.bk J06 .fl S802pc.j .fd view ds dy f ds .ed S802 .ei pc .rd S802 .ri pC v 2 ds This view was taken before beginning to excavate in J6, which is located above the high section cut by the german team of the university of Tübingen in 1998-2002. This view intent to show the section which will be partly removed from J6 and is important because shows partly the stratigraphy for J6. The section shows that for two meters there are natural accumulations and at the elevation of the big stone in the middle there is a brickfall. -dy Today we cleaned well all the area and take overall views. we excavated in k85 the brickfall f75 and f86, in k75 the brickmelt f82 and removed f78, in k74 we excavated the brickmelt f64 and we found a pit in the Nort-East corner f87. We also finished to remove a small part of baulk in k84 f69, which is the brickfall. Ahuar was cleaning the northern part of the section of k200. k 84 dy today was removed a small piece of the western baulk f69, which was left over to keep the stones of f127: today we decided to remove it because the stones are not in danger to fall down. Removing this piece of brickfall f69, was clear that the glacis f63 ends on the lower stones of f127. Probably the glacis continued also for some cm to the west, because it seems cut by the trench k200: this part was excavated as a trench by the german team of Tübingen; it runs Sud-North (see introduction to J6 and MDOG 134 2002 for more information). In the Eastern section of k200 is possible to see the continuation of the glacis to the south: the indication is that on top of this presumed slope seen in section sits the brickfall ^bf2. Under this line the stratigraphy changes drastically. -sg we will excavate in k85 removing the brickfall until the glacis f63. We will see how to continue as we expose much as possible of the glacis. k 85 dy Today we removed the upper part of the western baulk f85, which is soft. We decided still to keep the remaing part of the baulk because shows nicely the brickfall. We excavated the brickfall f75 and f86. f75 is the same of f53 and f86 is the same as f55, which covers the glacis f63. At the end of the day we uncovered some large stones. k 74 dy We started to remove the brickmelt f64, beginning from East; we removed also the presumed andiron; there were only fragments and not decorated. In the northern part we found a pit that cuts the brickmelt f64: it is filled by a very soft brown soil with few pottery; at the top of the pit there is a thin line of ash. We did not excavated all the pit, being half of it in the northern baulk. Therefore we decided to remove the baulk: it is f88 and the topmost part is very soft and corresponds to f59. f 73 ds it is a dark brown soil which is located in the northern part of k74 under f72. It is soft and fine in texture. k 75 dy Today we removed the brickmelt f82, which is very hard: is still alternig to have softer patches to harder ones and alterns hard surfaces to softer ones, very similar to a brickfall; this is probably due to different periods of exposure to the water and sun, which melted the bricks and then dried it out. To the East there is a part which is different and harder than f82. this is f78, which has some small stones, pebbles and some bricks. I differentiated from the brickmelt, being this more an accumulation than brickmelt. f 76 ds it is part of a wall in the South-East corner of k73. dy f76 It was already excavated by J4 in season 2006, but being probably related to the brickmelt f64, we decided to assign a number and clean it f 79 ds f79 is the accumulation under the floating stone f89 in k64 pb we do not have the feature number of the stone, which was left over by J4 excavation. We assigned a new number to it but we did not relay it and therefore we have not the elevation.