.bk J06 .fl s823pc.j .fd feature ds and daily .rd S823 .ri pC .ed S823 .ei pC -dy Today we removed the north baulk of k84, which is mostly the pit f142. Then we cleaned all the section of J4k100 and saw if J4f150 is continuing in section in k84, but is sloping sharply and we still did not reached it. Then we removed the West baulk of k84, excavating it in different features: before we removed the glacis f63 and we found under it a sherd floor same as f135 in k85 and f140 in k84. In k85 we still are removing natural accumulations f154 f 134 ds f134 it is the cleaning of the North section of J4k100, which is in k83 (see introduction to k84). f 133 ds a large stone located in the middle of k87 sitting in f131. It has a flat smooth surface f 137 ds a concentration of floating stones spread in all k86 in the brickfall f136. They consist in stones and 3 door sockets. They are at the same elevation and probably coming with the brickfall from the structure to the East. The same kind of stones were found in k74 f106, k75 f96, k85 f91. f 131 tc co f144 f 143 tc ab f144 f 144 ds a probable mudbrick wall located in the Southern end of k87: it has only one row of bricks and is 1 meter wide. It has a North-West South-East orientation. It interrupts in section (cut by the german trench, k200) ar looking in the section we did not find the continuation of the wall, therefore we suspected that it could be a wall but only belonging to the brickfall. The part exposed was too small tc ov f143 f 145 ds the brickfall in the west baulk of k85, covering the glacis and same as f86 tc co f110 f 148 ds f148 is a soft brown accumulation covering all k85. It is a wet and organic earth, same as f151 in k84 tc co f154 f 152 ds a probable wall consisting in a row of 5 large stones nr in section was visible only one stone, which was recorded as a floating stone f102. Once we removed the west baulk of k85, we discovered that was not an isolated stone but a wall. ar the stones are located at top elevation of 8937 and in J2 a similar wall j2f144 is located at 8960: probably these two walls belong to the same type of consrtuction, being 'courtain walls' located in front of the monumental access. It could be also the southern end of wall f101 el 8937@top f 157 el 8938@top f 156 tc co f157 f 158 df ld ds an accumulation covering all k85. It is a wash layer being full of small pebbles (>1cm) and soft in consistence f 154 tc co f158