.bk J06 .fl S819pc.j .fd daily .ei pC .ed S819 .rd S819 .ri pC -dy Today we finished to dig in k86 and k87: we decided to do this in order to focus on k84 and k85, where we hope to reach the goal for this season: founding the wall f130. We finished to remove the North baulk of k86, which is f146 and then we changed the feature number in f148 which is the ashy layer. We then begin to dig in k85, where Suár and Fahed are the pickmen. we removed the floor f135 and the glacis f110 and the accumulation under it f148. in k84 we continued to dig as yesterday the ash f142. -wk Today lot of workmen were moved from J6 to J7: the workmen for the last week of excavation in J6 are: in k84 AKarim, Táer, Habib, Kamiran, Somar; in k85 Suar, Fahed, Khaled, Riad, Yaser, Ahmed, Khaled. -sg We decided yesterday to concenrtrate the excavation only in k85 and k84: k85 for the moment is a 3.50x3.50 m square; we are restricting the area of J6 to get faster to the bottom of the wall f130 and to find what kind of stratigraphy we have East of the wall f128 and South of f130: there is for sure a boundary between North (J4k100) and South (k85 and k84): we want to understand wether the boundary is the wall f130 which continues toward east under the North baulk of k84 or we have another kind of boundary. k 85 dy Today we started in k85: we removed the floor f135 and then the glacis which is located in the western part of the square (f110). Then in all the locus was found a soft brown accumulation with few pottery f148 f 135 ds f135 is a floor located under the glacis f110 in the East part of k85. It is characterized by a massive presence of sherds lying flat and some pebbles (>3cm) tc ov f148 f 110 tc ov f135 tc ov f148 f 146 ds the brickfall in the North baulk of k86 same as f136 in k86 tc co f149 f 149 ds the ashy layer under the brickfall f146 in the northern baulk of k86; it is the same as f139 in k86 tc co f138 f 138 ds the glacis in k86 which covers all the locus and slopes sharply toward West. It has a hard compact surface and is damaged in some points. It is the same as f118. ;v ;57 w E gk84,gk85,gk74,gk75,gk86 gf118,gf127,gf130,gf123,gf100,gf101,gf118 ;57a t E gk84,gk85,gk74,gk75,gk86 gf118,gf127,gf130,gf103,gf100,gf101,gf99 This view shows a closer picture the glacis f118 which covers k84, k85, part of k75 and k74. In k74 is still visible some of the brickfall f103, which is in part covering it and slopes in the same direction as the glacis. The glacis abuts the stones f127 and finishes th ;57b t E gk84,gk85,gk86,gk74,gk75 gf118,gf103,gf117,gf90,gf97 this view shows the details of the glacis in the loci, and the ash layer in k75 which cuts the glcis, and shows the brick fall above the glacis in k74. It shows also the ash layer in the southern section of k85 and k75 which are sloping towred each other but do not meet. ;57d t E gk84 gf110,gf121 This view shows a close picture of the glacis f110 in k85 to show the pebble patch which it sits in f110. ;57c t S gk75 gf97,gf107 This view shows the ash layer f97 which abuts the glacis f107 .It shows the ash layer in the southern and eastern section in k74. ;57f t S gk85,gk75 gf90,gf118,gf97,gf121 This view showsa close picture the glacis in two loci and the component of the glacis.The ash layer abuts the glacis in k75. ;57e t S gk75,gk85,gk74 gf90,gf97,gf118,gf103 This view shows the glacis in the loci and the brickfall which is covering it in k74 .the ash in the southern section in k85,k75 which are going towred each others but they don’t meet in any point . .ed S819 .ei cVP .rd S819 .ri cVP -dy At k85 the W baulk was removed yesterday (features f136 and f139), letting the surface at the level of the glacis, that still slope down to the west. There are two big stones alone. In the morning today we clean and do photo, and then dig everything up. Underneath,a brown soft soil. k 84 dy First in the morning we clean and photo the situation of the ashy layer f142 in relation with the upper brown one f141. Then we dig f141 trying to find the grey in the SW of the square. We identify the edges of f142 as a round area (maybe a dump?), that we relay and photograph, and later excavate almost completely. f 141 pr We uncover the rest of this brown soft layer that covered the ashy one f142. As the brown that now appear in the south area of the trench seems to be at a lower elevation that the layer of ashes, we change the feature number by f151. f 142 ds the ashy spot is composed by a group of different layers running almost horizontally, but slightly sloping down from the NE corner, alternating lenses of ashes, grey soil and brown soil. It contains a big quantity of pottery sherds and animal bones. The pottery seems also to be Khabur and possibly h23. ar The fact that it is found in a round area, going down to the center, and resting and abuting the brown soil around, along with the quantity of discarded sherds and bones, make us consider the possibility that it was a kind of dump. ;df dump tc ab f150 f 150 ds hard brown soil that was found under the glacis f132, but that also supports the ashy layer f142, which abuts to it. It has just been preserved in the NE area of the square, beside f142