shape and is very uniform in all loci. Brickmelt is the first stage of the melting of the bricks exposed to water and sun: the hard compact surface is due to the sun that dries the melted bricks. The brickmelt cobers the brickfall >l f64 >l f71 >l f70 lc k75 f 74 lc k74 f 74 lc k85 f 55 co reddish yellow c# 7.5YR 7/6 f 69 co pink c# 7.5YR 7/4 f 71 tc co f82